Science and Technology Library

Chapter 663

"Crazy, marching ants are crazy."

"The mass production of room temperature superconductive materials, without any warning, is the March ant group disrupting the development speed of the global industrial system and accelerating the reshuffle about to start?"

"What does the marching ant group want for so much money?"

"A business that is as rich as the enemy."

"March ant group is trying to suck my wallet."

"This kind of technology, March ant group should not be so quick, so reckless announcement."


All kinds of discussion voice, all over the cyberspace.

The outside world is really frightened by the big action of the March ant group.

The outside world is totally crazy, and the marching ants are also crazy.

From vaccines to luxury cars, from ordinary people to rich people, and products released by marching ant group, each one is a burst of money, which directly strikes the hearts of the people in need and seems to release all the accumulated products at one time.

March ant group up and down, into the busiest moment.

Lots of orders and contracts are signed every minute.

In particular, the vaccine market, even with sufficient preparations, pharmaceutical agents from all over the world have also split all vaccine stocks in just a few days.

All hospitals with rabies, hepatitis B, avian influenza and other vaccines are overcrowded.

In the designated hospitals, AIDS patients will be the hospital layer by layer containment, and finally have to take isolation measures to reduce the risk of some transmission.

In the field of industry, marching ant group announced several kinds of multi-material 3D printers with different models and different precision. In addition, the appearance of normal temperature superconductive materials has made the global industrial field a complete mess.

If these two products are popularized in an all-round way, they will directly accelerate the pace of full automation of the industrial system.

The outside world is not sure what the marching ant group wants to do.

But this kind of big action is extremely rare.

Countries around the world began to contact with Chinese officials, and also with marching ant group to discuss the purchase of room temperature superconducting materials and 3D printers.

Now, the United States, island countries, Russia and the European Union have reached the most critical moment in the research of controlled nuclear fusion technology. There are room temperature superconducting materials, and the magnetic field problem of controlled nuclear fusion is strong enough to solve. Then the last time is to tackle the problem.

Chinese officials did not prevent the export of room temperature superconducting materials, and soon after, the price announced by the March ant group caused a stir.

Liang Wang.

It's dozens of times the price of gold.

news, make complaints about the world's research and development, the Tucao ant ant group fell into the money.

But the protest was invalid.

The March ant group automatically ignored the protest voice of the outside world, without any concern, and the price did not mean any change.

The western world has finally tasted the bitter fruit of technology monopoly again.

The March ant group now treats them the same way they did when they monopolized technology.

With the release of new products, a steady stream of wealth is gathering towards the March ant group.

Since the financial report of the March ant group will not be released to the public, external statistical agencies can only make rough statistical calculations.

World famous financial institutions have released reports one after another. In this crazy time of more than one month, the marching ant group's revenue from the world is 60 billion yuan per day, and the total revenue in more than one month is about 1.9 trillion yuan.

No one knows the specific data.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo earned wealth that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

The total assets of the March ant group are immeasurable. It's not too much to describe it as a commercial empire.

No one knows how much cash there is in the hands of the marching ant group, only that the funds in the hands of the marching ant group are enough to pry into the financial market of any country.

Even so, the high-tech technology of marching ant group is still emerging, and Chen Mo has no intention of stopping the research.

It is not known to the outside world that these funds may be a lot for them, but not a lot for the March ant group, which is about to carry out the planetary transformation project.

About the plan of planetary transformation, Chen Mo didn't announce it to the public, just to the external surface, and will carry out the Mars exploration and research project.

Flying ant Space Center.

Tiannv's massive body is already at the airport of the base.

Everything is ready.

On board, tiannv carries 107 exploration satellites and 31 type II seismographs.

This is the first exploration mission to Mars. These satellites and seismographs are the vanguard of the planetary transformation project.

Mars exploration satellite is mainly to establish Mars exploration network and collect data and information related to Mars.

Type II seismograph is the first seismograph to enter Mars, and more seismographs will be sent to Mars in the future. Its main task is to monitor the geological activity of Mars, detect the seismic data of Mars, detect the weakness of the Martian crust and the possible movement of the ancient Mars plate.

Collect data for subsequent planetary modification plans.Now it's all about laying the foundation for a Mars transformation project.

With Mo Nu's order, the engine of the tiannv starts, slowly rises into the sky and disappears into the distant sky.

The planetary transformation program has begun.

After the launch of the tiannv, Mo Nu tells Chen Mo who is in the laboratory.

Chenmers is not worried about the problem of tiannv. Tiannv is enough to explore Mars. He has calculated that under the constant acceleration of tiannv, it can reach Mars in a week at most.

After arriving at Mars, tiannv's artificial intelligence will naturally command satellite launch and seismograph installation.

Food and grass go first before the three armies move.

Chen Mo looked at some theories and methods of planetary transformation in the library of science and technology.

If you want to transform a planet, first of all, you need to master the specific operation data of the planet, and design an appropriate transformation plan based on the data of the planet, which is efficient and fast.

The transformation of planets can not be completed overnight.

Planetary transformation requires a computer with a large amount of calculation. Before the transformation, the data are analyzed and processed to simulate the process of planetary transformation and the operation of the planet after the transformation.

It is imperative to manufacture super quantum computer when the ordinary computer reaches the required amount of computation. What's more, the super quantum computer is also an important part of the Mo Nu project.

At present, Chen Mo's key task is to make super quantum computers.

When the company released various products, he was busy with super quantum chips.

Now, the super quantum chip has been designed.

Chen Mo holds a chip half the size of a mobile phone, which is a newly produced super quantum chip.

Combined with the previous experience of quantum chip design, there is also the theory of the golden stage super quantum chip, plus Mo Nu's computing power to rise one level and his evolved super brain.

During this period, he successfully expanded the number of qubits, expanded the number of qubits that can be manipulated by the quantum chip to 1011, and continued to expand to more qubits.

This is the future.

The method of quantum bit expansion has been found right. Next, the design of quantum chip is similar to the increasing transistor of traditional chip. However, the number of quantum bits is increasing, which can be expanded infinitely, and will not have the limit like the transistor.

The computation of 500 qubits has exceeded the sum of all the particles on the earth.

The computation of 1000 qubits is 301 times 1.07 times 10, while the total number of cosmic particles is only about 79 times 2.2 times 10.

As far as the current cognition is concerned, the computing capacity of 1000 qubit supercomputers is almost infinite.

Not long ago, Mo Nu just finished upgrading. At present, her computing capacity is 103 qubits, equivalent to a trillion level supercomputer. Only in this way, Chen Mo has felt the obvious change of Mo Nu, and believes that there should be a qualitative change this time.

Today, 1011 qubits are enough for the second upgrade of Mo nu.

Chen Mo gently returns the quantum chip to the experimental platform.

"Mo Nu, now we're making super quantum computers."