Science and Technology Library

Chapter 719

Chen Mo has mastered the super artificial intelligence of consciousness.

Conscious and thoughtful AI?

The news exploded in the minds of global audiences, and many people would think of Skynet in terminators, and robots in various sci-fi movies that want to control human beings.

People watching the live broadcast all over the world almost fell into panic on the spot, as if the sky had fallen.

The outside world is speculating wildly about super AI, but the scene of matchless forum is calm again after the turmoil. The technology of marching ant group is a bottomless hole. I never know what other technology Chen Mo has.

Now, Chen Mo's lecture on superluminal communication continues.

"The quantum consciousness possessed by super artificial intelligence is an essential part of superluminal communication. In my current research, I only found that the method of" quantum consciousness induction "can sense the change of quantum entanglement state without affecting the quantum entanglement state."

Chen Mo simply answers the questions about artificial intelligence and continues to return to the topic.

"This process is equivalent to using a quantum system composed of multiple entangled states to sense the change of a single entangled quantum state without detecting its specific state..."

In this lecture on superluminal communication technology, Chen Mo chose to explain the basic principles in an easy to understand way, language and examples, avoiding formula calculation as much as possible.

This lecture is aimed at the general audience. The general audience is expected to learn more about the secrets of quantum and make science closer to life. Experts and professors in the field have relevant basic theoretical papers with professional answers.

If it is explained in depth, it involves advanced quantum algorithm, super artificial intelligence algorithm, super quantum computer, quantum chip, quantum entanglement distribution, quantum cage, intelligent consciousness creation, etc.

These contents, formulas and algorithms are all knowledge that geoscience researchers do not have at present. Even if Chen Mo says it now and the people on the field don't understand it, they are also playing the lute to the ox. If we talk about it in detail, we may not finish it in a year.

40 minutes, Chen Mo will explain the most basic theory of superluminal communication, supplemented by the interpretation of holographic animation, the whole process is concrete and vivid.

"If you have any questions, please ask us. We will try our best to answer them." Chen Mo calls Mo Nu to his side and faces the whole hall. In front of him are physicists from all over the world.

Physicists on the field look at each other. In Chen Mo's published paper, there are some new formulas and theories, which are not available in the basic theory of quantum mechanics. They have not been calculated and studied carefully, and they can't argue with Chen Mo at all.

An old man with eyes and shirt raised his hand. He was Martinis, a quantum physicist from Europe.

"In your paper, there are no experimental technologies and methods, and there is no super artificial intelligence technology. How can we verify the super speed of light communication experiment you said?".

His words were translated by the robot and could be heard by the whole audience.

"At present, only the equipment in my laboratory can carry out relevant experiments. What is written in the paper is the most basic theory and principle, and does not involve related technologies. If it needs to be verified, we can connect directly to the Mars base. " Chen Mo said.

"Why don't we publish the technologies of intelligent consciousness and quantum induction that we want to turn off? This is conducive to quantum research. " Martinez continued to ask.

"This involves a deep layer of technology secrets, which are private research results, not basic theories and principles that can be shared."

As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, there was applause.

The purpose of publishing the basic theory and principle of superluminal communication is to tell the scientific community that there is a new continent of "superluminal communication" on the other side of the physical ocean. With this method, we will move in this direction, and sooner or later we will find that continent. But Chen Mo will not let all the shipbuilding technology go unselfishly, because he is also one of the adventurers.

Einstein could publish the equations of mass and energy, but he would not publish the technology for making nuclear bombs.

Reasonable refusal also makes some people take the idea of technology from Chen Mo's mouth.

"In the future, I will gradually publish the further basic theoretical principles of quantum mechanics equations and quantum algorithms, and write a textbook for entering unparalleled University. Later generations learn these algorithms and basic theories, and what they can work out in the future depends on their R & D capabilities. "

Chen Mo's remark drew fierce applause again.

Deep quantum algorithms and equations, just this achievement, can rival any great physical man, although Chen Mo has been a living physical legend.

The debate and Q & A on the scene continued.

With realistic technology, Chen Mo's answer, no one will question.

In the area of superluminal communication, quantum computer and artificial intelligence, all the people in the field are students, and Chen Mo is the teacher.

"Next, we can have a look at the connection with Mars on the spot, experience the use of superluminal communication once again, and have an instant conversation with Mars." Chen Mo nods to Mo nu.Ink female will, down a holographic screen.

A live shot of Xiaoman pops up directly in the light screen.

"Yo Yo, don't you want to connect to Mars base? How is the light curtain of the forum my live studio? It's not a mistake, is it? "

Xiaoman, who is in the live broadcast, was shocked to see his live camera appear in the holographic screen of the forum live broadcast, and foolishly played with the camera to see if there was any mistake.

The scene of busy and disordered caused a roar of laughter at the forum.

The barrage in the studio is also joking.

"Aren't you on Mars now?"

"Your brain watt? You're based on Mars, ready-made communications

"Don't you know you're using superluminal communications?"


"Oh, yes, I'm on Mars."

After a while, Xiaoman stopped fiddling with the camera's hand and said hello to the camera.

"Hello, everyone. I'm in the central command room of the Mars base. It's 3:17 p.m. capital time."

This is the first time to connect to Mars in a formal public place, through which to prove the existence of superluminal communication, the applause at the forum has been heard.

"How do you feel on Mars?" Asked Chen mo.

"How Does Mars feel? Become light, lose weight directly success. I have more than 100 Jin, and only 40 Jin left when I come to Mars. My body is light and floating. It's amazing. " Xiaoman directly picked up a scale and stood up. He also aimed the lens at the displayed number.

"Outside the base?"

"I went out yesterday wearing ordinary protective clothing and oxygen bottle. The atmospheric pressure is low, like in the plateau. You can move normally without wearing a spacesuit. I also saw the grass growing on the ground of Mars. Now around the base, there are many grasses and a few saplings

Xiaoman points his camera out of the window and can see the green spots on the ground and a few half man tall saplings.

"The sky is still grey and the weather is not very stable. There are a lot of clouds on the side of the Mars sea. There was an artificial rainfall last night. "

A few words tell us too much.

Superluminal communication can be used in a mature way. The development of March ant group on Mars is beyond the imagination of others.

After the simple connection, Chen Mo's unique forum topic lecture officially ended.