Science and Technology Library

Chapter 615

The latest news from CNN: American environmental enthusiasts gathered and marched at the gate of the Chinese Embassy, hoping that China would open its nuclear fusion technology to alleviate the global warming problem facing mankind.

World economic times: the formal application of nuclear fusion technology has led to a sharp fall in global coal prices. Some coal exporting countries have shut down coal mines, and a large number of coal miners have been laid off. A coal miners' March broke out in Chile and gathered near the Chinese Embassy to March, asking China to suspend the application of nuclear fusion technology.

Wall Street Journal: OPEC announced the collective reduction of oil production. Influenced by the news, the global oil price stopped its continuous downward trend.

Asahi news: Fukushima people gathered to ask the government to introduce nuclear fusion power plants and completely eliminate fission power plants.

Reuters: Environmental enthusiasts from many European countries gathered in front of branches and stores of marching ant group in Europe, asking marching ant group to share nuclear fusion technology with the whole mankind, so as to alleviate the atmospheric problems facing the world. At present, the European headquarters of marching ant group has announced to temporarily close the stores where the rally takes place, so as to avoid uncontrollable accidents. There are police on the scene to maintain order.


"Einstein's research results and Tesla's alternating current can be used for free in China. Why can't their fusion technology be shared? Isn't it selfish. "

"Technology has no borders. China's technology monopoly is too much."

"Nuclear fusion technology belongs to all mankind. The marching ant group cannot monopolize it. The United Nations requires them to hand over their technology, or the whole world will sanction them."

"If they don't steal our research results, they can't study so fast. They are all thieves. They should be asked to return the technology immediately, or they will be punished."


"This is a typical double standard and moral kidnapping. When our country was backward, they collectively blocked our technology and patents. Now we have some technologies, we need to share them with the whole world. A group of people are shameless."

"It's so cool to see their collective orgasm."

"Those who say technology sharing feel so ridiculous. It's like our country's papermaking and gunpowder technologies are not free. Why didn't Americans take the lead in mastering atomic bomb technology and share it with the world? "

"Science without borders? This sentence has always been a joke. They have good technology, that is, the Wassenaar Arrangement mechanism. We have good technology, that is, technology has no borders. Today, we have reached the highest level of shamelessness. "


After a series of official promotion of nuclear fusion technology, the reaction at home and abroad is totally different.

The whole country was jubilant, shouting and scolding for two days.

Each country has different development level and demands. Some countries that rely on fossil energy to maintain their economy are almost on the verge of collapse due to the impact of price fluctuation in the international fossil energy market.

Some of the unemployed miners hope that China will not popularize nuclear fusion technology so quickly.

In the western network, there are some "technology without borders", which even become the mainstream.

At the same time, there is also the argument that "Einstein and other great people share technology with all mankind, Chen Mo shares technology with all mankind, and solves the global environmental crisis.".

The first argument is used by many foreign netizens to kidnap and attack the March ant group, while the second argument is to kidnap Chen Mo personally.

The impact of nuclear fusion technology on the March ant group is preliminary.


"Mr. Chen Mo, we hope to make a nuclear fusion experiment by using star ring. We hope you can provide us some theoretical information about star ring."

In the reception room of the March ant group, an old man with grey hair and Mediterranean hair sat opposite chenmo.

This is Victor Caro, a French physicist and expert on ITER project.

At this time, Carlo looks sincere, waiting for Chen Mo's answer.

International Research on fusion technology has never stopped.

More than three years ago, China achieved controlled nuclear fusion. Under the pretext that China was one of the project members, ITER project asked China to share the technical data of star ring. As a result, the two sides fell out and broke up, and ITER survived.

After that, the leaders of the United States and Russia, led by the leaders of the two countries, invited the European Union, the island, Britain, India, South Korea, Canada and Australia groups to reach a cooperation agreement on joint development of high-temperature plasma research, which focused the research of all high-energy physicists from the nine parties and accelerated the research on controlled nuclear fusion technology.

The new nuclear fusion technology development plan excludes China.

But in recent years, little progress has been made in the research of nuclear fusion technology of the Jiufang group.

Now the first nuclear fusion power station in China has realized power transmission into the network, and the nuclear fusion power station is also being popularized in China.

Once again, they put their ideas to the Chinese.

At present, star ring is the only solution for nuclear fusion technology to be put into application. They also want to understand the technical principle of star ring, to combine with the Tokamak device, to imitate a nuclear fusion device."I'm sorry, Professor Carol, the star ring is not open to the public."

Chen Mo did not hesitate to refuse.

"Science Island is the laboratory of Huaxia nuclear power group. You must join the group's nuclear fusion research team to get access to the star ring."

Facing the sudden visit of international high temperature plasma physicists, Chen Mo was somewhat surprised.

Now it's clear that they are here to borrow the star ring.

Not to mention that he will not open the star ring, even if he is willing, the official can not let them contact the star ring.

When they were backward, the western world was wary of them and blocked them. Now it is impossible for them to use the most advanced technology.

"Why not?" Carlo heard Chen Mo's refusal, and he was worried: "this is to contribute to the progress of human technological civilization, and technology has no borders."

"Professor Carol, why don't you immigrate to China and join the nuclear fusion development team of our nuclear energy group. I promise that, like other members, there will be no unfair treatment for you. After all, it is to contribute to the progress of human civilization. Technology has no borders. "

Chen Mo shrugs and looks calm.

“……” Carol's breath was stagnant, and he was embarrassed: "Chen, how can you lend us the star ring to do the experiment? We can rent it at a price. How much can we rent it once? "

"Sorry, star ring is not on loan." Chen Mo still refuses.

"Is there no other way?" Carol frowned, a little upset. He is also the first time to talk with others in such a low breath, but Chen Mo still hasn't let go.

"Yes, if you join the nuclear fusion development team of our nuclear power group, you will be able to use star ring naturally. After all, for researchers, where to experiment is not important, and completing their own research topics and ideals is the most important. We have the most advanced experimental equipment and technology, which can completely help you to complete your research. Technology has no borders. " Chen Mo said.


Carlo frowned. Just now he used "technology without borders" to say Chen Mo, but now he's back. It's a bit awkward.

"What conditions do you need? We can rent star ring to do experiments for us, as long as we can meet it

"Really not." Chen Mo's stall.

"It's a pity that the field of science should not be so closed." Carlo heard Chen Mo's insistence, and knew that he would return empty handed today.

"Yes, I agree with that." Chen Mosha nodded interestingly: "we are open to science, so Professor Carol is very welcome to join our company and do research together."

"There's a chance." Carol squeezed out a polite smile.

Hit a wall.

After leaving the March ant group, Carlo looked at the headquarters of the March ant group with a complex look.

Today's China is not the original one.

This time, I came to March ant group, and came back without success. As Chen Mo said, joining their company can use star ring, but can they join? The G9 will never allow top physicists to be poached, especially at this time of intense fusion technology.

"These people are so interesting that if they want to borrow, we'll give them the same." In the headquarters building, Zhao Min saw Carol's car leaving and said to herself.

"They have always felt superior to us because they have been a big man for too long. They are not used to being normal now, and will get used to it gradually later."

Chen Mo takes back his eyes.

"What's the trouble with the company recently?"

"There is no big trouble. As you said, the government has accepted the international pressure brought by nuclear fusion technology. But we have a lot of small problems. Those so-called "environmental enthusiasts" from abroad gather at the door of our company or store to cap us and try to "influence" us to save the world and share nuclear fusion technology. Those rallies and processions have affected the normal operation of some of our stores. There is no problem in other aspects. "

Zhao Min said.

"There are also some small problems in China. The emergence of nuclear fusion technology, coupled with the official promotion, has caused some fluctuations in China. Now the official is also dealing with these matters, seeking to gradually over regulate and gradually eliminate the fluctuations brought by the emergence of nuclear fusion technology."