Science and Technology Library

Chapter 733

In the study, Chen Mo takes off the brain sensor and opens his closed eyes.

The days are back to normal. It's still the day of the company's laboratory and home, two points and one line.

But this kind of day is busy and happy.

Do what you like.

New permissions and tasks are enough to allow the civilization of the earth to enter a new stage.

As for the technology and equipment of the super light speed space curvature spacecraft, it is completely blank, which means that Chen Mo needs to start from scratch, and all the basic equipment research needs him to design and manufacture.

Every technology involves a whole set of technology system. Chen Mo needs Mo Nu to participate in the research and development of these technologies, so that the speed is fast enough.

So Chen Mo chose to use brain control technology, consciousness transmission, to pass the required technology to Mo Nu record, otherwise let him describe to Mo Nu record one by one, and the record will not be completed until next year.

So Chen Mo chose brain sensor to transmit all the technical data from the library of science and technology to the computer for Mo Nu to learn.

"Now build a manufacturing plant for dark matter detectors and dark matter extraction machines."

With the horror of nano robots, a special building has been built.

The space curvature spacecraft project is very large.

Now there is a whole Mars planet for him as a research and development base and production base. Chen Mo is no longer limited by land and related resources, and can freely develop any technology.

Without his elbow, Chen Mo can complete the related infrastructure construction with a very fast speed.

Chen Mo chooses to start with dark matter.

Dark matter material is a new field.

Without dark matter, Chen Mo would not be able to build a space curvature spacecraft.

Technically speaking, space curvature spacecraft needs the most important space curvature engine, the material of space curvature engine, and the dark matter mixed in the material to form a new mixed material.

This kind of special matter, on the time scale of the universe age, is the most stable matter, so it can resist the loss in the process of Space folding and stretching, as well as the huge energy effect of space curvature engine.

Dark matter cannot be detected by traditional detectors, let alone captured and extracted, so a new dark matter detection radar and extraction technology need to be developed.

There is a lot of dark matter, which exists in the universe. According to the observation of the anisotropy of the micro background radiation in the universe, dark matter accounts for 85% - 90% of the total mass of the universe, so Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about not finding dark matter.

"Another huge project." Chen mured a stretch.

"Mogo." Mo Nu suddenly opens her mouth.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Chen Mo looks at Mo nu. Now Mo Nu is a member of the family, and she is a very important member.

"I'll sleep with you tonight." Mo Nu's voice is a little shy.


Chen Mo is slightly stunned. It's not common for Mo Nu to ask for help, but it's not surprising that Mo Nu now has complete consciousness, feelings and emotions.

"She's arguing for a baby herself." Chen Mo said with a smile.

If Xiaoyu hears it, he can't help pinching it.

Now several old people in the family are eager to hold one more granddaughter. Xiaoyu wants to have one more. He always teases him with creative race, and suffers.

Chen Mo is not sure whether the current situation can survive, but he always has to try.

No, Chen Mo will not demand it.


"Stellar civilization, is this the first stellar civilization we found in the La nyakaya supergalaxy?" Blue teacher calmly looked at the red planet in front of him.

Radar shows that this is a planet rich in nitrogen and iron.

The image in front of them is a pink skin creature.

It's about three meters high. It has a lizard like head, bulging eyes, no ears, long tentacles with claws and fingers on the head. Its skin is like pink jelly. It's covered with strange lines. Its legs are ferocious scales. Behind it is a blood red tail full of spines.

If Chen Mo is here, he will surely find that this kind of creature is the alien creature that has fallen to the earth.

"Red intelligent creature, nitrogen based life, ORC like." Torrell's basic features were identified at a glance.

"They are running away, looking for a new colonial planet. This kind of flight has lasted for thousands of years. It is pitiful. In the nearby galaxy, without their habitat, they should all die in space."

Blue Division looked at the quantum radar of life detection, and other galaxies did not show the induction of this life feature.

"The life of this star is coming to an end. Once it collapses, the whole stellar system will be destroyed. It's OK to keep the diversity of species in the universe by studying some samples. "

Torrell glanced at the data of the star and rubbed the eyelids of the third eye.

According to the law of the universe alliance, it is not allowed to interfere with the natural development and evolution of the universe of civilizations below the constant star level, including wars between civilizations below the star level and disasters of natural evolution of the universe. If you encounter a disaster of extinction, you can choose to protect the part to avoid extinction."This constellation is a rare oasis. There are hundreds of living stars. Don't you reserve some capacity to catch others?" Blue teacher asked.

"Don't worry. I'll take some elites. They're going to be extinct anyway." Said torrell.

This kind of red tailed creature is the first time that he has discovered a civilized creature that knows how to make use of the rules of the universe to make science and technology. Its intelligence is not low and its value is great. So torrell plans to pay more attention to it.

Low level intelligent creatures have always been his research object. He needs to do research on intelligent creatures, and then find out the evolution and development between low-level intelligent creatures and high-level intelligent creatures to find out the direction of life evolution to higher-level intelligent life.

This is a high-level topic that intelligent creatures all over the universe are studying.

We hope that our race will evolve into the most intelligent and intelligent creature in the universe and climb to the higher class of the universe.

Once he finds the direction of evolution to higher life, he will gain infinite benefits and benefits.

Therefore, torrell chose to go with bluemaster for research.

After the decision to capture, thousands of containers in their spaceship cabin quickly flew towards the planet to launch the capture. This kind of dimension reduction capture of advanced civilization, no creatures can escape.

Ferrer came over and glanced at the catcher that had fallen towards the planet, but there was no wave.

As an explorer and interstellar guide, he has long been familiar with the capture of low-level civilized creatures. If it is a non intelligent planet, it will not violate the laws of the universe alliance to destroy it.

There are classes in the universe. Ordinary intelligent creatures are doomed to be inferior.

"Where is the next destination?"

"This interstellar cloud region." Torrell looked at the red dot on the radar and said, "it's a very interesting position. The stars are so sparse and surrounded by the gas of supernova explosion, so there is a living planet."

There are only a few rare stars in the region of 300 light-years. In the universe, there are living stars with such density. They are as rare as grass growing in the stone crevices of the desert.


"Dad, this is the first generation of brain control virtual helmet I have completed."

Wushuang holds a helmet and puts it in front of Chen Mo like a treasure.

"So powerful?"

Chen Mo stops his work, takes over his helmet and looks at it carefully.

It's like the safety helmet of a locomotive, but it's more sci-fi. On the helmet, there's also the logo of marching ant group.

There is a large screen in front, which is wrapped with half of the sky helmet. There are two glasses inside, which can move freely. According to the user's situation, the top of the helmet is a brain control instrument.

"I have tried it with Uncle Lin Zhiyuan. It can be used." Said matchless with a smile.

Lin Zhiyuan is now in charge of the game and artificial intelligence business of marching ant group, which belongs to one of the senior executives. Therefore, if there is no match in the game development, we will find Lin Zhiyuan.

"Now our company cooperates with penguin, so there are several classic game tests in the helmet. There are chicken eating, CS and CF, which are 3D competitive games.

In the future, we can develop our own games, including large-scale virtual online games. You can also access "hero" and "King" to fight from the first perspective of the characters, which is more on-site experience and competitive, very exciting. "

No one can say it without hesitation.

"It's very thoughtful. Then father will try first?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Well." Matchless heavy nod.