Science and Technology Library

Chapter 830

Dongdui looks at Chen Mo with a smile and is very friendly.

This is a big customer.

As the commercial director of black city, Chen Mo has been informed and hurried down since he bought dark matter.

Because dark matter, a special matter, is almost the top material in the universe. Generally, the top scientific research teams use this kind of material for research and development and preparation.

When he saw Chen Mo, his eyes lit up. He has been operating black city for a long time, and has seen countless people of various levels. This life with blue skin and sharp ears gives him a very special feeling. Moreover, the armour on the other side is definitely high-grade.

If the opponent doesn't have a faction, they can recruit for their own use.

After connecting Chen Mo's Zhan a communication, Zhan Jiafei starts and takes Chen Mo away from the black city building: "Sir, what level of Research Institute is needed?"

"What's the highest charge?" Chen Mo follows the East closely and pays attention to the black city below from time to time.

"The most advanced?" East tone a happy: "the most advanced institute is one hundred in case days, Mr. first time to come, we 20% discount."

Chen Mo uses the most advanced institute, which shows that what he wants to make must be blue class armor, which is already a senior armor designer. No matter where you go, senior war designers are rare talents.

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "let's rent for 15 days."

The two flew at a super speed of about 1600 kilometers before reaching their destination.

Below is a research project. From a high-altitude view, you can see hundreds of projects. Each project has a complete set, covering an area of more than 20 square kilometers. All the research here is for rent.

It has to be said that in the context of the universe alliance, many business models have become very special.

"Sir, may I introduce you to the use of research *?"

When Chen Mo and Chen Mo landed at the door of a senior research project, Dong introduced them enthusiastically. He guessed that Chen Mo might be a senior war armour designer, and he became more eager.

"Every advanced research * * has complete supporting equipment, from heavy industry to precision parts processing equipment, including material synthesis equipment. **With AI, if you are not sure about * *'s AI, you can embed your personal AI assistant in * *'s management system during the lease period.

Our research adopts a quantum security system, which is an indecipherable security system. During your research, all technical data will be protected by the quantum security system. Only your personal authorization and password can access the data. At the end of the lease, you only need to choose to delete the technical data stored during the use period, and it will disappear completely. No one can access your data, and there is no need to worry about data security. "

After the introduction, Dong hands Chen Mo an identity card.

"This is the ID card of advanced research * *. With this ID card, you can enter any laboratory of research * * and use all devices."

"Thank you." Chen Mo takes the ID card and looks at the research. In the earth, it takes a lot of energy and material resources to build the research * *, which can be rented here, and the equipment is complete.

"Sir, are the materials you purchased delivered directly to you for research?" Asked Dong.


"Well, sir, I wish you a good harvest." East guest set a sound, leave, now is not suitable to send a solicitation message, there are 15 days, he can slowly contact with each other.

After leaving East, Chen Mo contacted Zong Saturn 's Ash twenty-one.

"21. You go into the scanning room of the spaceship. I want to use your body data to customize a set of armor for you."

"Yes, sir." Grey 21 was overjoyed and nodded excitedly.

"Jingo, I will make armor here for 15 days. I will let the spacecraft fly back to Saturn. You should be careful. Recently, the situation is tight. Maybe many forces are looking for us. Please contact me if you need anything. " Chen Mo said to Jingge.

"Well." Jingge nodded lightly: "buy some snacks, potatoes."


hang up the communication, Chen Mo takes out a hard disk, inserts it into the management system, and begins to take over the artificial intelligence and robot control of * *.


crape myrtle civilization.

A black hole with a diameter of 40 million kilometers has been floating in space forever. In the light of the edge, the shadow part in the middle, like the hole of the universe, looks like the door to another universe.

Beyond the edge of the black hole, a space curvature spacecraft is floating in space, seemingly waiting for something.

Suddenly, a small black spot appeared from the black hole, a small special spacecraft.

The spaceship will soon stop beside the spaceship with curvature and open slowly. A tall figure appears on the spaceship, which is the purple rhyme disappeared for a period of time.

At this time, Ziyun's temperament has changed and become more cool. The purple fluorescence on her skin became brighter, mysterious and noble. A pair of purple eyes, still a million years old, seemed that nothing could arouse her a little mood fluctuation.The lines of the special tights are softer than before, and the figure is the perfect golden ratio.

Ziyun looks back at the black hole.

Looking at the present time, it has been several years. In the black hole, she just felt a moment.

The distorted space-time of black hole gravity makes her dream like a moment, in which there is endless pain and suffering. The gravity of terror rips every member of her body all the time. The torture of terror is indescribable. It seems that it can be ripped into a particle at any time.

"What can I do for you?" Ziyun asked coldly.

"Lord Ziyun, Lord Xingzhu ordered you to be exempted from punishment. There is a special task that needs you to carry out and make up for your mistakes." Purple eyes said in awe.

Somehow, he felt that purple rhyme had changed, a kind of transformation.

This black hole punishment seems to transform purple rhyme to a higher level. It used to feel that she was cool and noble. Now in front of her, she can clearly feel an invisible oppression.

"What task?"

"Zeki was killed. It's probably the war division of the cat man organization last time." Purple eyes put out the shadow frequency of the battle between Zeqi and Chen Mo, as well as the information about Chen Mo's appearance and battle armor.

"It's him." Purple rhyme cold purple eyes appear slight fluctuations.

Chen Mo is the life she met in qingmercury last time. At that time, she just felt special and didn't expect to see it again. It was this way.

Green Mercury's low-level life escapes from the control of the three eye civilization. It is suspected that the accomplice of the cat head man is missing due to the chaotic flow of space. Now kill Zeqi. Ziyun will simply run through the information about Chen mo.

"Shiganxing evil flame civilization successfully developed super power development technology. Zeqi, as an emissary, was killed in the battle with him." The purple order gives a brief account of the situation.

"The Lord of the stars let you go through the system of Lycoris and take the super power development technology."

When Zimu introduces the mission to Ziyun, the communication instrument of Zhanjia rings. Seeing the contact, Zimu looks tight, connects in a hurry, mumbles seriously for a few times, then hangs up the communication instrument and looks up to Ziyun.

"Has the task changed?" Ziyun asked coldly.

Purple goal expression is very serious: "just stone sweet star system returns a message, evil flame civilization releases big news."