Science and Technology Library

Chapter 708

The people in the conference hall are now enlightened.

The strong make rules and the weak abide by them, which is the current situation of the world.

Chen Mo is no longer a rule follower, but a rule customizer. In the present and future, no one has more say than him in the rules of human space exploration.

At the conference table, the guests pondered the rules Chen Mo said.

If pressure is not applied, it will be pressed.

Chen Mo's space strength is stronger than them, and his attitude is tough, which makes all of them helpless.

They are more afraid of breaking the jar than Chen mo.

Once the table is lifted, Chen Mo can eat the outer space alone. They have no interest in everything he wants.

Jim's eyes are moving and his brain is flying. He is looking for how to refute the loopholes of Chen Mo's rules.

All of a sudden, Jim's eyes lit up with a sarcastic smile, but soon disappeared. He also took a look at the opposite Chen Mo, pretending to be very angry.

"What are the living conditions of" life "? Is life defined by bacteria? Botany? Or animals? "

At a glance, Chen Mo knew what was in his mind.

"Non artificial intervention, under the natural conditions of the planet, the organisms put on the planet survive for more than a week, and can photosynthesis, including photosynthetic bacteria and fungi."

Jim's face was a little better. He took a sip of coffee again and licked his lips. Surprisingly, he had no strong objection.

"What's the matter?"

Next to him, young Werner took the initiative to lean over and frown. He didn't understand what Jim was up to. Edo city also came over with doubts in his eyes.

"Chen Mo just hit Mars with an asteroid. The environmental conditions on Mars have changed a lot, but now there is no way for organisms to survive, and the living conditions have not been met. According to what he said, Mars still belongs to all mankind. After he signed the agreement, we made a landing study of Mars, and he had no reason to block it. "

Jim and Edo are clear and bright.

"If he says there is a need to change the terms, he should promise him to sign the agreement before making other plans."

The domestic representatives next to Chen Mo, who were also confused, came to Chen Mo's side.

Ouyang yuan, the expressionless and indifferent face, is his standard match. Only those who know him know that his character is very easygoing and warm, not so indifferent as it seems.

He is a domestic space research expert. He has met Chen Mo in the cooperation of the moon base. He is academician. He also knows Chen mo.

As the deputy director of the Institute of space research, he attended the space conference as a representative.

Originally thought that Chen Mo would be besieged by them standing on the high ground of morality, now Chen Mo's Refutation of each other makes him feel surprised.

It's just the terms just now. He doesn't feel right.

"Academician Chen, I'm afraid this clause is not good. There is no life on Mars now. They may take this as a reason to refute your claim to Mars." Ouyang yuan gently reminds.

"I know." Chen Mo nodded softly.

"Then why do you put forward such a condition?" Ouyang yuan is more confused.

"On Mars, plants have grown successfully, I didn't announce." Chen Mo said without expression.

Ouyang yuan's whole body was shocked, he took his joy for a moment, tried to control himself, not to be found by the opposite few that his mood was wrong, or a cold face with no expression, a feeling of refusing to be thousands of miles away, his heart was already in full bloom.

Others are whispering about Chen Mo's terms.

Although the conditions are good, some weak countries are reluctant to do so. This means that all space resources will be possessed by the powerful countries. Their opinions, however, are unimportant.

The meeting is still going on. After Chen Mo said that the agreement was revised, some people objected, but it didn't work.

With a strong attitude, Chen Mo has an absolute voice on Mars and space issues.

The most important part of this agreement is the rules on planetary ownership.

There are three types.

One is the inanimate, barren planet. This kind of planet has no ownership right. All human beings can land freely for research or mining. The bases and mining areas they build belong to the developers.

One is the inanimate barren planet, which is transformed from a barren planet into a planet suitable for life. This kind of planet belongs to the reformer (the area of planet terrain change must be more than 30%); if the planet condition change is not caused by individuals or organizations, the whole human can freely land for research, and the construction base belongs to the construction unit.

The last one is the living planet, which can be occupied, but can not be exterminated. An international biological research team and an international cooperation team will be organized to carry out biological research on the planet. But if we really find extraterrestrial life, it's not as simple as the agreement says.

The rules of the new space agreement are mainly about the ownership of planets.

The ownership of extraterrestrial planets is based on enterprises. Enterprises can own planetary ownership and encourage enterprises to participate in space development and exploration.To put it bluntly, we should develop outer space freely without causing crisis to the Earth Moon system, the earth sun system and human beings, but we must abide by the safety rules and be responsible for the related responsibilities.

The rest are some common space safety rules and some common responsibilities.

These rules are optional.

As far as the strong are concerned, when there is no interest involved in the study of extraterrestrial space, everyone is a good child who abides by the rules. If there is interest involved, these agreements are just a few pieces of waste paper without any binding force at all.

The reason why Chen Mo came here is just to give the outside world an answer and make a pretence.

The agreement is mainly to restrict individuals and small businesses, avoid their misuse of space, cause crisis to human beings and the earth, and has no restriction and effect on them.

With the old outer space as the original blueprint, Chen Mo just asked for the modification of the planet ownership and several unreasonable terms. The other ambiguous terms did not move or change.

Under the "discussion" of dozens of people, Chen Mo proposed to modify several terms, forming in three hours.

It's amazing how efficient it is.

The new outer space law, witnessed by members of COPUOS, space research representatives of various countries, representatives of space organizations and space enterprises, and the president of the international tribunal, has been revised into the original document.

During the amendment period of the agreement documents, they have contacted their respective officials and informed them of the details. If they add or not, they have their own answers.

A revised document of the agreement shall be sent to each present representative by the staff of the international tribunal who are responsible for assisting in signing the agreement.

Jim stares at chenmo, waiting for his signature, and everyone else's eyes are on chenmo.

This space conference is aimed at the March ant group to announce the ownership of Mars.

When Chen Mo signs his name on the agreement, Jim and others sneer and sign his name on the agreement.

When the agreement is signed, the dust settles in this space conference.

"Now let's invite Mr. Jim, the sponsor of the conference, to summarize the results of the conference."

At the end of the meeting, Jim, with a smile on his face after the host's roll call, walked to the podium as if he were a winner, and he was almost six people who didn't recognize him.

"Today's biggest harvest is to make new rules for the future development of human space. The agreement encourages organizations and enterprises to actively carry out space exploration and development, and make everything they have for themselves.

Outside is the sea of stars, with infinite space. Our agreement today is to lay the foundation for human beings to enter the sea of stars. In the future, space exploration will only be faster and faster. "

Jim's speech was a little impassioned and in a very good mood.

"Next, our plan is to build a permanent base on Mars for the use of the Research Institute, together with national space agencies and space research institutions."

As soon as the words came out, the scene immediately began to stir.

Some reporters turned to Chen Mo's live camera to see his reaction.

Just to disappoint them, Chen Mo sat quietly in his seat, holding his thermos and drinking water, unmoved.

"Is chenmo giving up his claim to Mars?"

"Chen Mo has given up Mars?"

"It's impossible to give up so easily with trillions of expenses, right? Is there any other reason? "

Some people were shocked and began to whisper.

Jim just looked at Chen Mo and continued his speech.

"You may wonder that the March ant group's claim to the ownership of Mars is currently invalid.

First of all, we are not sure whether Mars was caused by the asteroid impact driven by the March ant group. The plans and data published by them are not enough as the real evidence for the transformation of Mars.

Apart from this, it is assumed that Mars is caused by asteroid impact driven by marching ant group, but according to the second paragraph of Article II of the agreement, the inanimate barren planet is transformed from a barren planet into a planet suitable for life, which belongs to the reformer.

The stipulated condition is that planets suitable for life are owned by the reformers. At present, there is no life on Mars, indicating that they are not suitable for life. The situation of Mars is in line with the first paragraph of Article II of the agreement. Mars belongs to a deserted planet. It belongs to all mankind. Any organization or individual can freely develop Mars.

When we join this agreement, we must have the spirit of agreement, strictly abide by it and implement it... "

It seems that this sentence is for Chen mo. most people on the stage have already begun to applaud and some people have already laughed out their sarcasm.

"Chen Mo is fooled. Ha ha ha..."

"We successfully deceived Chen Mo by taking advantage of the loopholes and conditions of the rules."

"The March ant group's claim to ownership of Mars is a big joke."


In five minutes, Jim came down from the podium, only to receive thunderous applause from the whole conference.

Hua Xia's representative and some friends and collaborators of the March ant group did not applaud and looked at Chen Mo's position with some concern.Until Jim finished, Chen Mo still looked like a theatre.

"Now let's welcome Mr. Chen Mo, the pioneer of space exploration, to make the closing speech of the conference."

As soon as the host's words fell, Chen Mo got up from his position and went to the podium. Mo Nu was like a shadow.

Everyone's attention is on Chen mo. they want to see what else Chen Mo has to say now.

"This conference has achieved good results and laid a regular foundation for human space exploration. The agreement encourages human beings to actively carry out space exploration. In the future, more and more people will join in space exploration. Outside is the sea of stars. I'm glad to see the progress of human civilization.

Here, let's talk about what Mr. Jim said just now about the establishment of an international organization to build a permanent base on Mars. According to the second paragraph of Article II of the agreement, Mars is the development and transformation of our march ant group, and also belongs to our march ant group. "

The scene stirred again and everyone said hello.

Just now, Jim also said the second item of the second article of the agreement. Now Chen Mo talks about this item again. Who is right and who is wrong?

"International organizations want to build bases on Mars, which I welcome, but only with the consent of our group, otherwise we have the right to confiscate any objects that invade Mars.

As Mr. Jim said, the second paragraph of Article II of the agreement stipulates that the inanimate barren planet shall be transformed from a barren planet into a planet suitable for life, which belongs to the reformer.

Mars was transformed by our march ant group, and the facts are already there, without any further proof. We have planted microbial and plant seeds on Mars. I'm glad to tell you the good news here. The seeds of plants that have been put on Mars have sprouted. "

Chen Mo clicks on his mobile phone and places several photos on the big screen in the conference hall.

In the land of Mars, a tender green grass.