Science and Technology Library

Chapter 650

Yi Wenshu is not too tall. He is not strong. His face is a little white. He wears a pair of classic golden glasses of middle-aged people. He looks like his name. He is gentle, but his expression is a little serious. He is a stranger.

I don't know his identity. It's hard to imagine such a middle-aged man, who just came to the top of Binhai city.

At this time, Yi Yi stood in front of the three with a glass.

This one catches everyone's eyes.

Originally, Zhao Min and Mo NV, together with Chen Mo and Zhao Min's identities there, were enough to attract people's attention. Those with poor identities did not dare to approach. Unexpectedly, a middle-aged man appeared and went towards them.

"Who is that? It's very familiar. "

"He is the leader of the airborne City, Yi Wenshu."

Some people recognize the identity of Yi Wen and say it in a low voice. All of them suddenly realize it.

"I just came to pick up Comrade Yao Yi's great Yi Wenshu. I met him for the first time. I was looking for an opportunity to visit your company and visit some of you. I didn't expect to meet some of you here. " Yi Wen reaches out politely.

"I'd rather meet you by chance." Zhao Min politely reached out and shook his hand.

"That's right, too."

Yi Wenshu nodded gently.

Seeing Chen Mo, Yi Wenshu is full of smiles. Chen Mo's identity is very important. It's not polite to say that a person can be compared to a legion, and the feudal officials will not trust Chen Mo to a large extent.

"Should I be academician Chen or President Chen?"

"It's all the same. Hello, Yi Shu. Ji." Chen Mo reaches for his hand.

"Comrade Chen Mo, I've heard a lot about you."

Both of them are looking at each other, hoping to get the information they want from their limited cognition. They held each other's hands for three seconds, releasing each other just in time.

As the new leader of Binhai City, he learned that when he took over the management of Binhai City, he had done enough work and consulted Yao Yi about some things. He had a preliminary understanding of the people around Chen Mo and the executives of marching ant group.

"This must be Mo's female assistant. Comrade Chen Mo is very lucky." Yi Wenshu looks at Mo Nu and smiles a little. No one knows if it's a pun.

"Thank you." Mo Nu nods gently.

Yi Wenshu seems not surprised at Mo Nu's indifference.

"Next, I'm going to stay here for a while. What are the projects that are beneficial to the development of Binhai city for your company? We will give corresponding preferential policies according to your project evaluation."

"Thank you first." Chen Mo touched the book with his glass.

"It's for the citizens of Binhai that I thank you."

In the middle of the chat, the guests in the field were in a commotion again, and everyone looked at the door.

Only two middle-aged men in suits and suits entered the banquet scene, and Xu Yan was eager to guide them. One, with a bright head, is extremely smart and thin. The other, with thick black hair, has a strong body and sharp contrast, but has the same momentum.

Others looked at them in awe. Those who knew them immediately thought of their identity.

Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong.

Chairman of two barrels of oil.

This identity is enough to show their status.

I didn't expect to come back tonight. The two families came together. It always makes people feel that something important happened.

There is no intersection between business and work, but there is one person's company business and two companies.

March ant group, Chen mo.

The controlled nuclear fusion technology of marching ant group, together with the successful development of lunar helium-3 resources, and the new energy battery technology, now the government has issued policies to promote new energy, and the oil price has fallen and the elimination speed has been accelerated.

There is only one possibility for the two families to come together.

Find Chen mo.

Some people who can see the clue secretly look in the direction of Chen mo.

It's a good play.

Some people have come to see the excitement.

"It's almost time. Those people are waiting for you to take your seats." Nunuzui in the banquet area of Yi Wenchao: "I'm here in my personal capacity tonight. I prefer to be quiet, which is not suitable for this occasion. I'll have a chat later."

"Well, let's take our seats first."

Zhao Min is clear, holding Chen Mo's arm, sticking his body on Chen Mo, and going towards the seat in the main hall.

Their seat, which is the main table tonight, has been sitting on the seat, talking and laughing. Including Mr. Ma, brother Ma, Xu Jialin, wandalin, Yang Huimin, Lei Jun, Miss Dong

All of them are the first-class tycoons in China, mainly in the fields of real estate and science and technology. They have a whole table. Xu Yanxin, I have to say, has devoted herself to the party.

"I'm sorry you're late." Zhao Min arrived at the seat and said with a smile, "we have so many people, don't you mind?"

"More people are more lively."

Xu Jialin greets the waiter and gives Mo Nu a place.Originally, only two seats were reserved for them. Unexpectedly, three people came. They all know that none of them is worse than them.

Chen Mo and Zhao Min don't say that although Mo Nu is Chen Mo's assistant, she is still a fan of her real identity. She lives with Chen Mo and is inseparable, which is not even Zhao Min's treatment.

"It's rare for Mr. Chen to come out once. Let's have a toast to Mr. Chen." Xu Jialin opens his mouth.

All the people took up their glasses, and Mo Nu also followed them to make a pretence. She didn't drink.

The enterprises of all the people on the field have more or less cooperation with the marching ant group. They usually have more contact with Zhao Min, but Chen Mo rarely sees them once, but they are familiar with each other.

"Usually in the laboratory, Zhao Min is dealing with the company's affairs, many things are not personally appeared, you forgive me." Chen Mo also answered the occasion with a smile.

Soon, Chen Mo and Zhao Min were on the table.

It's all about technology, Internet and real estate. They have more or less common or similar topics, which are easy to integrate into the topic.

In the hall.

Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong scan around the court, hoping to find the figure they want to see, but nothing.

"Miss Xu, is general Chen of marching ants here?" Asked Wang Qilin.

"Here we are." Xu Yanxin looked around and soon found Chen Mo and Zhao Min who had already taken their seats in the main hall: "in the main hall, they have already taken their seats, just at the beginning of the party, let me take you there."

"Trouble." Wang Qilin said politely.

Three people went into the main hall, causing a lot of commotion. The others followed.

There are big people at the main table. Everyone's arms and thighs are thick. No one can sit down. Now, there are two more people. That table is a place where gods and ghosts can change.

Seeing this, others all took their seats and waited for the good play to begin.

Every seat has been arranged meticulously. Most of the company leaders at the same table are in complementary fields. They can talk about topics and cooperation with each other.

Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong came to the main table. They were talking and laughing. Suddenly, they calmed down. Everyone looked at the people Xu Yanxin brought.

Including other guests on the court.

Their identities are there, and there is no need to get up and welcome them.

Chairman of two barrels of oil.

Xu Yanxin introduced the identities of the two to the people at the table one after another. After all, there is no intersection of business and special characters. Usually, there is no intersection. All the people here don't know their identities.

"Everyone, today, Comrade Wang Qilin and I are going to the party in our personal capacity, which is a bit abrupt."

Dai Houlong glanced at the guests on the table, surprised. There is no ordinary person on this stage, and the coffee is a little lower, so they can't be seated.

"Welcome, please take a seat." Said Xu Jialin with a smile.

"Don't worry. The party hasn't started yet. I wonder if Chen is interested in it. Would you mind moving to talk?

Wang Qilin opens his mouth and goes straight to the theme. All the others look at Chen mo. Fools all know that tonight they are here for Chen mo. now it's up to Chen Mo to take action.


Chen Mo agreed without hesitation.

"You are here to talk with you. I'll go and talk with them." Chen Mo claps Zhao Min's hand and stands up from his position. Mo Nu also stands up and follows him.