Science and Technology Library

Chapter 709

Life has been cultivated on Mars.

There is already a second planet in the solar system that can nurture life.

The news, like a heavy bomb, fell on the calm water and exploded at the meeting.

Jim stared, disbelieving, and turned red at last. At the moment, he knew that Chen Mo knew what they wanted to do at the beginning, and all that was just Chen Mo playing with them.

"No way. It's fake. It's evidence of Mars impact. You're fake. It's also fake."

Jim's voice echoed through the microphone in the conference hall, a little hysterical.

Chen Mo just glanced at him and ignored him.

"The purpose of the outer space agreement is to regulate human space development in the future and to maintain space order and space security. When we join this agreement, we must have the spirit of agreement, strictly abide by it and implement it. "

Chen Mo Lue's joking tone made Jim stagger and his face black as the bottom of the pot.

"Your evidence is false. We're out of the deal."

Jim interrupted chenmo again.

Chen Mo takes a look at him and stands at the top of the stage.

"If someone does not comply with the agreement, I, as one of the signatories of the space agreement, have the right to sanction those who do not comply with the rules of the agreement. Space research organizations that are not in the agreement want to disturb the order of the space agreement through barbaric means. As a part of the agreement, I also have the right and obligation to impose sanctions on organizations that disrupt the order. "

Jim's face was hard to see. Chen Mo seemed to be speaking, but he recognized the threat in Chen Mo's words.

Now, Chen Mo is the undisputed hegemon in the field of space. Whoever is sanctioned by Chen Mo, who will face the most terrible disaster in space research and exploration, is lucky to stop.

At the end of Chen Mo's speech in the conference hall, he was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he came out of the conference hall.

If it wasn't for the security personnel to stop the reporters, I'm afraid Chen Mo would have been submerged by the crowd. Two muscular men, Taishan and Anan, stand in front of Chen Mo like two small hills. Other bodyguards surround Chen Mo, and Mo Nu keeps her side.

After the staff 's appeasement, the crazy reporter mood on the field just slightly eased.

"Mr. Chen, did you just say that life has been cultivated on Mars? Is the news true?"

"Really, we have developed some special plants and oxygen producing bacteria and put them on Mars. We are transforming the atmosphere of Mars. Soon, Mars will become the second habitable planet in the solar system."

Chen Mo's words caused another uproar.

Just now in the conference hall is the summary speech, did not disclose these news, now a new big news.

"Mr. Chen, just now Mr. Jim said he would withdraw from the agreement. What's your opinion?"

"They are changing every day. They have no credit. We are used to it. Their withdrawal from the agreement has no impact on me. Whether within or outside the agreement, the ownership of Mars belongs to our group. Any organization that wants to enter into Mars research must be approved by us.

If a spacecraft is launched into Mars orbit without the consent of our group, we can be regarded as an invasion, have the right to destroy or confiscate the spacecraft, and carry out counterattack and sanctions against the launching organization. "

"Are you a space hegemonic

"The parties have just signed an agreement, and I will carry out space development in strict accordance with the rules of the agreement. If you insist on understanding space hegemony, what about hegemony? "

Chen Mo's remark made some Western journalists angry and anxious, but they were helpless.

"For the great progress of mankind, if the international space organization wants to enter Mars research, will you agree?"

"We can rent bases and land for their research, just like the moon base, all for the future of human beings, just with money."

As soon as this remark came out, many journalists were twitching.

For the future of mankind, money is enough? I've never heard anything so brazen.

Chen Mo seems to have been struggling with money. Shouldn't he generously provide an international institution with a research site free of charge? Unfortunately, Chen Mo is not generous.


Hearing Chen Mo's interview, he held a breath in his chest.

This meeting, originally intended to stand on the great meaning of human beings, to deny Chen Mo's claim to Mars, but now it's time to lift a stone and smash itself in the foot.

Chen Mo now declares that he has Mars, which is legal and reasonable. If he doesn't comply, the March ant group can still punish and fight back.

Without this meeting, they will launch spacecraft to Mars. If Chen Mo destroys them, they can still stand on the righteousness and morality of all mankind and condemn and pressure Chen mo. now, even the last chips are consumed.

Moral height? They've sent it out.

Rob? I can't get it.

"What now?" Young Werner didn't look good either. He also felt that Chen Mo had set him up.

"I don't know either." Jim said with a black face."Didn't you say it would work?" Edo looks not very good either.

"I didn't know that Chen Mo grew plants on Mars so quickly." Jim is now on the verge of eruption.

"Waste." Edo city stands up directly and leaves the small meeting room.

Because Jim's self righteous, Chen Mo took away the last moral high point, he was also very upset.


He was once treated like a dog by them, and now he is openly mocked as a waste. Jim is so angry that he almost spits blood. But now, unlike in the past, today's island country is not the island country from which they lived.


Young Werner sighed and turned away. The former "boss" has been pulled down from the altar. Now it's time to change partners.

"Contact the marching ant group to talk about space cooperation." Young Werner told his assistant.

There is no enemy forever and no friend forever.

"Damn it."

Jim smashed his coffee cup on the ground. The freshly made coffee splashed on the floor. It was still steaming with the fragrance of a room of coffee.



On the plain near the Moyang River, you can see the tender green grass emerging from the ground. Not far away, another one can be seen everywhere.

In the plain, a huge base of one million mu is located in it, just like a prosperous city. This is the first Mars base built by Chen Mo on Mars. It's called the Mars city.

The whole city is a whole, the underground systems are together with each other, and the layout is perfect.

The most central tower is like a king, overlooking the whole base. This building is the data center of the entire Mars base, the March ant building.

The fusion power station provides the energy for the whole city.

Ore processing plant, material production plant, 3D printing workshop, intelligent transport vehicle, intelligent machine, airport, launch site, as well as four train track system, leading to various mining areas on Mars.

All the factories and equipment needed by the scientific research base are complete and in order.

It has an industrial system that transcends the current industrial civilization of mankind.

Before the construction of Yinghuo City, Mo Nu had carried out careful design calculation and reasonable planning for the base. Using nano robot stack barrier, it is faster and simpler than 3D printing.

Over the city of Yinghuo, a black spot slowly approached, and the goddess slowly landed on the platform of the space launch site.

A special container from the shennu's transport cabin was put on the transport vehicle, straight to the March ant building, all the way unimpeded.

Arriving at the square of March ant building, the ground slowly landed and the container disappeared in front of the square.

In a wide and closed underground space, ten boxes the size of an ice chest are lifted out of the special box by a robot, placed in the designed position, plugged in the cable, and connected to the data center of the city.

The whole process is in one go.

The first generation of superluminal communication quantum consciousness induction equipment has been successfully installed.