Science and Technology Library

Chapter 618

"New plant species? Loam, what a strange name. "

"I have seen some research reports and papers. This new plant is reproductive isolation from other plants. And its own genes are mostly taken from other plants in nature. The only new protein is purified protein, which can absorb toxic substances in the soil and toxic gases in the air. "

"Purification protein is the most terrible part of LOX, a new protein that does not appear in nature at present. Chen Mo edited the sequence of this gene, and successfully created this protein that does not appear in nature, and applied it to biological genes, which is a means of creating life."

"Will this cause genetic pollution in nature? How terrible are the consequences once polluted? Does this violate the genetic taboo

"If this is taboo, what are the fruits and vegetables in space? The seeds of vegetables in space use space radiation to induce variation, or it's unpredictable. Chen Mo only controls the direction of plant variation from the genetic level to benefit the society. What's the taboo? It's not too much to give Chen Mo a Nobel Prize in biology with this loamy grass. "

"In the published papers and reports, more than 20 papers have made a comprehensive and detailed study on purified protein. Purified protein does not have biological toxicity. It can be hydrolyzed into common polypeptide without accumulation. However, the current experiments show that LOX has reproductive isolation from other herbs and does not have the conditions for gene transmission. "

"The successful editing of new proteins means that it is possible for human beings to create life. We can create a bacterium. Can a higher civilization create human beings

A new species?

The horror of gene technology makes some people shudder and cause a sensation, which can be described as the magnitude of a major earthquake.

Chenmo has successfully studied LOX grass several years ago. He has been studying this plant for years without releasing it. Until now, it is determined that there is no harm, it was released.

The published nodes are interesting at a time when fusion technology is causing some problems for the March ant group.

The emergence of LOX has drawn global attention from the success of fusion technology to this new plant species.

There is an unprecedented debate on this new plant in the international biological community.

Some people praise it, some oppose it, and quarrel with each other.

At the time of heated academic debate, marching ant group announced that in recent years, various university research teams and biological research teams have made photo comparison and relevant reports on LOX experimental sites.

Green plants can be seen everywhere in the desert Gobi, which is used for the experimental planting of LOX. In the once heavily polluted barren land, in addition to loamy oxygen grass, there are also other grass species and small shrubs.

The comparison of published photos has attracted the peak of public discussion.


Nick Ayers frowned at the news.

As the chief of staff of the White House and the first red man around the president, he is mainly responsible for the work of all the staff, arranging the meeting activities and schedule of the president, providing advice to the president's policies, convening the White House general office meeting, etc.

To put it bluntly, it is the president's brain and brain, also known as the "second president".

His opinion can directly affect the president's decision.

The success of Chinese controlled nuclear fusion technology has brought them great pressure and loss.

Before the controlled nuclear fusion power station was put into use, the official financial national team of Huaxia quietly withdrew from the oil futures and coal futures markets. After the announcement of the success of the nuclear fusion power station, the global stock market was in turmoil. Only later did we find the capital of Huaxia, which had already settled in the safe haven market.

In the capital game caused by the nuclear fusion, China with inside information was the biggest winner, harvesting an international leek.

In addition to the impact of nuclear fusion power stations, there are also some foreign people who are interested in promoting the impact in China.

Western capital, do not want them to be able to quickly get out of the wind of controlled nuclear fusion. It's good for them to leave one day later. If China stabilizes the situation, then they will be very passive.

But according to the intention of the information released by the March ant group, this time it is to divert people's attention and thus reduce the focus of nuclear fusion.

New species, environmental protection, silence, pollution control.

These gimmicks are eye-catching.

Amplify the news and attract the attention of the outside world from fusion technology to new species. Once public opinion's attention to fusion technology drops, they have enough time and space to deal with the influence of fusion technology slowly.

It's a very clever game.

It took a long time for Nick to make a video call.

In the video, there is a man about 40 years old. He is a bit of an ear catcher. He looks thin and capable. He was Tom cotton, the successor to the director of the CIA, who was appointed to run the CIA after Lina's plane crash.

"Director Tom, excuse me, do you have any way to acquire fusion technology?" Nick goes straight to the subject.

"It's impossible in a short time and uncertain in a long time. There is the world's most advanced intelligent security protection. No one can say that there must be a way to get it."Tom answered directly, too.

"I saw the information network left by Linna. Now we are in a blank in the information network of the March ant group. We can't get any technology of the March ant group in a short time."

They don't have much information about the March ant group now. No spy or informant can get close to Chen mo. they have no internal skills.

Let the agents in the March ant group?

When Linna was in office, all the agents who had been sent were missing. He didn't think the March ant group was so close.

It will take several years and ten years to train new agents to enter. They will rise at the bottom of the March ant group step by step. They can't be found yet, and they don't necessarily have access to nuclear fusion technology.

Linna, the cruel woman, was helpless with the marching ant group. He could not think of any means to deal with the technology of the marching ant group in a short time.

Tom put forward his problems.

Nick listened to Tom's story with a serious expression.

"Can that cause them trouble? We can't get them out of the fusion easily. We need time. "

If the March ant group can easily get away from the turmoil caused by nuclear fusion technology in a short period of time and build nuclear fusion power station with all its strength, then the trouble is just beginning.

With the successful application of nuclear fusion technology, the era of petroleum dollar has come to an end.

Just the opening of two fusion power plants in China will cause a huge impact on their domestic financial market and economy. How terrible is it to go further?

Huaxia takes the lead in entering the era of nuclear fusion energy, which also challenges their international status.

Now, more and more people have recognized the status of China's superpower in the international voice.

"It's hard, and it's troublesome." Said Tom.

For the coming of nuclear fusion technology, Huaxia has prepared a response plan for more than three years, and its own impact is within their control. Now Huaxia has the topic of transferring attention, and their role is limited.

If they act too much, the Intelligence Department of China will definitely target their informant.

It's not like in Europe, Arabia or other places, if you make a spark, a group of people can go to the streets to protest, and then they can secretly make things big, and finally become uncontrollable.

Different from other places, that Oriental power is impossible to give the outside world a chance to control.

Nick recognized Tom's helplessness to the March ant group: "it's OK to think of a way. It's too expensive. Don't let them easily get out of the wind of controlled fusion technology. The longer it takes, the better."

"A little late, the March ant group just announced another news. Chinese officials allowed them to grow the grass on a small scale and announced a new environmental policy. The news has spread and all public opinion is under their plan. Their efficiency is several times higher than ours, but I will try my best. "

Tom got the papers from his assistant and laughed at himself.