Science and Technology Library

Chapter 744

Xiaoyu is fidgeting in the villa's underground laboratory. Matchless has been picked up from the school, sat quietly in her arms.

Here comes the alien.

Xiaoyu has a feeling of panic. This is the first time that this kind of feeling has appeared. Today, the feeling of panic has intensified, unprecedented.

Now Chen Mo is coming out of the alien world. She has no one, but she dare not disturb Chen mo.

The window in front of her is battle armour, which doesn't give her a sense of security. Only Chen Mo is beside her, can she feel stable.

"Mom, don't be afraid. Dad will protect us." Matchless comfort says, show does not accord with her age mature.

"Well, mom is not afraid."

Xiaoyu squeezes out a smile and worries are all written on his face.

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory opened, and Chen Mo and Mo NV came in. Xiaoyu found the backbone in an instant.

"Is it all right?" Xiaoyu asked.

"A little trouble." Chen Mo takes Xiaoyu and matchless hands and enters the secret passage in the laboratory into a 20 square, three meter high metal house.

It was prepared by Chen Mo for special circumstances. The real volume of the small room is more than 400 cubic meters. The interior of the room is made of special shock absorption and impact prevention materials, and the exterior is made of special ceramic alloy, which can easily resist the impact of nuclear bomb explosion, and isolate high and low temperature.

In the safe house, there are enough food and water, oxygen and constant temperature system for life, enough for three people to live for a month. In addition, Chen Mo has placed a nano robot here, and there are several Amethyst energy cores. Xiaoyu's battle armor is also sent in, not afraid of being buried in the mountains, not afraid of being submerged in the flood.

"You and matchless are in a safe house, waiting for me to come back."

"What happened?"

"Aliens put something on the earth. I don't know what it is. You and matchless will be safe here. My parents have been moved to a safe place by robots. You can rest assured here. " Chen Mo looks serious.

"Are you going out?"

Xiaoyu's voice trembled. He looked at Chen Mo and knew the answer from his eyes.

"I don't want you out."

Xiaoyu holds Chen Mo tightly, for fear that he will run away, and the uneasiness in his heart is unprecedented.


Chen Mo gives Xiaoyu a kiss on his lips and a kiss on his unique forehead.

"Take care of mom and wait for Dad to come back."

"Well." Matchless heavy nod, hold Xiaoyu's hand.

Holding them tightly, Chen Mo and Mo NV turn around and leave the safe house. Before the door was closed, Xiaoyu's eyes were misty with tears, which made Chen Mo's heart twitch violently.

"Let's go."

Chen took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

There are pictures from the satellite. Thousands of unidentified objects are falling to the earth. Chen Mo doesn't know what weapons, bombs, viruses or other things are they?

If it is a weapon, no one knows how powerful it is and how much damage it will do to the earth.

If the higher civilization wants to destroy the earth, it should not be too difficult, just as it wants to destroy a nest of ants.

The worst thing happened.

Back in the lab, Chen Mo takes out a Amethyst energy core and puts it on his chest. Nano armor spreads from his feet like water, covering his whole body. Beside him, the battle armor of Mo Nu has been covered.

On the platform, the radar is scanning, and the satellite is tracking the positions of the falling objects as much as possible.

"Mo Nu, always determine the situation of those falling objects and what weapons they are."

Chen Mo still hasn't left the lab.

The gap between the levels of scientific and technological civilization can not be made up by self-confidence and standing up and shouting. Even though he has a strong strength now, he is only tall in stature. When encountering a higher level civilization, he has no power to fight back. It is good to be able to protect himself.


"Endless scenery is on the dangerous peak."

Chao Yun sat on the stone at the top of the mountain, looking at the beautiful scenery at his feet, a sense of accomplishment filled his heart. The equipment is complete, so even on the mountain with an altitude of more than 3000 meters, it doesn't feel cold.

Adventure and mountain climbing are his greatest hobbies. This sense of achievement of conquering mountains and seeing the beautiful scenery at the dangerous peak is his greatest pursuit.

Take out the camera, Chao Yun is ready to record this important moment.

Only when the camera is aimed at the distant scenery, Chao Yun is shocked and stupefied.

Drop by drop!!

Tommelia frantically honked her car's horn. She got up half an hour later than before. There was a car accident in front of her. There was a traffic jam. She had a few minutes to go to work. The company's building was in front of her.

If you are late, you will be deducted.

This is not a good thing.

This situation makes her very helpless, I wish her car could fly past."Damn it." Tommelia takes out her mobile phone and dials up a phone. She can only call the supervisor. Otherwise, the salary deduction is not a pleasant thing.

Hum! Hum!!

A strange voice suddenly appeared, and tommelia looked up at the sky.

Only a huge egg shaped object was seen falling from the air and floating over the road. Suddenly, the cover of the egg shaped object opened, and five strange ropes the size of chopsticks stretched out.

At the next moment, the strange rope, like tofu, easily breaks through the glass of the car, binds tommelia and pulls on the egg machine.

Fear filled her heart. Before she lost consciousness, tommelia only heard the panic in the street around her.


Zhao Min landed on the Zhanjia platform of chenmo villa and went straight to chenmo's underground laboratory with a dignified look.

Receiving the news from the alien, she entered the company's No. 1 area, put on her armor and flew to Chen Mo's home. This is the first time that she actually uses war armor. Chen Mo used to let her practice it.

"What about aliens?"

"Catching people."

Chen Mo points to various video messages on the holographic platform.

It's all videos of unknown machines catching people on the Internet or from all over the world, that is, machines falling from alien spacecraft.

Campuses, streets, shopping malls, sparsely populated alpine grasslands, tourist areas, company buildings, even into the subway, more and more people were arrested, unknown panic spread, ordinary people do not know what happened.

Zhao Min saw the alien spaceship and capture machine on the holographic screen, and his heart sank.

"They don't want to catch all of us, do they?"

Chen Mo shakes his head.

"No, there are only tens of thousands of catchers they dropped. One catcher catches only two people and leaves. These are all captured by the camera."

The number of machines landing from the spacecraft is not large, only tens of thousands, and the volume is not large, which is not worth mentioning compared with the population base of billions of human beings.

In a war, the number of people affected and killed is much larger than that.

Do advanced civilizations capture them as experimental samples or as food?

Even if he guessed the intention of the aliens, Chen Mo had no trouble.

He is now in a position to see more things, to think of more things, not because of such things angry.

Because he is also the authority. He has made countless experiments with various small animals, but now the location has changed. The creatures of higher civilization capture their human beings, which is essentially the same as the human beings on earth.

The weak eat the strong.

This is the most fundamental law in the universe.

There is no right or wrong, no pity or morality in this law. If you want to stand at the top of this law, you must make yourself stronger and stronger. Anger and decadence will not help.

"Moog, the radar shows that eight alien machines have entered Binhai City, and two of them have fallen towards our home. They are just over the sky. There are two hundred kilometers left. They seem to be coming towards us. They are still half a minute away." Mo said suddenly.

"Take Zhao Min to the safe house. Don't let her out until you're sure it's safe." Chen Mo's pupil shrank and he said in a deep voice.

"Chen Mo, what do you mean?"

Zhao Min realized that it was not good. He was controlled by the war armour as soon as he wanted to resist. His body could not move and he flew towards the safe house automatically.

"Chen Mo, you son of a bitch, you let go of me, I can't finish with you, Chen Mo, I hate you..."

Zhao Min's angry and frightened voice finally disappeared behind the door.

The helmet of nano battle armour covers Chen Mo's head. The dim light in his eyes lights up. The radar image of the villa shows that in front of him, a red dot is madly approaching the villa. Obviously, it's coming towards him.

"Mo Nu, be ready for battle."