Science and Technology Library

Chapter 614

After the start button is turned on, dawuwan nuclear fusion power station officially supplies power to the power grid.

Then, the holographic congratulatory video of the chief that Li Chengzhi brought was released at the first time.

This is a very representative moment.

The short congratulation video ends. When the holograph figure of the chief disappears on the stage, the serious moment ends. Chen Mo, introduced by the host, steps onto the stage.

Today, the world's most mainstream media are all on the stage.

Today's important moment, his words, will be spread around the world for the first time through the lens of the following journalists.

"Now, the world is facing a serious energy crisis and global warming. It is urgent to find a safe and pollution-free clean energy. Fortunately, we can break through the technological bottleneck of nuclear fusion first. "

Chen Mo came to the stage in an orderly manner.

This kind of time, can not say too much chicken soup, can not tell too many stories, at the beginning can only say some scene words.

The outside world does not want to know what Chen Mo said, but cares about the development of nuclear fusion power plants.

"Just now, I asked the staff to collect some questions that media friends want to know or want to know. I selected some answers here for you.

A reporter asked that just a few days after the news of the successful ignition of the nuclear fusion power station came out, it has led to the turbulence of the global stock market, the collapse of the crude oil and coal markets, which has caused numerous investors to suffer losses and many people to lose their jobs. Further, it is likely to trigger the global financial crisis. What kind of influence will nuclear fusion bring to our life? Are there many advantages or disadvantages?

This question is very interesting.

If we want to enjoy delicious fish, we need to be prepared to get stuck in the throat by fish bones. Will you give up the delicious food because you are stuck in your throat for a few seconds? "

Chen Mo glances down and continues to speak.

"At the beginning of a change in a field, there will be a process of adjustment for the arrival of new things in the society, in which some inadaptable fluctuations are normal.

Now, the news of nuclear fusion is only a small fluctuation at the beginning, and its benefits are infinite.

According to the statistics of the Bureau of statistics last year, the total power consumption of our country is more than 12 trillion kwh, which is still growing at a rate of 6% per year.

Among them, the thermal power generation is 9.1 trillion kwh, accounting for 75% of the total power generation. Now, based on the standard that the thermal power generation consumes 300 grams of coal per kWh, how much coal is needed?

In the case of limited water power generation and potential safety hazard of nuclear fission power generation, with the growth of domestic economy and energy consumption, the proportion of thermal power generation will increase year by year.

The acid gas emitted from the combustion of thermal power generation is the main reason for acid rain in many areas, as well as dust pollution. The electric power industry has become one of the largest pollution emission industries in China, which is also the reason why the country has been encouraging the development of new energy. "

Haze and other air pollution problems have always been the heartache of the society. The direct and indirect economic losses caused by air pollution are even more shocking.

Now the fusion power station comes out, all these problems will be solved.

There is no need to worry about the burning out of fusion fuel or the pollution, which is its most direct benefit and impact.

Now nuclear fusion technology has become a global concern after the moon landing boom.

The traditional energy competing with nuclear fusion energy will undoubtedly face the fate of being phased out, but the natural selection and the elimination of the backward are the laws of natural selection and the same from the perspective of civilization progress.

"China is going to take off."

"When can our country develop fusion technology?"

"It was so many years ahead of Huaxia, but now it's surpassed. It's terrible that Huaxia's speed."


The reporter who saw Chen Mo's speech below was full of emotion. Unconsciously, China has been leading the world in all aspects.

Chen Mo briefly introduces the advantages and possible impacts of nuclear fusion energy.

Five minutes later, he finished his speech.

What he said, as the outside world knows, is just another time.

"I find that you are more and more interesting. You talk in a proper way. You are serious and confident. If you are not serious, you feel like a new person." Just came down, Zhao Min joked.

"On formal occasions, be serious and keep my perfect image." Chen Mo is good at Zhao Min's side.

"The image is perfect."

Zhao Min glanced at him directly and nodded.

"I don't know what will happen after this ceremony, and the company should prepare for it. After all, the cake is too big, involves too many interest groups, and has no small impact. Even if we have the official help to block the big trouble, the small trouble will never be less. "

"I'm sure there will be several kittens and puppies. It's a general trend in history. No one can stop it." Chen Mo said.Chen Mo comes down, Wang Nian also goes up in the host's introduction. An hour later, the main characters all finish their congratulatory words, and the launching ceremony of sending points to the Internet officially ends.

The ceremony was simple, but not simple.

The significance of this ceremony is to announce to the whole world that the Chinese nuclear fusion technology is completely mature and has been put into use.

It seems simple, even boring, but in later generations, the ceremony has a representative significance that can not be ignored, which is the beginning of human use of nuclear fusion energy, a symbol of history.

"China is really living in the 21st century. Look at our country, a Notre Dame, which has not been repaired for ten years! We're done. "

"I want to travel to Binhai City, which is the most advanced city in the world. The holographic world is really amazing. There are also self driving public transport, holographic playground, holographic arena, and now there is no pollution energy. It's really great."

"Terrible China, will they rule the world again?"

"Einstein published the theory of relativity and the equation of mass and energy to all mankind; Tesla tore up the patent of alternating current and gave it to all mankind for free; Chen Mo is also a great man, and he should also publish the controlled nuclear fusion technology to all mankind to solve the climate problem facing mankind."

Chen Mo's video on the scene of the fusion power station has attracted a lot of discussion on the Internet.

On the international network, there are many voices calling for marching ant group and Huaxia to open nuclear fusion technology to deal with the energy crisis facing the earth.

After the power transmission ceremony, the global stock market fluctuated again, the coal and oil prices fell again, and the new energy sector soared again.

An invisible capital game has been opened in the global economic market, with undercurrent surging.

On the second day after Chen Mo announced that the nuclear fusion power station was officially connected to the power grid, Binhai city's power bureau announced that the city's electricity price had dropped by 0.3 yuan, which inspired Binhai city.

For so many years, it's hard to reduce the electricity charge once, and the decrease is still so large. Those factories with big consumers of electricity almost failed to offer Chen Mo's portrait for celebration.

On the third day, South China Province officially announced that in the next eight years, it will continue to plan more than five nuclear fusion power stations in the province to replace thermal power plants, comprehensively reduce the price of electricity, popularize new energy, and control environmental pollution.

When the news came out, the whole province cheered.

On the seventh day, officials from several provinces with the largest number of thermal power generation and the most serious air pollution announced strategic cooperation with Huaxia nuclear power group to start planning the construction of nuclear fusion power stations.

Soon, news came from the capital. The national development, reform and Reform Commission announced that it would make every effort to develop and implement the construction of nuclear fusion power stations in the future, and strive to phase out the seriously polluted thermal power generation within 10-15 years.

At the same time, the government also issued low-key documents, suspended some of the coal mines to be mined, and began to plan to control the production of coal.

It's good news almost every day.

Judging from various actions, the Chinese authorities are determined to make nuclear fusion power widely available and gradually replace the original thermal power generation. A new generation of energy has begun.