Science and Technology Library

Chapter 682

Deep in the universe, an asteroid with a diameter of two kilometers is moving in one direction at a high speed. No control, no matter how fast it is, it feels like the fallen leaves in the universe, floating aimlessly.

The tail of corn asteroid, with blue light, is a dense mechanical column, shooting plasma towards the universe.

The relative speed of the two asteroids was not small at the beginning, but they were running in different orbits without intersection. Now, the orbit of "corn" asteroid has changed, and the mechanical column has accelerated, so the relative speed has become higher.

All this is to have enough kinetic energy to hit the igniter and change its orbit.

"Modifying kinetic energy model..."

"Modifying kinetic energy model..."

According to the previously calculated kinetic energy model, today's asteroid speed is enough, but the quantum computer carried by the mechanical column is still modifying the kinetic energy model between the two to achieve maximum perfection.

"Three minutes later, corn hit the igniter and Optimus Prime left corn."

The mechanical column with artificial intelligence sends out instructions. All the mechanical columns in the "corn" asteroid stop plasma spraying. The mechanical claws embedded in the "corn" asteroid at the top slowly loosen and fold up. The ion engine controlling the direction of the mechanical column begins to accelerate in reverse direction, and starts to leave the asteroid.

In less than a minute, all the pillars of machinery have been separated from the "corn" asteroid, and only the tracker is still on it.

If space can be used as a canvas, we can see that the trajectories of the two asteroids, corn and igniter, are extending until they meet at a certain point.

The ignitor is already in sight.

"Crash one minute countdown, 60 59… 58……”

The countdown begins. From the perspective of "corn", the "igniter" becomes larger and larger.


The collision of the two, like two stones that tell flight, is in space.

Chen Mozhen is looking at the model on the holographic projection, which is based on the data sent back half an hour ago, the two asteroid collision model.

According to the calculation, now there has been a collision, and we don't know what's going on in the asteroid belt. The first plan of the planetary transformation project, the success or failure of the project will be achieved once again. If the orbit data of the "igniter" deviates too much from that of Mars after the collision, it means failure, and it will take a long time to correct the orbit of the "igniter".

"Mogo, two asteroids collided successfully, and the data came back."

Half an hour later, Mo Nu suddenly opens her mouth.

On the holographic panel, the data of "igniter" and the status of "igniter" appear.

When two asteroids collide, the "corn" asteroid has split. A huge asteroid fragment bounces away from its original orbit, and countless small pieces of rubble explode and sputter everywhere.

Unfortunately, three of the pillars were hit by the sputtered meteorite. Two of the claws failed, and one half failed. However, Chen Mo doesn't care. The propulsion system and mechanical system of the mechanical column operate independently. As long as the ion engine is not broken, it can return to the earth for maintenance.

Together, there are operational data on Mars' orbit.

The orbit deviation is 23 minutes and 03 seconds, which is within the correctable range.

Seeing the "igniter" and Mars' orbit data, Chen Mo's brain came up with this answer.

"Correct the 'igniter' track."

At the same time, far away from space, the artificial intelligence of the mechanical column has already begun the orbit correction plan. The debris of the small meteorite is scattered, and all the mechanical pillars fly to the igniter after being hit, and start to embed.

The size of the "igniter" asteroid is too large, and the thrust provided by the mechanical column is not worth mentioning at all. However, under the long-term action, the "igniter" asteroid can still generate small displacement, which is enough to slowly correct the orbit.

As long as the orbit deviation is within the correctable range before the asteroid and Mars collide, the correction can be completed.

Thousands of mechanical pillars are embedded in the asteroid and start to ignite and accelerate. The mass of the "igniter" is much larger than that of the "corn" asteroid. The acceleration provided by the mechanical pillars is very small.

"Orbit correction can be completed in 859 hours, and the igniter will enter the Mars gravitational field in 1470 hours and 31 minutes."

With the solar system as the table and the asteroid as the ball, it will be two months before we know whether we can get into the hole with one shot.

Two months later, the igniter collided with Mars.

Chen Mo looks at today's date.



Suomo looked at the visitor in front of him, puzzled.

He didn't know each other, and he didn't know the origin of each other. Suddenly, the other side came to him and said something important to discuss with each other about expanding its power. When he mentioned this topic, he chose to meet the visitor without saying a word.

As the armed leader of a small tribe, he always wanted to expand his power. Recently, the armed forces around him were covetous, and the situation was not very good.I'm afraid they've been swallowed up, if not a little bit.

"General somu, are you interested in making your territory bigger?"

Zhong Lei took a sip of the inferior wine prepared by the other side, with a natural expression.

Today's Zhong Lei has changed his appearance after making up. He looks like a uncle with a beard. His beard is half a foot long and tied with a red rope. Some of them are delicate. Outsiders can't recognize him at all.

If they don't expose their identity, they can't intervene in other people's struggle openly. Otherwise, they will be caught by public opinion and cause more troubles.

It is impossible to intervene through blatant intervention, but there are many preconditions.

As long as they have the means and dare to intervene, those people are just clowns.

"Of course, you have a way for us to expand?"

Suomo stares at Zhong Lei, with a strong breath, and touches his shiny head in the dark. People who know him all know what he means by this action. If you play with him, then you don't drink, but eat bullets.


Zhong Lei glanced at the people around him.

With a grin and a wave of his hand, somu said in a loud voice, "doss stay, others go out."

Wait for all the people to leave before squinting at Zhong Lei. Next to him, doss, who looks indifferent, has his hand on the gun. If there is something wrong, he will act at the first time.

Zhong Lei is not moved by their vigilance.


"South? Nasi brothers? "

When somu's face froze, he immediately understood who Zhong Lei was talking about.

Although the news here is blocked, he also knows what the armed forces of the Nasi brothers have done recently and robbed a foreign mine.

Marching ant group.

Suomo is not stupid. He immediately guessed the meaning, but he is not sure if it is true. The other party didn't use to explain his identity.

Zhong Lei ignored somu's psychological activities and said calmly, "I can rent you two special equipment for a week. You only need to do one thing."

The camp was quiet and somu squinted at Zhong Lei. In two minutes, the camp fell into a dead silence, suomo's face was cloudy and uncertain, weighing the advantages and disadvantages.

Seemed determined to lick his lips.

"What equipment?"