Science and Technology Library

Chapter 868

The speed of one minute and ten days' rehearsal makes the situation of war rehearsal change very fast. After wielding troops to occupy Southeast Asia, LAN's steps did not stop, but arrow South Asia subcontinent.

It's amazing how fast you move.

The war situation in Southeast Asia has not been completely stable, so we will move our troops to South Asia.

Moreover, the speed of LAN's integration team and armed deployment is extremely fast, without thinking about it, but it has been carefully calculated. After the occupation of important towns, the next round of planning will begin without any respite.

The two teams, in LAN's hands, are greedy like hungry wolves, attacking endlessly.

The speed of computer calculation is very fast. The world map is turning blue at the speed of naked eye. With brain control instructions, one by one instructions are sent out from LAN.

It's been going on since the beginning.

The speed of terror.

As long as the strategy is released, Mo Nu's super quantum computer will deduce by itself according to the layout and strategy of both sides. The unique war algorithm created by Mo Nu will try to simulate the real war as much as possible in data.

The intelligence of the former operation Department of the March ant group has never stopped giving orders. The progress of the war is too fast. With the deduction speed of one minute and ten days, they need to constantly work out the best strategy.

Triggered by the conditions of North America's participation in the war, the large-scale North American army has joined the Pacific battlefield and is ready to collide with the army controlled by LAN.

Next, the Western Pacific will become the main battlefield.

Wang Hai frowned.

He overestimated Lan's strength to the greatest extent, but still underestimated the other side.

This horrible layout speed makes his scalp numb.

He didn't have any information about LAN. He didn't know about LAN. LAN certainly didn't have any information about them. But Lan's layout is terrible. He almost aims at the bright side. His strategic scope is too large. He goes all the way west along the coast of Southeast Asia.

It seems that the other side can know the weak position of these areas in advance, and there is little resistance.

The war in South Asia began.

South Asia, long enslaved by the Commonwealth, is vulnerable to attack in front of the division of tigers and wolves. At this time, the Commonwealth is tired of dealing with the war in Europe. In just ten minutes, on the war sand table, the South Asian subcontinent turned blue.

The real time is 100 days, less than four months, the whole South Asia fell.

They even have time to think about effective strategies.

Massacre, enslavement, rule, 20 minutes, long-term colonial rule of South Asia fell into Lan's control, a * * region began to change color, is spreading.

A terrible means.

LAN grabs the whole South Asia, but for South Asia, it's just a more ferocious master.

At this moment, the watchers are all the same, because in the region where South Asia is located, the number of soldiers and weapons controlled by LAN is rising crazily.

A deep chill swept the whole war sand table.

"He wants to control the Middle East and surround Asia." Wang Haixin's strategic goal is to "mobilize the Soviet forces to block his steps"

Once the other side controls the Middle East, the consequences are unimaginable.


the situation changes in a moment. Although there are changes in small parts, on the whole, people can see that the blue area is still expanding.

"It's dangerous." Chen Mo said softly, still looking at the sand table: "Asia is dangerous here."

"Why?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"You can see the number of spies LAN sent in Southeast Asia and the strength of the two sides. He did not control the areas, all of which were in civil war, making full use of the internal contradictions in his area, while the main coastal areas were under control.

He is very reasonable in the overall planning of population, soldiers, weapons and equipment, logistics and construction. In terms of money expenditure and scheduling, he has achieved reasonable allocation and the fastest construction speed. And he controls major island chains in the Western Pacific, cutting off North American arms and equipment assistance channels to Asia. "

Chen Mo points to the sand table to explain to Xiaoyu.

"This is a war sand table game, similar to the" Red Alert ", but the settings, rules and variables are tens of thousands of times more difficult than the red alert, which requires a lot of strategies and coordination. Wang Hai put thousands of commanders in charge of local war decision-making, while the staff of the war department coordinated the overall situation and general direction decision-making. And LAN, there is only one person. "

People think that the war is between LAN and Wang Hai, but anyone who wants to find out is Lan alone, facing the whole staff of the March ant group.

Other observers felt that things were not right.

Although they don't understand war, they have heard it more or less. The war emphasizes the harmony between the time and the place, and the time is unpredictable. The overall interests of the land are inclining to the haze. The major powers in Asia, let alone the people, are all in civil war.

On LAN's side, almost every two minutes, it will slowly advance a little.

Boil the frog in warm water.

It is full of subtlety and quirky calculation. It has a certain degree of advance and retreat, which makes people completely elusive of style."Europe is over."

Chen Mo looks at the other end of the war sand table. After the collision of a big battle, Europe's territory became blue at a faster speed. Only a few small places are surviving. Europe is over.

At this time, the distance from the beginning of the exercise is more than one hour, according to conversion, less than two years. In a short time, a variety of advanced weapons and equipment have emerged.

There are only three main battlefields left, North America, Western Europe and Asia.


Europe is over.

When the spectators saw that the map of Europe was blue, they felt a lingering chill. If the war of history let LAN do it, I'm afraid the history of the earth will be rewritten.

"What do you think he will do next?" The old man who was crowded suddenly opened his mouth.

"Reorganize the team." Zuoqian, who has been standing quietly beside the old man, finally said, "he is brewing a war, and then the key is to have a good play."

Zuoqianyi opens his mouth, and many of the spectators on the field turn their eyes to the sand table.

They saw that on the sand tables of various battlefields, teams were gathering and reorganizing, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Northeast Asia, Western Pacific island countries, Europe and the Mediterranean.

Everyone is not calm. It's terrible to have such a large-scale team reorganization and scheduling. What a terrible overall planning ability it takes to lay out all this calmly.

LAN once again let the spectators see, what is planning.

From large scale to terrible strategic scheduling and reorganization, the defensive positions of different arms are mobilized, and the defense is arranged from the new layout, which makes everyone feel cool.

However, when people marveled at LAN's terrible scheduling ability, they found a more terrible fact.

It doesn't take long for later supplies, weapons, equipment and technology. LAN seems to have thought of all this in advance, and arranged everything that needs to be prepared in advance.

In just five minutes, millions of personnel scheduling, originally people can not see clearly the scheduling, in the eyes of all slowly forming. The speed of team integration is so fast that when the team integration is completed, the spectators are shocked.

All naturally, it seems that all this, for LAN, is just a trivial thing.

As long as the team is reorganized, it is a general meeting battle between the two sides.

LAN's tactical layout is without any drag.

Iron and steel torrent, paratroopers, infantry, cavalry, air force and, navy and artillery, interspersed arms, each region's team has its own differences.

As the team was reorganized, a cold atmosphere filled the audience. This war sand table, as if let them see another end of history.

I'm glad that it wasn't the end of this year, and I'm looking forward to the next development.

A whole new situation.

At the time of LAN's team integration, there is a completely different situation branch in the world map, and the color is bright and very conspicuous.

The darker the color is, the stronger the forces are. The onlookers can visually confirm the layout of both sides. Only the participants in the war deduction of both sides can judge the deployment of each other and predict the next strategy of the other according to the information they receive.

This is information asymmetry in war.

Information asymmetry is also a means of game, so information is particularly important.

Although this is a "primitive" war model, it has very delicate requirements for tactics and decision-making. It is not as rough as a cosmic war. A dozen is a galaxy.

The use of various strategies makes LAN enjoy it. It's interesting to treat this deduction as a kind of entertainment and keep sensitive to the details of the war.

Those single fight games of war division a are weak and explosive.

Only the war operation of this strategy is the real game, the game of strategists.

"This game, it's over." LAN looked at the sand table and the layout of the marked opponent, grinned and left the last instruction.