Science and Technology Library

Chapter 681

"Dare you take a chance?"

There's some craziness and bad intention in the air of Nazar. In dark green military uniform and general hat, in the barracks with insufficient light, except for the whites of eyes, you need to look carefully at other places on your face to see clearly.

In front of him is Nash, his brother,

"what's the risk?" Nash leaned straight against the back of the chair.

At present, the situation of their tribe is not very good, the economic source is lack, and it is more and more difficult for them to support their armed forces, so they have to ask for money.

Turning his head, NASA saw more light falling into his face. He could see that the corners of his mouth were cracked to his cheeks, and there were finger long scars, which seemed ferocious. "March ant group's rare earth mines."

"Not so good." Nasi's pupil shrank and shook his head slightly.

"Big brother, the world is in a mess."

As the leader of the tribe's armed forces, as long as he is not blind, he can see that the world is indeed chaotic. Now the fighting between the armed forces is more frequent. Why? For resources.

"March ant group made so much money by releasing controlled fusion technology. Our coal mine because they closed down, rob their rare earth mine, we deserve. There's only that rare earth mine near us. " NASA grinned. The muscles of the scar on the corner of his mouth were slightly pulled. He looked ferocious and frightening.

"They will get back at us." NASS shook his head a little. His intuition told him that it was not right.

"How can they retaliate? The financial storm and the elimination of energy have caused economic chaos in several countries. Now the land is in chaos. In recent years, the price of rare earth has risen rapidly. Those developed countries are hoarding rare earth, which is quite a golden mountain. "

"They are very strong."

"What's the use of being strong? It can't be hydrolyzed to near thirst. Can they do it to us for this mining area? The government can't take care of us, and we're not the only ones doing it? " Take SA Yinyin and smile. Her eyes are cruel.

"What do you mean?"


Five mining areas in Africa were invaded by tribal forces and all workers were driven away.

The news caused a global uproar.

It's never happened, and it's not by chance. The trees of the March ant group are too big, which brings strong wind.

The global media began to pay attention to it. They all started to watch the theatre in a posture of no concern to themselves. They all want to see how the March ant group will respond to this emergency, and how the Oriental excess will respond to this emergency.

The news immediately alarmed the senior members of the March ant group.

Chen Mo looks at Li Chengzhi's holographic light and shadow with a calm expression, not worried about the occupation of the mining area.

"What do you say?"

"I'm afraid the situation is not so optimistic. Those three countries are on the edge of chaos. They are too busy to worry about themselves. The conflict between tribal armed forces is intensified. Because of the decrease of oil revenue and the bankruptcy of coal, the conflict between some tribes and the officials is also increasing.

And the tribal forces that occupy the mineral resources have not hurt our people. For various reasons, we can't directly intervene. We can only put pressure on them to solve this problem. It will take time. "

Li Chengzhi's face is serious. This is another incident against them, and he is far away from Chongyang.

"How long will it take?" Asked Chen mo.

"Uncertain, countries on the edge of chaos, once completely chaotic, are in a state of conflict. The next time they are calm, they don't know when. In that case, you should know that not only you, but all investors who enter their country, will lose their lives. "

Li Chengzhi pauses.

"According to the current situation, the situation is very wrong. There is a sign of this."

"Can I solve it in my own way?"

Chen Mo is not surprised by this situation. From their consideration of acquiring mining areas in those countries, they are ready for those countries to fall into war. What should come will come.

Li Chengzhi doesn't answer Chen Mo directly, but looks at Chen Mo and nods slightly, meaning is self-evident.

"I see."

"Hang up. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from you." Said Li Chengzhi.

Meeting room of marching ant headquarters.

Zhao Min is inside, and Wang Hai and Zhong Lei's holographic projection are waiting for Chen Mo's instruction. Seeing Chen Mo and Mo Nu come in, everyone stands up.

"How are the employees in Africa?" Asked Chen mo.

"The employees dispatched by the company are temporarily in the embassy and will return to China in two days. The local security personnel were injured. They said that the armed personnel only came in to disarm and drive all the personnel away. They did not kill or hurt the employees we sent in the past. " Zhao Min replied.

"Can you find anything?" Chen Mo looks at the holographic projection to Wang Hai.

"Yes, those armed forces are all affected by the coal mine bankruptcy and oil production reduction. They spread their opinions in the villages near the mining area, because the marching ant company robbed them of their wealth, so they took back their own things. "

Wang Hai said truthfully what he found.

"There are several other armed leaders who have been persuaded to act together.""Who?"

"The younger brother of a tribal armed leader in Zambia. His name is Nazar." Before Wang Hai finished, the holographic projection image of Nazar had appeared in the conference room: "a rare earth mine is occupied by them."

"Can you handle it?" Chen Mo looks at Zhong Lei.

"It's easy to be a good example." Said Zhong Lei seriously.

Those armed forces are determined that as long as they don't kill people, there's no reason for the authorities to do so. What can't happen to them? They can also get benefits through negotiation.

"Zhong Lei is going to solve this problem. Try to get rid of the relationship and don't let people tell us the truth. The whole world is watching this. Wang Hai doesn't have to worry about it. You don't need to expose it for the time being. Can you do it? "

Now the whole world is watching how they deal with this emergency. If they negotiate and take back the mine at a cost, I'm afraid that the armed forces near other mines will follow suit. At that time, the outside world will think that the marching ant group is good at bullying, so we must give a strong warning.

"Very simple." Zhong Lei nodded confidently.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Chen Mo said.

"Looks like I'm going to prepare for public relations." Zhao Min said she understood what it meant.

The holographic projection of the two disappeared, and Chen Mo and Zhao Min left the conference room.

"What does it say?" On the way, Zhao Min asked curiously.

"In the current situation, however, it will take time to get it back. At least after the situation is stable, the officials there will think about this. There is more and more chaos there, and the situation in several countries around is not very stable, so they can only do it by themselves. Kill a chicken and show it to the monkey. "


"Shall we add fuel to the fire and give them a fire?" Washington, Tom asks EVA carefully.

EVA didn't answer. She looked at Rosen.

Rosen takes the red wine and shakes it. He drinks it up and licks his tongue.

"No, this is not the time. It's none of our business now. There's no need to go in and make a fuss. The March ant group is not as simple as it seems. Don't forget that the key material of controlled nuclear fusion, room temperature superconductor, is monopolized by them, and we can't produce it yet.

Offending them, our controlled nuclear fusion power generation plan ran aground. Moreover, if we take part in it, if we provoke that dragon, we will directly fall into indirect confrontation, which is not good for our strategy. Maybe it will also stimulate direct confrontation between the two sides. It's not worth it because of small mistakes. "

Rosen is obviously in a good mood. They naturally like to go down the drain when it comes to this kind of thing, but now it's not the time. They haven't seen the March ant group take over.

If necessary, they don't mind making a little trouble for the March ants if they don't find them.

"Will the Dragon participate?"

"Probably not."

Rosen took the bottle to pour himself.

"In the absence of loss of life and safety for their citizens, they have no reason to directly use force to intervene, but choose to put pressure on the officials of those countries. If it's normal, it's easy to work, but it's useless now. The area has started to be chaotic. The officials of those countries are too busy to deal with the internal tribal armed conflicts. "

"Then what shall we do?" Asked EVA.

"Go to the theatre." Rosen haha said with a smile: "March ant group has become so popular in recent years. It attracts more and more people to win 90% of the cake of the controlled nuclear fusion technology. There will always be some people who are jealous of the big profits. Naturally, they have to bear some risk costs."

"What does Mr. Rosen think the March ant group will do?" Asked Tom curiously, too.

Rosen thought for a moment and said: "they should be able to use tough means. They have a lot of mining areas and assets in Africa. Once they are weak, the wolves there will all gather around to beg for food. South America will certainly follow suit. Once they use tough means, the dragon will surely turn a blind eye, and the strength of the March ant group is not weak. "

At the same time, other world powers are also watching.

The technology of marching ant group has attracted countless people. This company has made Huaxia's technology leap for decades, but no one can stop it. They get everything by their strength. Many people want to see how the March ant group will deal with the troubles.

If not handled well, it will definitely be a blow to the March ant group.