Science and Technology Library

Chapter 842

Shuiling and Guixiang observe the situation of the stellar system all the way. They can find out all kinds of intelligent weapons, but they have already found out. They don't know how many of them have not yet been found.

This stellar system is quite a fortress. If we don't use space destruction weapons and break it from the outside, it will take a lot of thought.

Thermal weapons explode in space with little damage.

Nano robots are eroding asteroids and meteorites in space, and building various weapons and machines.

Shuiling and Guixiang have seen the world, and can't help but wonder.

There are not many people in this stellar system, but its technological strength is no less than that of a top civilization. When did Shi Ganxing have such a power? The whole system is not known.

It seems that this stellar system is not as simple as they think.

During the 7 billion kilometer flight, Shuiling was calm. She was found according to the teacher's advice. The object was a little special, because the teacher predicted that it could help her to leave shiganxing.

If it is common, Shuiling will be strange.

But the fear in the heart of the tortoise elephant is like the earthquake that set off the tsunami. I thought the target they were looking for was common. Maybe there was a special space for turbulence, but now he doesn't think so.

The owners here are masters of science and technology no less than the top forces.

All kinds of floating robots and space-based weapons in space can be clearly felt even when flying in space.

"Two, please follow me."

A war robot appears beside them, greets them and leads them to Saturn.

"Top AI?" Seeing the war robot, the face of the tortoise and elephant under the armour changes.

Top level artificial intelligence is a tool mastered by top level civilization. This kind of thing is very dangerous, but also very practical.

In the history of the development of cosmic civilization, there has been a top-level artificial intelligence mutiny of intelligent life accident, occupying three galaxies, wantonly developing war, to eliminate the natural life in the universe, and finally be blocked by the divine civilization Galaxy space, put in a large number of intelligent virus program signals, then the top-level artificial intelligence will be destroyed.

"There are antimatter factories and dark matter factories."

Seeing the location of antimatter and dark matter accumulation indicated by the radar of battle armour, the face of the tortoise elephant changes again and again, and it doesn't calm down for a moment. Antimatter factory is a technology mastered by the top civilization. For the sake of technology monopoly, even the high civilization is blocked.

Dark matter is rarer. Only God level civilization and some top civilizations have it. In order to monopolize, several dark matter extraction technologies have joined the dark matter club to realize the dark matter monopoly of the whole universe alliance.

Now they see dark matter factories and antimatter factories here.

There is no doubt that this is a stellar system occupied by a top civilization.

The face of the tortoise elephant is changeable. Shuiling is a lot calmer, but as she gets closer, her eyes become more and more concentrated. The layout and technology of this stellar system also shock her.

She is sure that this is not the base of divine civilization.

She didn't know what kind of power the life the teacher predicted belonged to.

Before long, Shuiling and Guixiang met the people they wanted to see. They look at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo looks at them as well.

Shui Ling and the tortoise's face changed.

The divine life of the endless sea civilization is more or less sensitive to the future, including danger. The feeling Chen Mo and Jingge gave them was extremely terrible.

Their magnetic field is no less than that of their teacher.

Just now, in the holographic video frequency call, Shuiling just felt Chen Mo was special. Now, in close contact, that kind of magnetic field will be so clear.

When are top masters like teachers so common? As soon as they appear, they are two, and they look so young. Shuiling and tortoise elephant are shocked.

Chen Mo is not surprised to see all kinds of strange aliens and the endless sea like sea people in the shape of fishmen in front of him.

"What can I do for you, gentlemen? Just say it."

"Sir, how can I leave the system?" Shuiling arranges the shocking mood and cuts into the theme.

At least Chen Mo's life magnetic field didn't disgust her like the animals of dark forest civilization, but it was a very comfortable feeling.

Chen Mo's eyes narrowed and Jingge's eyes were fixed on them.

Feeling that the atmosphere is not right, Shuiling then opened her mouth to explain: "we have the prophetic ability of the endless sea. The teacher predicted that there is a way to leave shiganxing here. He came here specially without malice. Life with the ability of prophecy does not lie, otherwise it will affect the conscious operation of the brain and weaken the ability of prophecy. "

Sensing the special life magnetic field of Chen Mo and Jingge, Shuiling's original sense of superiority of divine life disappears and becomes more cautious. She also knew that these two people in front of her might be divine life, otherwise they would not give her this feeling.


Chen Mo is very surprised that the God level life of the endless sea civilization has this special ability, and he contacts for the first time.

"We do have a way out of the system. What do you want to do?""We can stay, sir. When you leave, sir will take us with you. " Said Shuiling.

"As far as I know, there are technologies and methods to leave the divine civilization. Why don't you find your own way?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

Shuiling looked directly into Chen Mo's eyes and said, "I want to build it myself, but the teacher asked me to come here. If it is convenient for you to do so, infinite sea would be grateful. "

Chen Mo thinks about the advantages and disadvantages.

Endless sea civilization and dark forest civilization, he heard of some in shiganxing.

Now the dark forest is also in the stone sweet star, leaving endless sea life, which may attract dark forest hostility, but at the same time, it will also get the friendship and help of endless sea civilization.

Endless sea foresees that there is a way for him to leave the stone sweet star, which may not have no cause and effect.

"You can stay, but on condition." Chen Mo said.

"Sir, you say." Shuiling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your fleet and personnel, including you, should obey my command and arrangement before leaving. On this condition, you are not allowed to leave. " Chen Mo said.

"Master Shuiling, here..."

"Good." Tortoise elephant just want to say what, be interrupted by water Ling, agree without hesitation.

The teacher's prediction and close contact make Shuiling choose to believe Chen mo.

They have the special power of prophets in the endless sea. Once awakened, the prophets will not lie about what is predicted, but will choose to believe what is predicted. If you don't believe what you foresee, let alone let other life believe it, it will affect brain activity, leading to the weakening and inaccuracy of their ability.

Chen Mo takes a high look at Shuiling's determination.

The endless sea civilization did not show its superiority. At least on this point, they did not make Chen Mo resent it.

"Let all of you come in."

Aud drank the scarlet drink in his hand, his fingers were as rough as crocodile skin, his glasses were crushed to pieces, his eyes were wild and wild.

On his armor, he can see a black flame sign clearly, which is the sign of dark forest civilization.

Aud's mouth was like a dinosaur's. he stretched out his long tongue to lick the scarlet drink left at the corner of his mouth, shook the glass slag in his hand, and his eyes fell on the hologram frequency: "are you sure that all the seafood from the endless sea civilization are in this star system?"

"Make sure that this stellar system is undergoing a large-scale transformation, possibly with a space connector under construction." The lion's head next to him replied.

"Ha ha, it's interesting." Oder grabs a drink again, squints his big round eyes into a slit, flashing a sinister light: "spread the information about the seafood of endless sea civilization in this stellar system, let the whole galaxy know, let them busy."

Aud gave a strange sneer, full of banter.