Science and Technology Library

Chapter 720

As soon as Chen Mo arrived and left the lecture hall, a group of reporters had been waiting orderly at the door. When they saw Chen Mo coming out, they shouted.

Seeing this, Chen Mo also stopped and pressed his hand to show everyone to calm down.

After the scene calmed down a little.

Recently a reporter hurriedly said: "President Chen Mo, why do you want to create the matchless forum?"

Black Hawk and others blocked in front of Chen Mo, maintained the order of the scene, took a small microphone and handed it to Chen mo.

"Ordinary people need a better platform and channel to understand the progress of science and technology, and shorten the distance between science and technology and ordinary people's life, so as to make the development of science and technology faster.

Let science and technology be closer to ordinary people, rather than inaccessible to ordinary people. In the future, let ordinary students pursue science with a star chasing attitude, and science will win. "

As soon as Chen Mo finished answering, another reporter began to shout.

"President Chen Mo, what do you think of the students who are often admitted to unparalleled universities with partial subjects, low scores and special skills?"

Chen Mo looked at the reporter who asked the question and smiled politely.

"I have thought about it. In my school, there are no bad students. The students admitted to our school, even if their grades are not good, must have some natural skills, which are appreciated by the school. Therefore, none of the students who enter the unparalleled university is ordinary students in my eyes.

Even if a few one or two enter unparalleled universities by luck, that luck is part of their strength. Today's school is their lucky, maybe tomorrow they are the school's lucky

"Don't you worry about the poor grades and quality of students and their failure to keep up with their studies, which will affect the quality of students in the university?"

"If a school only relies on the best students to maintain its strength, it is not that the school is strong, but that the students are excellent. Because her students, before entering the school is the best part, the school should be strong, of course.

If we are afraid that some students' scores are low, they are not good enough, and we are afraid that losing the excellent students will make the school become ordinary, and we don't even have the confidence to make our students better, this school is not really strong.

I believe in the education and teaching ability of unparalleled universities. Even if students have ordinary talents, unparalleled universities are confident to make students excellent. As a university, we don't see whether the students themselves are excellent or not, but let the students become better. This is our task. "

On the field, some reporters' eyes were bright and fell into thinking.

The students of the unparalleled University gathered around began to applaud and applaud crazily, with pride on their faces. This is their school, this is their principal.

"Then how do you see the unfairness of education today?"

"There is only one thing in the world that is absolutely fair, and that is death."

"You mentioned the conscious super AI in your speech. Are you not afraid that the AI will get out of control when you develop super AI? Won't super AI cause a crisis to mankind? "

"There are no absolutely good or bad tools in the world. The quality depends on the people who use them. The equation of mass and energy is good. It's a nuclear power plant. If it's not good, it's a nuclear weapon that destroys human beings. If AI is used properly, it will be the biggest help for the rapid development of human beings. The key lies in the people who use it, not the quality of it. "

"But is super AI conscious? Will they betray human beings? "

"No, the creation process of quantum consciousness is very special. Cutting off this possibility from the source, it is a kind intelligent life, friendly to us."

Chen Mo is not worried that the super artificial intelligence in his hands will destroy human beings.

At present, he is the only one who has mastered the methods and technologies of creating quantum consciousness, and other super artificial intelligence technologies are widely used. In the future, quantum computers will be widely used. In the future, quantum encryption, network and information will be very safe, and artificial intelligence cannot control the network and create large-scale network intrusion.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I created it."

"After your lecture, some people have objected to super artificial intelligence on the Internet. What's your idea?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "everyone has the right to accept and reject the sun. It's no different from the end of the world if he fears the sun will explode and destroy it. In the future, marching ant group will develop a research standard of super artificial intelligence for researchers to use for reference. "

"How is super AI created?"

"This is a technical secret."

Chen Mo reached out to his mouth and hissed. He smiled politely at many reporters, turned around and left, and Mo Nu followed him.

Left behind a group of reporters who didn't finish asking questions and were still shouting questions.

There are too many questions. If Chen Mo stands here to answer, I'm afraid there will be endless questions until tomorrow.


The forum process of matchless Forum includes the opening ceremony of the forum, matchless awards, thematic lectures, awards dinner, matchless dialogue, scientific and technological achievements release, scientific and technological exhibitions, debates among young scientists, future prospects and closing ceremony of the forum, etc.The time of the forum is three days, and there are different content arrangements every day.

However, Chen mogang just held the first matchless forum, only announced the establishment of matchless awards, and has not yet selected the results of matchless awards, so there is no matchless awards and dinner.

In the future, Chen Mo will not appear in the theme lecture. In this part, the winner of the prize will come to the stage to popularize his research topic for the general audience.

The topic does not have to be very many formulas, mainly for ordinary people to understand.

Chen has just used popular language to talk about the live Internet connection with people who are easy to access, which is to make these sciences close to ordinary people.

The purpose of the forum is to promote science.

This matchless forum, the most eye-catching is the science and technology exhibition area.

Because the world is in a war, companies from other countries are not convenient to send high-tech products to the exhibition, so now there is no double forum exhibition area, only marching ant group and several top domestic companies send products to the exhibition.

There are physical, chemical materials, biology, medicine, mathematics, computers, robots, energy and other exhibition areas, all filled with top technology products.

As large as the already exposed steel armor and superluminal quantum communication equipment, as small as a cubic centimeter of new materials, nail sized chips.

It almost includes the advanced technology of marching ant group in the world.

The whole campus of Wushuang university is off today. In the exhibition area, students from all colleges of Wushuang university are gathered to watch the latest technology products.

In the position of iron and steel battle a, there is almost no way. Everyone is competing for photos.

"Here comes the principal."

"Here comes the principal."


Excited shouts, resounding throughout the exhibition area.

For a moment, the students who were still watching all kinds of science and technology all turned around and came to Chen mo.

In their eyes, Chen Mo, the principal who rarely appears, is a god like figure.

Chen Mo motioned to Blackhawk and others not to block these students: "students, I'm not a giant panda. Don't look around. What should I do?"

"Headmaster, we want to take a picture with you." Cried a bolder boy.

"This one will do."

Chen Mo takes the selfie shot of a girl next to her, and the students in the back consciously rush in and stuff themselves into the camera.

Ten minutes later, he took a few photos and signed his name. Chen came to the front of steel battle a successfully.

"That classmate wants to try it on?" Chen Mo touched Zhan Jia and asked.


"Me me me."

"Headmaster, I......"


The crazy roar shakes the whole exhibition area.

When Chen Mo left Wushuang university with Wushuang and Xiaoyu, it was already night.

At the end of the first day of the matchless forum, what Chen Mo needs to say has been fully stated. Next, someone else will preside over the forum and continue it. When it's over, just give another closing speech.

When returning to the villa, Mo Nu and Chen Mo said a good news: the oxygen generator to capture and decompose carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide was completed.