Science and Technology Library

Chapter 843

The endless sea civilization enters an unknown stellar system, in which there is a way to leave Agana. The news spread like a storm across the galaxy, exposing even the coordinates of Chen Mo's star system.

Once out, escape from the life of the main star of lycopene, and change their direction one after another, to gather in Chen Mo's stellar system.

Nowadays, as a closed swamp, the struggle of divine civilization is spreading beyond the star system, and more and more star systems are destroyed. At this time, the endless sea civilization is undoubtedly a life to escape.

The endless sea civilization has the ability of prophecy. In other life guesses, the endless sea civilization should predict the safety of the stellar system. Only when there is a way to escape, can it choose to stay.

There is a steady stream of spaceships, and every life on the spaceship looks panic, with a hope in its eyes.

Chen Mo and Shuiling stare at the shadow frequency detected by radar.

Neither of them looks very well.

The quantum radar of the spaceship of the endless sea civilization shows that, taking the stellar system as the center, in three light days, there are various kinds of light speed spaceships flying towards their stellar system like locusts. The number of them is numbing and increasing.

"Mo Nu, start the highest level of combat readiness. Any unauthorized spacecraft will be destroyed once it enters the solar system."


As soon as the command is down, all weapons deployed in the solar system will be activated. A steady stream of public channel electromagnetic wave warnings and quantum information warnings are sent to the Shigan galaxy.

Shuiling is also very decisive. She does not hesitate to let the fleet of endless sea civilization follow Chen Mo's instructions and join the guard of the stellar system.

The battle armour division of endless sea civilization has no objection, obeys Chen Mo's instruction and joins the guard team. If we let the incoming spacecraft enter the stellar system, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Trouble for sir." Water Ling light said.

They knew in their hearts that the accident was caused by them. Someone was staring at them, and now exposed the location of Chen Mo's star.

"By choosing to let you stay, you're ready to take the trouble." Chen Mo didn't care.

Both were silent.

Now it's just the beginning. The news that endless sea civilization is stationed here has spread, and there will be a continuous stream of life converging here in the future.

The special prophetic power of the endless sea civilization gives these homeless people a little more hope, so they will come back spontaneously without any encouragement.

There are nine trillion intelligent lives in the main star of Lycoris, not including the affected star systems around.

There are more than 10 billion people who have successfully escaped from their lives in light speed spaceships, all of them are dignitaries, civilized nobles, rich people or powerful armour divisions. Ordinary intelligent life without speed of light spacecraft is still far behind. That part is at least trillions, which is the most terrible.

The outer space of the stellar system and the outer space of the stellar system are densely covered with various space-based weapons, war robots and nano robots. Without warning, there is only one spacecraft that enters the stellar system without permission and stops.

But it's not easy to catch a little wisdom life of survival and free hope, but we will not listen to these warnings in our ears and embrace the fluke psychology that we are lucky people.

Chen Mo and Shuiling's eyes fell on the warning radar at the same time, with a calm expression.

Shuiling needless to say, the genius of divine civilization, one of the future heirs, low-level life for her, such as ants, she would not care about those lives. Chen Mo, accustomed to the wind and rain, would not pity the innocent of these wars, because in the universe, especially in the face of war, compassion has no value.

This is a bloody reality.

Locust like spacecraft finally flew into the edge of the star system's blockade zone.


The explosion was carried out in space, and the fire burst like a destroyed fireworks. More than a dozen spaceships first entered the blockade area and exploded, with tens of thousands of lives inside. All of them died in the horrible high temperature of antimatter bombs.

As soon as they enter the blockade area, they will be destroyed together with all life inside.

Most of the light speed spacecrafts are manned transport spacecrafts. In addition to the protection system for the protection of space meteorites, there are no other weapons. In front of space-based weapons, there is no resistance at all.


The explosion continues. Hundreds of spaceships burst like balloons. In space, there was no sound of explosion, and they were destroyed in an instant.

Chen Mo and Shuiling look calm, like watching moths fighting fire.

After receiving all kinds of explosion warnings, some spaceships began to slow down and hover outside the stellar system. They were afraid to enter.

There are more and more hovering spacecraft outside the stellar system. Unlucky spacecraft directly collide, disintegrate in space, and the life that survives inside will float in space wearing battle armor.

Finally stop, in Chen Mo thought the end, change suddenly.

Nearly 500 large spaceships hovering outside the stellar system have their doors open, and dense machines like wasps have been launched, swarming into the galaxy.Obviously, those 500 spaceships are camouflaged spaceships, and the robot technology is not low.

The spacecraft is easy to attack, but these robots are relatively troublesome, too many, obviously well prepared.

"Dark flame." Seeing the design style of the machine and the black flame mark, Shuiling subconsciously blurted out: "it's the animal of the dark forest civilization."

To dark forest those kind of animal race, water Ling is familiar again. She is very clear about the design style and logo. She can see it at a glance.

"They should have spread the news."

Shuiling looks ugly.

"Here we are." Chen Mo looked coldly at the spaceship that put the robot. He was not surprised. He stood still and said, "Mo Nu, put the war robot."

The war robots deployed on the edge of the stellar system and in the space are all released, flying towards the direction of the robots coming in at a high speed. There is no intention to make the robots of the other side close to the star system and fight again.

Chen Mo's reaction was obviously much faster than the other side expected.

Ten minutes later, the war machines of both sides finally approached and collided at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second.

The battle of millions of war robots is spectacular.

Battle, explosion and laser are rampant in space, and the intruding robot is blocked by the war robot.

Nanobots don't work at this level of combat.

With the development of the universe alliance, the unique attributes of various technologies and tools have been exhausted. Nano robots are good for construction in peacetime. But as a weapon, it is not very useful to meet well-trained and prepared teams.

When the electromagnetic pulse of terror and the electromagnetic pulse bomb against the nano robot erupt in the battle, all the nano robots passing by can be destroyed. Nano machines without electromagnetic pulse protective shell are like fleas jumping into magma in front of high-energy electromagnetic pulse.

For Chen Mo's defense, the attacker was obviously a little unexpected, and the speed of putting in the machine accelerated abruptly. And when the other party put the machine recklessly, the spaceship suddenly exploded and turned into a mass of space debris.

"What did you do to destroy those ships?" Shuiling asked in surprise.

Chen Mo smiled and said, "the most taboo in war is to attack the fortress heavily arranged by the enemy without knowing what weapons and means the enemy has.". In the war robot, there are stealth robots, which can evade the detection of quantum radar and touch those ships to attack. "

Shuiling put herself in the position of the enemy to find a solution. After thinking for a long time, she did not find a feasible way to break through the galaxy except for the strong attack.

Now the stellar system is a fortress.

The only way to do that is to use space weapons and weapons of destruction of the speed of light to attack and destroy the entire stellar system.

But speed of light weapons and space weapons are generally only controlled by the military of various civilizations. Once space weapons and light speed destruction weapons are used, it means that the military will participate in the fight and a comprehensive war will break out.

In the command post of their spacecraft, they can intuitively understand the actual situation of the whole battlefield.

The most direct collision of intelligent robots, there is no fancy and redundant skills, destroying each other is the purpose, very tragic, the robot's stumps are floating in space.

"If it's dark forest civilization, they should do more than that?" Chen Mo looks at the battle doubtfully.

Water Ling agrees to nod: "the life of dark forest civilization is very cunning, not so simple."

As soon as the words came down, the alarm sounded suddenly, and Chen Mo looked at the shadow frequency of the alarm.