Science and Technology Library

Chapter 649

Chen Mo stands in front of Xiaoyu and lets her help her to tidy her dress meticulously. This is designed and customized by Xiaoyu. It fits him very well.

"Isn't it handsome?"


Xiaoyu chuckled and gave out her real idea with tender eyes.

During the conversation, Mo Nu changed her dress and came out. Dress will be slender figure is completely outlined out, revealing sexy collarbone, let Xiaoyu can't help but admire now.

If it was not for Mo's special identity, Xiaoyu would have a sense of crisis.

"Tonight, sister Mo and sister Zhao Min will go with you, accompanied by two beauties. You are so beautiful." Xiaoyu's tone is sour.

"I also want to keep a low profile, but the strength is not allowed."

Chen Mo joked.

"Shame on you." Xiaoyu was angry and smiled by Chen Mo, and gave him a light thump: "don't drink too much wine."

"Yes." Chen Mo lowered his head and whispered in Xiaoyu's ear, "wait for me to come back tonight."


Xiaoyu blushes and is sweet. She turns around and straightens out her dress for Mo Nu before sending them out. Zhao Min has long been waiting in the hall. Seeing Chen Mo coming out, he stops playing with matchless hands.

Zhao Min is also dressed in a dress, with her hair curled up, light make-up, graceful, and unique charm of a mature woman.

"Sister Zhao Min, he will give it to you tonight."

"You're talking a little like a husband getting married, you know?"

"Son of a bitch, not serious."

Originally a little serious, now Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are directly amused and scolded. This husband is good everywhere, but sometimes he is a little bit unruly.

"Matchless, my father took aunt Mo and aunt min to the party. You and my mother are at home. Be obedient and go to bed early." Chen Mo feels the unparalleled head.

"OK, dad will be back earlier."

Matchless in each face kissed, just let them leave.

"What's the name of the new secretary?" In the car, Chen Mo asked.

"Yiwenshu." Zhao Min said: "the name of literature and art, but people are not. It's said that before, he was in charge of discipline. He was a man of iron face. He was aggressive and had done many major cases. I didn't really understand that. I need to contact him to make sure. "

Now Binhai city is very important and has become an international metropolis. Because the headquarters and important industries of marching ant group are here, Binhai city has become the leader of Chinese science and technology development.

The managers who came here from above must have been carefully selected.

"Well." Chen Mo nodded, "what do you think of the two barrels of oil?"

This time it's mainly about two of the two barrels of oil.

Nuclear fusion technology is mature, the promotion of new energy vehicles, the biggest impact is these two. However, if there is too much interest involved in the huge size of the two countries, it is not good for anyone.

"Cooperation and confrontation must be one of them. Mature new energy technology and accelerated promotion are the general trend and the above decision, which can not be blocked by one or two enterprises. It's also unlikely that they will fight us completely. "

Zhao Min thought and said.

"I hope so." Chen Mo nods.

He doesn't want to fight, after all, it's not good for anyone.

No more talk about this topic, Chen Mo carefully looked at Zhao min.

"It's a beautiful day."

"Is it only beautiful today?"


Chen Mo smiles and shakes his head.

The car soon arrived at the party hall and was held in a private club.

Some celebrities occasionally hold banquets in various names, such as birthdays, family longevity, wine houses, parties, etc., all of which are the same, including tonight's charity party. The main purpose is to create a platform to accumulate contacts. Charity is secondary.

For many rich people, this kind of charity banquet is just to take some things that are not usually used for auction, and get a good name for charity by the way. It's just to harvest a personal relationship here, and the benefits and benefits are not only that value.

The party was held by Xu Yanxin, Xu Jialin's daughter.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhao, assistant Mo, please come with me."

When the ushers saw the three men get off the car, they were very bright and hurried to meet them. They ushered the three men into the meeting hall. They did not forget to make a look in the middle of the meeting and asked the staff in front to inform the host in advance.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Xu Yanxin, who is chatting with the guests, hears the low voice notice from the ushers, and leaves the guests in front with a smile, and follows the ushers to the door.

"Chen Mo is here."

"Chen Mo and Zhao Min are here."

There was some commotion in the meeting hall. The celebrities' eyes followed Xu Yanxin's figure to the door.

Sure enough, under the welcome manager's reception, Chen Mo took the lead, Zhao Min and Mo NV followed him to enter the conference hall. In a flash, Chen Mo became the center of the meeting.

"Xu's daughter, Chen Mo and Zhao Min, please come here together. It's not easy.""Zhao and his assistant are so beautiful. Chen Mo is also blessed."

"None of these two women is worse than Miss Xu. It seems that Xu's daughter still has no chance. "

Some guests are paying attention to them, talking in a low voice, talking and laughing.

It's no surprise that the two women followed Chen mo. As we all know, Mo Nu is Chen Mo's personal assistant. Almost where Chen Mo appears, there must be mo nu.

"Long time no see, Mr. Chen." Xu Yan smiles and shakes hands with Chen Mo, and her beautiful eyes shine. Then she turns her head to Zhao Min and Mo NV: "Hello, Mr. Zhao, Mo assistant."


They shook hands politely with her.

Even Xu Yanxin can't help but admire Zhao Min and Mo Nu around Chen Mo for their temperament and beauty.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhao, this way, please."

Xu Yanxin made a gesture to invite them to enter the meeting. Chen Mo has just started to walk, Xu Yan's heart stops a little and smiles. Just the next moment, Mo Nu has stepped forward and bumped into Xu Yan's heart.

There was a cry of surprise.

Seeing this, Chen Mo hurriedly stepped forward, reached for Xu Yan's heart and gave her a polite smile.

"Be careful."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Chen."

Xu Yanxin arranges her makeup and takes a look at Mo nu. She finds that Mo Nu is unmoved and doesn't mean to apologize. She's angry, but Chen Mo doesn't mean to let Mo Nu apologize. She doesn't want to lose Chen Mo's face. She smiles and brings three people into the meeting.

"Does Chen always need to auction something?" Asked Xu Yan with a smile.


Chen Mo takes out a jewelry box, which is Xiaoyu's jewelry. Knowing that there is such a link in the charity party, Xiaoyu is ready for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. Do you want Mr. Chen to come to a special auction to auction a chance to have dinner with you? I think many people are willing to pay for it. There should be a good price. "

Xu Yanxin holds the jewelry box with expectation in her eyes.

"No more." Chen Mo shook his head politely.

Chen Muming refuses. Xu Yanxin can't say anything more. Continue to talk with Chen mo. After a while, an assistant came up to her and whispered something in her ear, then looked at Chen Mo in some embarrassment.

"Miss Xu has something to do. You can go to work first. Let's talk to some acquaintances." Chen Mo said.

"Well, let's talk about it later."

Xu Yanxin leaves and follows the assistant.

"Xu Yan's heart is very interesting. I think she is a little careful about you." Zhao Min took the waiter's two glasses of champagne and handed one to Chen mo.

"What do you say?"

"Why did you bump into Mo Nu just now?"

"She just stopped." Said Mo nu.

"Leading us to go, the body suddenly stops. If Mo Nu is an ordinary girl, her steps follow the stop to give up the position beside you. She naturally takes the place of Mo Nu and walks beside you. It's very interesting."

Zhao Min looks at Xu Yanxin's back as she leaves with her assistant.

"It's a pity that she meets Mo NV. Under any circumstances, Mo NV will not leave you. She doesn't know the identity of Mo NV, nor does she expect that Mo NV will bump into you, and then the scene just appeared. If you don't help her, she's going to make a fool of herself tonight. "

"And so much learning."

Chen Mo is happy. He just noticed Xu Yanxin's little action, but he didn't think about it so much. Now Zhao Min says that. It's true to think about it.

"Don't look down on women's careful thinking. Those female stars can use any careful thinking when they go on the red carpet and compete for the C position."

Zhao mingdundun teaches.

Chen Mo seldom attends social activities, so he seldom encounters similar situations, but these are common to Zhao min.

"In fact, if you promised her a chance to have dinner at auction just now, she would definitely get it at a high price and then have dinner with you. Looking for an opportunity to get close to you is also a disguised opportunity for you. Unfortunately, you are a wood and don't understand the customs. "

"What did she give me the chance to do?"

"The right answer is that you give the opportunity to 'do'


Chen Mo is speechless. He understands what Zhao Min wants to say.

"Don't think it's safe for you to get married. It's no surprise that people in this circle are used to marriage and divorce. Although you are married, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have a chance. When a man goes out, he should protect himself, especially an excellent man like you. "


"How dare you say 'offend'."


During the conversation, a middle-aged man sitting alone on the sofa picked up a glass of red wine and walked towards them. Zhao Min recognized at a glance that the middle-aged man was the new secretary of Binhai city.