Science and Technology Library

Chapter 617

"As early as after the success of the star ring experiment, I thought about today's problems, so I also had some preparation in advance to minimize the impact on our company." Zhao Min said.

The nuclear fusion technology is very important. It was predicted that the impact would not be too small, so Zhao Min also made some preparations for some possible troubles.

"The loamy grass you gave me is a good thing. I went to the plant research team of ten universities and the biological laboratory of the company to do research on LOX for three years, and asked them to study all the biological characteristics of LOX once.

The research team has determined that LOX does not cause biological invasion to the nature, does not secrete toxic substances, and can improve the condition of the soil and survive in extreme environment. Your research is right. "

At the beginning, Chen Mo spent a lot of time on the soil oxygen grass. When she got the grass seeds, she gave them to a professional team to study.

In recent years, the research on LOX has been very comprehensive, but Zhao Min has chosen not to publish it.

A long time ago, Lin Shu put forward an environmental protection plan similar to Alibaba's ant forest. At that time, holographic mobile phones and holographic applications were just coming out, and they wanted to be put out in combination with holographic pets, so that people could not forget environmental protection while experiencing games.

Later, Zhao Min separated the plan and put it on hold.

After Chen Mo gave Zhao Min oxy seeds, she found the time to start the plan.

The plan has been prepared for a long time, but Zhao Min still hasn't announced it, just waiting for the emergence of nuclear fusion technology to solve some of the company's problems.

"You announce the existence of LOX, and then the team in charge of LOX will take over the matter." Zhao Min said.

LOX can improve the condition of the land, which is a very special plant. Once it is announced, it can definitely divert the attention of the outside world, just to adapt to the current official environmental policy.

Chen Mo is the creator of this new species, and he has great international influence. He has super topics and concerns. He is more suitable than anyone to announce the news of LOX.

"OK." Chen Mo said.

He planted grass to Zhao Min, but he didn't ask about it. He believes Zhao Min knows how to use grass seeds to create benefits for the company.

I didn't expect Zhao Min had such a long plan. I'll take it out at this time.

"I plan to send Lanxi to your mailbox."

During the call, Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to call the developed email and transfer out the project plan.

A public welfare plan for environmental protection.

There are several parts to the plan.

The first step is to launch a small program similar to ant forest on their own marching ant platform, and transform the "holographic pet adventure" small game into a holographic game similar to the combination of Pokemon go and traveling frog. Learn the method of ant forest, use the user's outdoor sports data, low-carbon activities and the energy generated in the game process, plant plants in the game, and plant plants in the reality, to create a real pet adventure forest - "March ant forest". The March ant forest can also be planned as a tourist area.

The second part is to cooperate with Ali to add "LOX" to the ant forest planting tree species, and cooperate with other domestic environmental protection funds and public welfare projects.

The last plan is to work with the government to use LOX to control the polluted land, poor soil and transform deserts in China.

The core purpose of the plan is to harness environmental pollution and transform deserts on a large scale by using LOX.

Now that nuclear fusion technology is widely used, the government has begun to gradually shut down coal mines and thermal power plants. It is also necessary to restore vegetation in the mining area and control pollution. At the same time, it is necessary to promote a large number of environmental protection projects to control deserts and create more jobs.

The emergence of LOX can make the scale of this environmental protection project larger.

These labor-intensive projects make it larger in scale, more ordinary labor is needed, and the miners grow grass-roots workers, which can completely solve the problem of the unemployed miners' work due to the closure of the coal mine.

Their company can not only gain profits, but also gain the positive recognition of the society and increase the reputation of the company, which is undoubtedly more than one stroke.

Moreover, the emergence of LOX not only solves domestic problems, but also international problems such as land pollution, air pollution and desert expansion. This plan is not only applicable to domestic problems, but also for international cooperation.

What Chen Mo needs to do is to announce the new plant species of "LOX" to the world. Next, other plans will be carried out by the responsible team of the company.

"The launch of" holographic pet adventure "game and" March ant forest "is also to use these close to life entertainment methods to achieve the purpose of the whole people's participation in environmental protection action, which was proposed by Lin Shu at the beginning."

"Very thoughtful." Chen Mo agreed and nodded, "when is it necessary to announce the existence of LOX?"

"These two days are the best."


The outside world pays special attention to the unemployment tide of nuclear fusion.

From the response of the international community to that of China. Through a series of events, it is enough to see the impact of nuclear fusion technology.The number of unemployed people in China is not as serious as expected. Although it has increased, it is within the scope of official statistics.

However, driven and rhythmic by interested people, coupled with the turmoil of the international community, some self media with unknown truth are biased, thus creating a sense of serious unemployment.

Officials have made many statements and even published statistics, but some people still believe that the data is fake and choose not to believe it.

In response to the March ant group, it has been launched all over the world, and there are also some barbaric troublemakers in China.

Things are not big, they are all small troubles, but it's annoying to focus on this stage of public opinion, so the whole news is not small.

Just as the outside world watched how the marching ant group responded to the event triggered by the nuclear fusion technology, the official marching ant group, which kept silent, suddenly released a video.

The cover of the video is Chen Mo, the founder of marching ant group.

After clicking on the video, the onlookers were once again frightened by Chen Mo's announcement.

The soil oxygen grass appears.

Using gene technology, Chen Mo concentrated the dominant genes of many plants on one plant.

A species, concentrated drought resistance, cold resistance, salt and alkali resistance, air purification, soil improvement and other properties in one. As soon as the news was released, the global botany research circle was shocked. At the same time, it also attracted the earthquake of genetics.

Behind this kind of gene technology, people are excited, and there is a frightening side.

The media, which had been focusing on fusion technology, was immediately attracted by the news.

Before the outside world raised doubts on LOX, marching ant group published the research results of LOX on its website and platform for four years.

The research reports of plant research teams and biological laboratories in ten famous universities in China, as well as more than 50 research papers on LOX written by botany professors and research teams.

Research reports and papers are the signatures of the most famous botany professors and teams in China. They also have a great reputation and status in the world.

In addition, it is rare to publish Chen Mo's research papers and some experimental data.

There is not much difference in the results of the study.

This new plant species, which does not have the ability to invade the nature and secrete toxic proteins and substances to animals, is the perfect plant species for desert control, pollution control and air purification.

Chen Mo created a new plant species.