Science and Technology Library

Chapter 829

"Lord thunder, the secret war Division A has news."

"Oh? Say it. "

Thunder closed the holographic screen in front of him and turned to look at the people.

Ke looked a little excited, for this time she found the news.

With the permission of thunderbolt, Ke quickly put the information in her hand into the projection of the room, and the message she wanted to say was on it. There are two pictures on the screen. If Chen Mo is here, he will definitely recognize them. They are his [free black ant] and Jingge's [beast].

"Whose armour is this?" Thunder looked at him and asked.

"This black and red armor is the one that killed Zeki."

Ke points out the picture of Chen Mo and Zeqi fighting, intelligently captures the shape of Chen Mo's battle armor, puts it on the contrast plate, and removes the coating, which has become very obvious.

The coating is changed, but the shape and structure are not changed.

"This war armour division is Chen mo. soon after he came to shiganxing, the information shows that he saved the prince of Lvhe civilization as soon as he arrived at shiganxing. In return, the king of Lvhe civilization sent him a small war armour company, named Xinxing war armour company. It is understood that he is also accompanied by a war division, but the strength is unknown. "

You can release all the information you find. This is when she got Zeqi's situation report. She found that Zeqi followed a black and red battle armour to leave in the battle armour trading city. She accidentally found that the shape of the battle armour was similar, so she wanted to compare it. Unexpectedly, she had such a big harvest.

Thunder began to ponder.

One of them is a top level expert, the other is unknown. All kinds of signs show that they may come from a top force, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Shi Ganxing is very busy and interesting.

For a long time, thunder raised his head: "do you know where they are now?"

"I don't know. Their whereabouts are unknown at present, but we have photos of them." Ke calls out two photos, which are Chen Mo and Jingge.

Thunder shook its head.

For him, photos are useless. Now it's too easy to change the appearance conditions. Some small technologies can be completed. If the other party wants to change the appearance, they can't find the other party by their appearance at all, and they are not sure whether this photo is the real appearance of the other party.

"Know the exposure, hide."

White spark looked at Chen Mo's and Jingge's armor, but his face was not good.

She has recognized that they are the two mysterious battle armour divisions who captured the target of evil flame civilization last time. Although they are painted differently, they have the same appearance. Last time, Jingge killed the senior war armour division of demon flame civilization, which made her feel the oppression of death and awe the whole arena. This time, Chen Mo killed the advanced armour division of Ziwei civilization.

They confirm Chen Mo's identity, and when they go to investigate, the other side is no longer Xinxing and company A. they dare not act rashly in order not to scare others.

Even if the other side is still hidden in the system of Lycoris, with a span of 100000 light-years, 300 billion stars and countless lives, they can't find it in a short time.

"Both of them are top class. It's a bit of a hassle." Egrets are a little hesitant.

Make sure that the other side is not the war armour division of the seven divine civilizations, which means that there is the eighth largest force to join in the chasing deer of Shi Ganxing. They didn't think it was a coincidence that they captured the target of evil flame civilization last time and killed the armour division of crape myrtle civilization this time.

Two top class armour divisions. They are the most powerful one among the current Shi Ganxing.

"Regardless of them, what's going on in the evil flame civilization?" Egret asked the intelligence personnel nearby.

"No big moves have been found for the time being, but we can be sure that the other party has hidden those R & D personnel." "We are all waiting for the conditions of negotiation from all civilizations," said the intelligence agent

"It should be to hide the chips and increase the negotiation capital." Said the egret coldly.

Evil flame civilization is all they have to do. When they negotiate, they will announce the news, and then they will attract people from other six civilizations. They will thoroughly muddle the water of Lycoris, so as to maximize their profits.

I have a big appetite, and I'm not afraid to support myself.


when the communicator rings, seeing the incoming call display, the egret looks all right and turns on the projection of the communicator.

A beautiful woman appeared in the light, with fox ears, eyes full of charming, eyes wave like water, women's sexy clothes, the front of the white gully, very tempting.

Charming and noble style, in the perfect integration of women, let people see on the face of shame.

Seeing the half Orc woman in the light curtain, egret looks full of respect and bows to salute: "madam."

"Fox female nods:" stone sweet star how is the situation now

"The situation is a little tense. They all have their own plans and plans." Egret said: "we found that the war armour division that killed Ziwei civilization Zeqi may be a top-level war armour division, as well as a companion, or a top-level war armour division. The last time the evil flame civilization escaped, they took it. At present, it is speculated that it may be an eighth party force. "

Egret puts Chen Mo's photos and battle armor materials on the projection light screen."Oh? It was an accident. " "If there is an eighth party, there will be one more variable, but it doesn't matter. You will follow the plan I gave you."

"Yes, ma'am." Egret agreed seriously.


on the fifth planet in a remote star system one light month away from Shigan star, there is a large building standing alone on the barren land. This is a building built by nano robots, and there is a large airport for docking super light speed space curvature spacecraft.

It's a Saturn, and it's a place that chenmo rented out to stay out of the limelight.

Jingge and grey 21 are still training. On this deserted planet, there is no narrow space. Jingge can let go of hand and foot training.

After this period of devil training, grey 21 has made great progress. At least he started to control the special ability of instant movement. Now, after teaching him the skills of assassination and killing.

Jingge used his experience of killing wild animals to kill. In essence, hunters in the jungle are also "assassins".

As for the cubs, they sit in the window of the building and watch them train.

"Jingge, I'll go to shiganxing." Chen Mo saw the two stop training and sent a message to Jingge.

"Well." Jingge answered with a faint voice.

Shi Ganxing was killed because of the war armour division of Ziwei civilization. Now the situation is very tense, like a powder keg that may explode at any time, but they are afraid of each other, so there is a short-term balance. No one dares to break the balance.

Chen Mo landed in front of a black building. Under the guidance of a robot, a good speed of light spacecraft followed the robot to the nearby city. His armor and face were disguised, no one could recognize him, and he didn't have to worry about being recognized.

After a change of status, he is as usual now.

This is not a star of Lycoris. It is a satellite of Lycoris. Baiyun star is slightly smaller than the earth. It belongs to an oxygen rich planet and has a beautiful environment. The environment here is very prosperous, the scenery is very beautiful, has the scale nearly 20 million square kilometers City, the black city.

Black city occupies half of the land area of the whole planet. It's unique. I heard that any materials he needs can be found here, including some special materials. What Chen Mo is in now is the black city building in the center of the black city.

Three sets of blue class battle armour have been sold. Now Chen Mo has 850 million. Doubling it again will almost cover the cost of the spacecraft's antimatter energy.

Entering the black city building, a cute small flying robot arrived at him.

"Dear guest, how do you do? May I help you?"

"I want to buy dark matter." Chen Mo said.

"Dear guest, dark matter is on the 207th floor." An automatic aircraft came to take Chen Mo and flew to the 207th floor under the guidance of a small robot.

Buy dark matter to make indigo armor.

He needs to make a set of indigo armor for grey 21, and a set of indigo armor for sale.

The price of indigo armor is more than ten times that of blue armor. Only need to sell a set of indigo class armor, it is enough for him to supplement the antimatter energy. Now, Shi Ganxing is a place of right and wrong. Chen Mo just wants to leave here quickly.

"One hundred million stars and one gram of dark matter." The robot takes Chen Mo to dark matter, which is packed in a special device and wrapped in a transparent liquid.

"Six milligrams." Chen Mo said.

Dark matter is like the "rare earth" of materials. 6 mg is enough for him to build two sets of armour. Mr. Chen began to buy materials and parts according to his list.