Science and Technology Library

Chapter 734

Zhao Min holds the brain control virtual helmet and looks at it carefully. It's a great surprise.

Just now, when she heard that Wushuang had finished her work, she rushed over.

Brain control virtual helmet is beyond Zhao Min's expectation. Although the technology content of brain control virtual helmet is much worse than Chen Mo's technology, it is a very popular product for young people. For game enthusiasts, it is an epoch-making product.

Matchless is only 12 years old now, so smart, the starting point is not high.

Once this product appears, matchless will have enough fame. In the future, she will take over Chen Mo's responsibilities and join the March ant group without any obstacles.

"My family is wonderful."

Zhao Min kisses on matchless face, one face dotes on. That's more pleasant than Chen Mo's announcement of superluminal communication.

"Thank you, aunt min."

Matchless also kissed on Zhao Min's face.

Xiaoyu now doubted whether she was born. Zhao Min is matchless. Sometimes she is even more close than her.

But peerless so clever, Xiaoyu is also very proud.

"Xiaoyu, Chen Mo, I'm going to hold a product release conference for Wushuang, and let Wushuang go to the stage to release, OK?" Zhao Min asked.

"What does my husband think?"

Xiaoyu looks at Chen mo.

Chen Mo protects Wushuang and rarely exposes Wushuang to the media. Even if it is photographed by the media, Chen Mo will also make people try to dilute the news and restrict communication.

So now the outside world knows that Chen Mo has a daughter, but most people, as long as they don't search deliberately, don't know the unique appearance.

If you want to stand on the stage and be known by the public, you need Chen Mo's nod.

"Yes, we can hold an exclusive product Conference for matchless, and officially stand on the stage to let the world see our little prodigy." Chen Mo feels incomparably and has some baby fat little faces.

"Yeah! Thank you, Dad. "

Peerless excitedly jumps to Chen Mo's bosom, holds tightly, smiles incomparably happily.

Chen Mo's recognition, more than any achievements have a sense of achievement.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min smile at each other.

Chen Mo has tried, matchless this product is good, with the help of Mo Nu, some details of the design are well handled, wide-angle 3D field of view, little visual field occlusion, enough field width, the simulation of CG screen, visual reality is relatively high.

According to the introduction of Mo Nu, she has handled the distortion of 3D image and upgraded the authenticity of the image.

Chen Mo also looked at some of these technologies, and really handled them well.

This shows that unparalleled control of computer image and visual technology is good, and the program framework and instruction set of brain control technology and game screen are unparalleled design.

Although brain control technology is not unparalleled research and development, she has mastered brain control technology and learned to use it.

This proves that she has mastered the knowledge well in the project.

As long as she continues to study and study, her future achievements will never be low.


Lu Ji Yuan is wearing formal clothes, headphones and chest, standing at the door of the headquarters building, in a very good mood.

One week after entering the March ant group, although it is the security guard of the March ant group, this security guard is not what ordinary people can do. It requires excellent quality to pass the selection at all levels.

After the selection, we need to go through the training of the company's security department.

Today is the tenth day after he joined the company. At present, he is responsible for the security and order of the company's door. In the future, he will continue to transfer posts, but the benefits and wages are very good, which is better than the senior white-collar workers of the general company.

Suddenly, Lu Ji Yuan saw a little girl come down from the company's self driving sightseeing bus, still holding a box in her hand.

Pretty little girl.

He hasn't seen a beautiful girl in ten days. Besides, family members are not allowed to enter the building during the working hours of the company.

"Little sister, who are you looking for?" Lu Ji Yuan asked softly.

"Hello, uncle. I'm looking for President Lin Zhiyuan." Peerless looked at Lu Ji Yuan and said earnestly.

"What's your name, little sister? Working hours, no appointment, can not enter the company building

"Thank you, uncle. Are you new? I don't have to make an appointment. "

Wushuang said thanks with a smile and walked towards the door. As soon as he got to the door, the glass door of the company opened automatically. Moreover, the robot inside the door led Wushuang to walk towards the inside, which made Lu Jiyuan look confused.

The company's artificial intelligence face recognition, not the company's personnel, is not allowed to enter.

Even if you come here, you have to register an appointment in advance. He has read the list of customers who have made an appointment today, but there is not a little girl.

"Front desk, the little sister entering the gate, do you have an appointment? How did you get in? " Lu Ji Yuan asked the headset.

Those who can enter the company without any hindrance can not be stopped at will. They need to ask clearly to avoid misunderstanding."Little sister? That's the daughter of the boss. I don't come to the company normally. "

"Eh? The eldest lady? "


Zhou Xiaofeng stared at the opening of the gate. A little girl came in with a box in her arms. She didn't even have a doorbell or a hint.

The door is opened automatically. Generally, only the employees who have the right to enter the company can open it automatically. Only the employees and managers of their departments have access to the office space of their departments, and outsiders need to register.

The company has artificial intelligence face recognition and will not make mistakes.

Obviously, there is not such a young employee in their department, and it is impossible for other departments of the company to have such a young child.

Zhou Xiaofeng looks at Wushuang.

"Hello, sister, I'm looking for President Lin Zhiyuan." Said matchless.

"Eh? Little sister, do you have anything to do with Lin? Do you have an appointment? " Zhou Xiaofeng's face was surprised, and she had to wonder if this little girl was the general manager of Lin.

"I don't have to make an appointment. My name is Chen Wushuang." Said matchless.

"Chen Wushuang? I'll contact president Lin. " Zhou Xiaofeng felt that her name was familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it: "President Lin, a girl named Chen Wushuang is looking for you, holding a box alone."

"I'll be right out."


A section of blind voice, let Zhou Xiaofeng a Leng, can't see more peerless. Lin Zhiyuan is now the president of consumer software department of marching ant company and one of the company's executives. Unexpectedly, this little girl really knows each other.

I still think the name is familiar.

"Little sister, wait a minute. Mr. Lin has come out. Take a seat first."

"No, I'll go in myself."

Matchless holding the box, toward the door of the software development zone.

"Well, can't you come in Go... "

Zhou Xiaofeng just wanted to open her mouth, and the gate of the development area opened automatically, which made her stunned.

The security and safety standards of the marching ant group are very strict. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the technical development area without high-level approval.

This little girl, don't even use the door card, brush her face directly?

Even the directors and managers of other departments come here and ask for a gate card. There are not many people in the marching ant group who have free access to the technology development area.

"Matchless, why are you here?"

As soon as Lin Zhiyuan arrived at the gate of the Development Zone, he saw that there was no one like him coming in and hurriedly took the box in her hand. At the same time, other team members in the development area were puzzled by the little girl who came in suddenly.

"Aunt min asked me to come here and prepare with you for a product launch."

"Press conference?" Lin asked in surprise.

"Yes, dad said that the product is good. Aunt min is going to hold a press conference for brain control virtual helmet, and she wants me to release it on stage. My mother said that I only have three hours to prepare every day, and other time to go to school. So I want you to help test helmets, take real experience data, make ppts and videos. "

"The boss said it was a success?" Lin Zhiyuan said in surprise.

"Well." Matchless heavy nod.

In terms of software technology of brain control virtual helmet, sometimes Lin Zhiyuan will be asked to help test and guide, so he also knows that he is studying brain control virtual helmet. Unexpectedly, it has been successful and recognized by the boss.

Worthy of the boss's daughter, a talented girl.

"All right, no problem." Lin Zhiyuan took a picture of his chest and promised: "I'll take care of the test and publicity video."

"Thank you, uncle Lin." Said matchless.

"You're welcome."

"I'll come early tomorrow. See you later, uncle Lin."

After Wushuang left, several software development team members in the lab all looked at Lin Zhiyuan with curiosity.

It is impossible for Lin Zhiyuan's relatives to enter the development area.

"Boss, who is that girl? What a polite girl, your niece? " Asked a team leader who had a good relationship with Lin Zhiyuan.

"My niece? I don't have that kind of luck. She's the boss's daughter, our eldest lady Chen Wushuang. "

"The boss's daughter?"

All the researchers on the field looked at Lin Zhiyuan one after another, as if they had found a new world. The boss had a daughter. They all heard that they would occasionally come to the company to find Zhao Min, President of the company, or go to the No.1 building laboratory. They also saw real people for the first time.

"What does the boss's daughter do to President Lin?" There is curiosity in the eyes of a group of straight male procedural apes.

"The eldest lady has developed a product and needs to find a team to test it."

"What product?" Researchers from half of the development area almost didn't come together. They stretched their ears one by one. The original noise was much smaller.

"The confidentiality regulations of the development area are clear. The next step is the confidential products. Brain controlled virtual helmet is the first generation of virtual reality equipment. " Lin Zhiyuan takes out the virtual helmet from the box.A group of procedural apes look at the virtual helmets, their eyes are wide open and their mouths are long.

They usually spend their spare time in games. This device is just a generation of artifact.