Science and Technology Library

Chapter 687

Meteor across the sky, become the most brilliant scenery.

One, two, three or four

A flash of meteors, one after another appear in the night sky, which is unprecedented, like a real meteor shower.

Countless people are watching the meteor shower. When they see such a wonderful scene, they all shout out.

The most beautiful scene, but so it is.

No one can see that, exposed outside space, the incomplete alien bodies fall into the earth's atmosphere at a very high speed, and turn into ashes and dust in a flash of fire, leaving no trace.

Some meteorites, mixed with fragments of the spacecraft and one by one of the frozen capsule escape pods that had stopped working, fell into the atmosphere and burned.

One by one, or even several, meteors appear almost every second, visible to the naked eye, as if they were raindrops.

Such a spectacle is unprecedented.

All the star watchers on the earth look at the starry sky and dare not blink, for fear of missing every meteor and seeing the cheering voice, one after another.


On the moon.

The No. 7 transport robot is a multi-functional robot, with a very strange shape, such as Tani, which has a number of robotic arms, a small ion engine at the bottom, which can fly on the surface of the moon, and mechanical feet and wheels to adapt to various terrain.

This is a robot for exploring the moon.

On earth, it can lift 200 kilograms of weight. This transportation weight, on the moon, can reach more than one ton.

On the back of robot 7, there are two digging robots.

After two hours on the road, flying over a rugged area, robot 7 arrived at area F14, which is the nearest meteorite falling point from the base.

"The target is about 1120 meters in the 1 o'clock direction."

Robot 7 determines the specific location of the meteorite, the mechanical foot starts, and walks slowly towards the location.

Before long, a hole was in sight.

The command center of the base, including Shi Dongting and other scientists, are waiting to stare at the screen, staring at the pictures sent back by robot 7.

In addition, several young billionaires who came to visit the moon also watched. For them, it's a rare experience, and for the sake of user experience, it's no surprise that flying ant space company arranged this kind of viewing.

Meteorites from Orion help them study the formation of planets in the universe, or whether there are special substances in them.

"I don't know how big the meteorite is."

"At least 60 kg."


Several scientists are anxiously waiting, and as robot 7 gets closer to the crater, the command room becomes quiet.

The robot 7's lights landed in the crater, revealing the object that hit the moon.


The faces of all the people in the command room suddenly changed, like clay sculptures.


Mongolian grassland.

Li Xin's several donkeys are sitting on the grass beside the campfire, looking up at the sky and talking.

he is a photography enthusiast. He traveled all over the country to take photos. When he heard the news of the meteor shower, they were traveling in Mongolia area, so they came here to take photos.

Their camera is set on the grass not far away and exposed to the sky.

This rare astronomical spectacle is unique.

Once a picture of a meteor comes out, the whole picture is definitely a meteor.

This is a real meteor shower.

Suddenly, a faint light cut through the sky above them.


The explosion and shockwave appeared without warning, which made several people sitting beside the campfire groan. In an instant, they turned up and felt that they had been hit hard by others and fell to the ground and cried.

"It's a big meteorite."

"In that position, it's dangerous."

"Chest pain, grass."

"About a kilometer or two, damn it, almost dead."

Li Xin stands up from the ground with the pain of being knocked on his heart, and looks at the place where the meteorite falls with lingering palpitations. If we get closer, several of them will be here today.

"Do you want to see it?" A donkey friend got up, spit and rubbed his stuffy chest.


Several people clenched their teeth and drove away from the camp towards the site of the explosion. Fifteen minutes later, several people looked at what was in the impact pit and were cold.


Xiangluwan villa.

Xiaoyu, Wushuang and Zhao Min are two big and one small ones, with their hands together, making a quiet wish. Mo Nu also sits beside them and follows them.

Matchless pull them to wish together.

The picture is very harmonious.

Chen Mo is behind them, looking at them and smiling unconsciously.

There are many meteors in the sky from time to time. This is the most meteor shower ever recorded. Only the naked eye can see hundreds of them, and we don't know how many are invisible.For a long time, Mo opened her eyes and stood up.

Xiaoyu, Wushuang and Zhao Min, two freshmen, also opened their eyes and looked at Mo Nu with some doubts.

"What's the matter? "Sister mo." Asked matchless curiosity.

Mo Nu felt the matchless head and came to Chen Mo, who also followed her.

"The news from the moon is very special."

"A special discovery?"

Chen Mo looks cautious. At this time, he finds something new. From Mo Nu's words, he has a bad feeling.

"Matchless, go and get dad a roast chicken wing."

Xiaoyu also felt the subtle change of Chen Mo's mood, and knew that it might not be a good thing next, urging the incomparable past.


Unparalleled a go, Mo female takes out holographic mobile phone, project out picture.

Seeing the picture, Chen Mo's pupil contracted and his face slightly changed.


Xiaoyu and Zhao Min's face changed dramatically, and their subconscious screamed.

For the first time, they saw this kind of frightening picture.

It is a strange instrument to enter the eyes, such as a freezing cabin or an escape cabin. There is a body lying in the cabin, which looks strange.

It's pink, slightly pale, with a broken head, a bit like a lizard. There are only sharp teeth outside, eyes bulging suddenly, no ears. There are finger long tentacles broken on the top of the head. You can vaguely see the strange lines on the skin. The scales on the legs are ferocious, broken at a strange angle. The most prominent blood red tail, two meters long, is covered with all kinds of spikes.

"Alien bodies." Said Mo nu.

Zhao Min is a little better. He has a relatively large capacity to bear in his heart, but his face is not good-looking. Subconsciously, he leans against Chen mo. Xiaoyu relies on Chen Mo, whose body is shaking unconsciously, and tightly holds Chen Mo's waist, which is caused by fear.

"Mom and Dad, aunt min, look, there are many big meteors."

When Chen Mo was in a heavy mood, the screams of the matchless cheers rang out, pointing to the sky.

Looking up, several meteors, like fireballs, are flying across the sky, like bright lights in the night. They are very dazzling. They don't flash away, but burn all the time. They drag their long tail until they fall into the distance. Seeing the bright light, they know that the falling objects are not small.

"Go back first." Chen Mo gives Zhao Min a look, and takes Wushuang back to the villa.


Zhao Min did not hesitate to take the unparalleled hand and comfort her to go back to the villa twice. Chen Mo looks up at the deep starry sky and turns away with Xiaoyu.

This meteor shower is not as simple as a meteor shower.