Science and Technology Library

Chapter 662

On the Internet, on the TV channel, many ordinary people are surprised to find that, as if overnight, all corners of the city are advertising for mobile phones, computers and other electronic products of the marching ant group, which seems to be flooding up.

They are all advertisements for products of marching ant group or its subsidiaries.

As many netizens discussed the action of marching ant group on the official microblog of marching ant group, an advertising video was updated.

At dusk, the two lovers at the top of the mountain snuggle together. At the next moment, they hug the sun. In the distant sky of the sea, the sun sets slowly.

"May there be no AIDS in the world. People can love each other bravely. AIDS vaccine, protect your happiness. "

Seeing the short film, the group was shocked.

"I suspect official driving, but I have no evidence."

"Excuse me, I understand second. Is there any help?"

"Official driving, most deadly."

"Don't worry about love. Be bold about love."

"Especially, the person who wrote this copy must be a talent. I can't bear to look at it directly now."

"I can feel the purity of the advertisement. I think I can save it."

As soon as the AIDS vaccine advertisement appeared, the comment under the official account number covered his face.


Binhai square.

All of a sudden, when the fisherman's tower is dark, a red luxury super run is suspended at the top of the fisherman's tower, causing a cry of envy.

At the next moment, super run towards the lower square to speed up the fall, frightening the tourists who are taking photos around the square into a bird scatter, a beautiful to the pole drift parking, stably parked in the center of the square.

"March ant fairy, global limited release."

On the square, many tourists are stupefied.


Li Chengzhi is now the director of the general assembly department. In the Department, he connects the marching ant group and major scientific research laboratories, pays attention to the technical trend of the marching ant group, so as to facilitate the purchase of products needed by the general assembly department.

As if one night, the advertising of marching ant group is crazy.

Such a large-scale product listing is the first time in the development of marching ant group.

As he was about to turn on his computer and watch the conference, the phone rang.

Zhao Min's phone.

"Mr. Li, don't worry."

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry. What's the good news?"

"Our company is going to release 3D printer with nanometer level accuracy, which can adapt to a variety of printing materials. Are you interested?"


Li Chengzhi swallows saliva.

He still hasn't figured out how much technology the March ant group has in hiding.

"Mr. Li, don't you?"

"Yes, definitely. We need to determine the specific quantity here."

3D printer, or nano scale, multi-material, this product can accelerate the production of precision parts. He finally understood the reason for the rapid production of various robots in the March ant group.

This basic technology laid the foundation for their speed.

"Wait for your good news."

"Wait a minute. What's the price?"

"It's not expensive. It's two million yuan for one."

"Not expensive..."

Hearing this, Li Chengzhi was speechless for a while.


"No mistake. It's very cheap. It's an internal price. The market price is 400 units in case."

It's a little tough.

Li Chengzhi's eyelids leaped.


Li Lingfeng looked at the time.

It's almost time for them to start.

The normal temperature superconductor material is the company's pressing product for this big action.

This material has far-reaching significance than controlled fusion technology.

There was no product slogan or product content at the conference site.

This specification of product launch follows the mainstream products of marching ant group to maintain a mysterious style, which will only appear in the release of the most high-end products of marching ant group.

So the reporters were looking forward to taking photos with their mobile phones and cameras.

The person in charge of the on-site technology confirms that the holographic video is OK before the host announces the start of the conference.

There is no extra prelude. At the beginning, the scene of the conference is darkened, and the holographic publicity video starts to light up.

From the beginning of the formation of atoms, in the eyes of all people, countless atoms gathered and combined to become a thin line of pure music, burning and exploding, accompanied by the rhythm of the picture, so that everyone on the scene could hold their breath and concentrate.

The thin wire is on the circuit board to form a circuit, which is connected into a neat circuit.

The video picture extends from the circuit board, a wire is rolled into a coil, and becomes magnetic suspension. When the magnetic suspension train is speeding up to form a line, the picture turns over again, and a star column composed of a wire is installed inside the star ringA highly technical promotional video.

At the end of the picture, there is a small pile of powder, like a solitary sand pile in the desert on the screen.

What material is this?

While the live reporters and the global audience were stunned, Chen Mo's image was slowly generated on the stage, with a huge hologram and a confident smile.

The appearance of Chen Mo's image has caused a stir below.

At the moment when people were expecting, Chen Mo's image came to the middle of the stage.

"Thank you for coming to our company's product conference. Here, I'd like to announce a good news: our company has achieved mass production of room temperature superconductor materials."


The word shocked the world.


There's a fire.

New products of marching ant group are popular all over the world.

Including the brand-new holographic mobile phones, there is a phenomenon of queuing to buy outside the offline stores around the world. With the emergence of new products, many stores are surrounded to buy brand-new mobile phones.

Haixing company is more crazy outside its headquarters. This time, Haixing company attracted attention with drug vaccine advertising. After that, it held a product release conference and released a dozen vaccines for the current medical problems.

The products released at the conference made the medical community crazy.

A product release conference of starfish company, almost overnight, solved more than ten kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases that puzzled global medicine.

Countless people who are directly related to vaccines and specific drugs are almost crying with joy.

Global pharmaceutical agents, pharmaceutical giants, top hospitals, all gathered outside the headquarters of starfish and Shanhe pharmaceutical, with contracts in hand, hoping to get the regional agency of drugs.

Countless reporters besieged the door of the headquarters, only to interview the important people of starfish company.

The crazy March ant headquarters, there is no less than.

The launch of normal temperature superconducting materials, just like the emergence of controlled nuclear fusion technology, triggered a global scientific tsunami.

Compared with the energy field, which is the direct transformation field of controlled nuclear fusion, the room temperature superconductor has a wider range of functions and influences.

Room temperature superconductors are directly related to electronics, power transmission, chips, computers, magnetic levitation, variable speed devices, cyclotron accelerators, mechanical manufacturing, controlled nuclear fusion devices and other fields.

These are the top industries in the world.

The publication of room temperature superconductors will directly lead to changes in these fields.

On the second day after the release of the materials, the news attracted the attention of the global scientific and technological community, and countless researchers were shocked by it.

Or joy, or envy, or envy, or madness.

The success of room temperature superconductors means that the research of numerous researchers can be accelerated.

Before the success of controlled nuclear fusion technology, there was still a little prelude and foreshadowing. However, the appearance of room temperature superconductors caught people off guard.

Before the release, there was not even a trace of information.

Like the headquarters of starfish, the front door of the March ant group is almost surrounded by media reporters from all over the world, as well as numerous enterprises seeking cooperation.