Science and Technology Library

Chapter 745


Several small missiles, pointing directly at the falling alien catcher, exploded violently over the villa.

The huge fireworks cloud covered the whole sky. In the next moment, the alien catcher fell from the fire cloud towards the villa at a high speed.


When the machine falls on the villa, it can easily resist the walls and ceiling of the explosive bombs. It is as fragile as biscuits and smoke. The shock wave will devastate the villa.

Chen Mo's first close look at the real face of the alien catcher.

The violent collision and explosion did not bring any damage to the strange machine. There were strange lines and words on the surface, like numbers. Chen Mo doesn't know these words, so he doesn't know what they are.

But I saw it in the video. It's not easy to get into trouble.

The catcher suddenly opened, and a few strange ropes of chopsticks, thick and thin, came to him like little snakes.

This catcher is for him.


Chen Mo didn't even think about it. Zhan Jia quickly pulled up and pulled away from the rope. He shot a laser in his hand and swept the rope. Where he passed, several ropes broke.


The catcher vibrated slightly, like being enraged, and quickly ran into Chen mo.


Before hitting, Mo Nu appears behind the catcher in battle armor. The sound of metal collision explodes. The catcher is kicked into the air like a football.

Several battle armours around accelerated their ascent, only holding the catcher tightly, shooting laser beams in their hands and cutting rapidly.


The material on the surface of the catcher melts, sparks come out from the inside, and the catcher is like a leaking balloon, and there is no movement in an instant.


Chen Mo appears over the catcher, bows his feet, sweeps down and kicks to the sea.

The whole process, less than half a minute.


Torrell, surprised, looked at the red dot on the screen in his hand.

It's unexpected that one of Bluestar's catchers has been destroyed.

Although it's not a high-tech product, it can withstand huge impact. The capture rope is also made of special materials. It should be very simple to capture the creatures of stellar civilization. There's no reason to destroy it so easily.

Torrell looks at the location of the damaged trapper, pulls out the map, and sees Chen Mo and Mo Nu wearing battle armour, with a glimmer of interest in their eyes.

Other aliens swarmed around, looking with interest at the pictures in the light curtain.

"Interesting armor." The lizard's head suddenly opened.

The universe civilization also has armor, and it is very common. It is a necessary weapon for many creatures. However, space alliance's battle armor is more advanced in technology, and the most powerful battle armor can easily destroy a planet.

I didn't expect that the civilization of this small planet would also study the war armor.

"Isn't it a little toy war a? My son's toys are better than this, aren't they? " Said a female alien with black lips next to her.

"No, no, no, it means different things."

The lizard shook his head and his scaly claws shook.

"This class of armor can be used as a toy because of the technology accumulation of the universe Alliance for one billion years. The origin of the cosmic alliance's war armour started a billion years ago. According to records, the first generation of war armour originated from the crape myrtle civilization, one of the seven hooligans in the universe alliance.

At that time, crape myrtle civilization was still a planetary civilization. The first generation of war armour was not even as advanced as this one. However, due to the successful research and development of war armour and robots, crape myrtle civilization made up for the weakness of the weak body and poor combat power of the human like Ziwei in the interstellar colonial era of the first generation of cosmic civilization.

By this way, crape myrtle civilization rose, conquered the five life stars of the star system, and unified the civilization of crape myrtle star system. Later, various kinds of war armour appeared continuously, and the strength of crape myrtle civilization increased continuously, which made them accumulate enough resources and territory, and rapidly rose in the expansion of the first generation of cosmic civilization, laying an advantage.

Later, the technology of crape myrtle civilization developed continuously, their ethnic group evolved continuously, and finally became one of the seven hooligans who founded the universe alliance. The crape myrtle civilization evolved into one of the seven divine civilizations in the universe alliance because the first generation of Warcraft united the crape myrtle system and took the first step. And the power of battle armour is also growing. To this day, it is still the most powerful equipment for individual combat in the universe. "

When it comes to crape myrtle civilization, the lizard's eyes are filled with infinite awe and longing.

"You mean this little planet can be compared with crape myrtle civilization?" The female alien with black lips sneers and has a horrible smile.

"No, it's just that I saw the rudiment of war armor. It's just a little surprising. The humanoid of this small planet has the right direction of civilization. I haven't found any wrong way for the time being, but it's a little late. Crape myrtle civilization is standing on the ruins of countless civilizations, only to develop, not any small civilization can compare The lizard stared at the light curtain.

"This humanoid seems to have something to do with the transformation of the fourth planet." The blue teacher's eyes are fixed on the symbol of Chen Mo's battle armor.The symbol of the March ant group. As like as two peas,

saw the image of the Martian City, and there was a huge sign on top of the building, just like Chen Mozhan's armor.

"Is it not the civilized pioneer of this planet?" Blue teacher surprised said.

"If so, it's a bit of luck." Torrel laughed.

There are few pioneers of civilization, because a smart civilization is generally created and developed by the whole civilization group. The pioneer is the leader who leads the civilization to progress in a certain era.

The pioneers of civilization are rare, but they must be the most intelligent and leading figures in the biological community.

According to the law of the universe alliance, out of the protection of the basic planetary civilization, researchers are not allowed to deliberately arrest the pioneers of the planetary civilization, because the arrest of the pioneers may lead to the slow stagnation of the development of the planetary civilization.

But it's OK to catch the pioneers of civilization randomly from billions of biological groups. It's better than winning the grand prize.

"It looks like we need to replace the catcher."

Torrell's eyes were blazing. He nodded on the instrument in his hand, dropped two catchers from the spacecraft, and fell to the earth at a high speed.

The pioneer is the organism that is the easiest for intelligent organisms to evolve to higher intelligent organisms, with the best genes and the most intelligent brain, which is very helpful for him to study the evolution of organisms.

"Moo, another two unidentified machines have been dropped by an alien spacecraft." Mo Nu hurriedly reminds her.


Chen Mo's heart sank.

"Send them planetary bombs and nanobots, and other spacecraft."

Even though he knows that his weapons may pose a limited threat to the other side, he is never the one who cannot be beaten back.


Mo Nu nods. At the research base of soldier ant equipment far away in Africa, a rocket rises to the sky, and the spacecraft of flying ant space flight starts all of them and soars to the sky.

Chen Mo stands still, looks up at the sky, looks back at the villa and flies towards the sea.

He had a premonition that the machine put in by the alien might be aimed at him, destroying the catcher, which has attracted the attention of the alien.