Science and Technology Library

Chapter 686

The half moon is in the sky, and the stars are all over the sky.

It's late autumn. The clouds are thin and the wind is clear. It's a good day for stargazing.

On the evening of October 13, an extraordinary day, news reports that tonight, Orion's largest meteor shower will arrive as scheduled.

This will be the largest meteor shower ever detected.

All social platforms and friend circles are pushing the topic of meteor shower, wishing and praying. Anyone who has nothing to do with his own business has invited his classmates and friends to watch the meteor in a place with a broad vision.

On the playground of the school, a group of students lying on the grass of the football field are looking at the night sky to talk about life ideals, friendship and love, on the international trend, debate space-time universe, which is very lively.

On the seashore with a wide view, a group of donkey friends who are camping and stargazing are watching the bonfire. From time to time, they look at the sky, talking and laughing, waiting for the arrival of the meteor shower.

A couple of lovers at the bottom of the sea are snuggling and waiting for each other.

Numerous professional photographers, with their equipment, have set up their cameras in the open field of vision, looking forward to this rare Orion meteor shower.

Tiantai, park, campus, mountain, grassland.

Students, urban white-collar workers, photographers, astronomy enthusiasts, researchers.

Countless people are waiting.

"Wait for the meteor to come. What can I wish for?"

"Nonsense, world peace, of course. This vow was launched for the chaos in Africa and South America. "

"World peace, what's my business?"

"If a meteor falls for a wish, you can see that life is as brilliant as a meteor shower as soon as you look up."

"I wish I could be rich overnight."

"Make a wish to give me a handsome man."

"People think that making a wish for a meteor can accomplish everything they want, but they don't know that the fleeting meteor is just the tears God left for the fallen people. Will God cry for the world? "

The meteor shower didn't really start. On the Internet, on social platforms and in the circle of friends, there have been various comments and discussions about wishing. All kinds of pictures are spread on social platforms and friends circle, all kinds of wonderful wishes, all kinds of complaints, all kinds of disease-free moans.

This is a global topic, and it will be the longest and most numerous meteor shower in many years.

Africa and South America, immersed in the chaotic struggle, the edge of the war, other countries and regions, are waiting for this romantic meteor shower, a carnival before the storm.

The world is still peaceful.

Three hours before the meteor shower reaches the earth, no one pays attention to the earth. The moon has ushered in the meteor shower first.

Space meteorites from Orion are hitting the moon at a speed of 130000 kilometers per hour.

Even astronomers in the ant cave are dismayed by the high-intensity meteorite rain. Fortunately, there is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon. Otherwise, the shock wave generated by this kind of impact is certainly not small.

Each 40 kg space meteorite is equivalent to 20 cruise missiles. Now thousands of large and small meteorites are bombing the surface of the moon.

This is the largest meteorite rain ever found. Thousands of meteorites are falling.

Six scientists, including Shi Dongting, who are now stationed on the moon, have gathered in the satellite center of the moon base.

They are all waiting to see if there are any meteorites near the base. Meteorites that have not been burned in the atmosphere have more research value than those that have fallen into the earth, which is very helpful to their research.

"I don't know if any meteorites will fall near the base?" Said Bi Shichen with a sigh.

"Do you want to send an alarm back to earth? This meteorite rain, I'm afraid, is much bigger than expected. " Another scientist said.

"The alarm has been there for a long time. People on the earth are waiting to watch the meteor shower. It's only romantic. Few people care about the alarm. But if it's hit by a falling meteorite, it can only be said that it won the lottery. "

A few people, you speak me a word.

Shi Dongting is sitting in the main chair, paying close attention to all kinds of situations.

Now he is the base commander. In special circumstances, he should always pay attention to the base situation. In case a meteorite falls here, it's not a joke.

"Commander, the satellite detected that there was a meteorite falling in the plain of F14 area 80 kilometers away from the base. The earth has passed the request and can send a robot to search."

The artificial intelligence of the moon base marks the place where the meteorite fell.

Shi Dongting's spirit was shocked and his back was upright.

Several scientists on the field were excited and looked at Shi Dongting one after another: "commander......"

"Xiaoyue, calculate the time it takes for the transport robot to reach F14."

"Two hours."

"Send the 7 transport robot to the crash site and bring the meteorite back." Shi Dongting immediately decided.


Xiangluwan villa.

With the popularization of controlled nuclear fusion, the popularization of new energy vehicles, and the elimination of many heavily polluted industries, the role of environmental protection policies is obvious.Now in big cities, where the light pollution is not serious, the starry night sky can also be seen clearly.

Chen Mo, Xiaoyu, Zhao Min and others also wait on the grass for playing again and again. The atmosphere is pleasant. There are robots in charge of barbecue, and several people can play games freely.

Matchless has passed the birthday of ten years old, a lot of tall, graceful, very delicate, looks much more beautiful than her mother when she was a child, small face and a little baby fat, looks very cute. In terms of learning, there is no one over the age of ten who has almost finished high school, so now he knows everything. Looks like a little adult.

However, there is one thing that does not change. I love to eat the candy sent by Zhao Min since I was a child. I have a close relationship with Zhao min.

Several people are on the grass, drawing cards and sticking notes.

"Dad, when do you have a brother with your mother to play with me?" There is no opening on both sides of the draw.



Chen Mo and Xiaoyu are shocked by the unexpected problems, but Zhao Min is not happy.

"Sister Mo can't have a baby, or she will have a baby with her father."

"Ha ha..." Zhao Min couldn't help laughing.

"Little man is big." Xiaoyu directly flicked his unparalleled head, and he couldn't help laughing: "is it for you to have a baby brother?"

"The younger brother used to play." Peerless touch the forehead of Xiaoyu's bullet, laugh out dimples, directly take a card from Xiaoyu's hand, synthesize a pair of cards and put them in the pile: "Mom, you lost, stickers, giggle..."

"Did you take the opportunity to peek at mom's card?"

"It's called the distraction duck."


Chen Mo and Zhao Min both couldn't help laughing, and Mo Nu also smiled gently.

"Mom, grandparents and grandparents all say that there are few men in the family. They can't urge you and Dad, but you should hurry to give me a younger brother to play with, otherwise..." The little girl's eyes were rolling and her smile was sweet.

"Or what?"

"I won't tell you. I'll whisper it to Aunt min."

"And learned to be mysterious." Xiaoyu flicked her forehead again: "go and get Mom a drink."


At the end of the game, several people sat on the grass and chatted. Looking at the sky, the scoundrel was talking and laughing on Zhao min.

Now they are only a little bigger than ordinary people in their houses, and their life is still very ordinary. Chen Mo is on the front line of home and company, and occasionally takes time off to play or socialize, which is also a rare chance to watch stars with his family.

"Aunt min, let me tell you about my wish to see a meteor. There are many. Do you want to listen to the duck?" Matchless lying on Zhao Min, said with a smile.

"Can't mom listen?"

"No, I'll just talk to Aunt min."

Xiaoyu can't laugh or cry. Sometimes she doubts whether the daughter is her own.

Wushuang is attached to Zhao Min's ear and whispers in a whisper. Zhao Min tickles them before they finish talking. The two fight together. Soon, the fighting spread to Xiaoyu and Mo nu. Wushuang is the seasoning of the family.

Chen Mo watched them play and couldn't say how relaxed they were.

All of a sudden, a bright meteor across the sky, a flash.

"The meteor shower is coming."

When the first meteor appeared, countless bright moments saw it cut through the sky. Tiantai, playground, grassland, beach, the top of the mountain with gentle breeze, the seaside with salty air, countless people look up and make their wishes.

Just outside the earth, the meteorite stream is approaching the earth's atmosphere at an incredible speed.

If someone can see the situation of meteorite flow clearly, they will be shocked. There are debris of different sizes in the meteorite flow, one broken debris, one frozen cabin, one strange body, approaching the earth's atmosphere rapidly.

A meteor shower that shocked the world is coming on.