Science and Technology Library

Chapter 565

Babhawa was recovered by Syrian government forces, and the last border crossing of Idlib Province, which is against armed control, was cut off.

This battle became the last straw to crush the opposition.

Besieged opposition forces, in a state of total collapse, almost no fighting, gave up the important towns such as Muhammadan and maiala Meslin, turned to the enemy in the face of the wind, and there were numerous internal defections.

Syria's army won without fighting.

Even if western groups make excuses and send planes to bomb several times, they still can't stop the pace of large forces.

The wing of freedom is opposed to the high-level armed forces, and there have been serious differences. The main battle and the main and the two sides have started to quarrel, and their hearts have changed.

Before long, there was internal strife within the wings of freedom. The leader who advocated peace led his subordinates in the middle of the night, trying to control the leader, heathett. Finally, the plan failed, and the two sides exchanged fire.

The wings of freedom are completely divided.

The two factions are fighting against each other. Hassan receives the petition from the peace seekers. He takes this opportunity to lead the tiger army to attack the city of Idlib.

The wings of freedom disintegrated, while Hassan's tiger forces, led by war robots, fought against the armed forces, and the large forces advanced steadily.

The battle of Idlib lasted for a day.

Heathett, the leader of freedom wing, was killed by war robots in the battle, opposing the loss of the last backbone of the armed forces, and a large number of people surrendered.

In the end, the Syrian government forces led by Hassan completely controlled the city of Idlib, captured 4000 militants, and the rest of the troops were broken up and left to flee.

All 50 military advisers sent by the western group to the opposition armed forces were captured. Under international pressure, Syria finally released the 50 military advisers.

Since then, the civil war in Syria ended in a great victory of the government forces.

With the help of the advantages of war robots, the war between Syria and the outside world was unexpected. In less than a month, the civil war of Syria lasted for more than ten years.

War robots have almost become the most terrifying synonym on the battlefield.

The two companies, the manufacturer of war robots, the worker ant defense company and the soldier ant equipment company, which provide weapons for robots, also have a foothold in the world's top arms manufacturers because of the great victory of the Syrian government.

However, the war is not over.

Before the recovery of idrib, Bashar had issued a public warning to the army that had not been allowed to enter the territory of Syria through television and radio. But half a month later, the army that entered the territory of Syria still went its own way and did not mean to leave the territory of Syria.

Finally, Syria could not bear to let the Hassan tiger army, which had just pacified Idlib, head north to drive the Turkish army stationed in Syria.

When Hassan's tiger troops are close to the garrison of Turkmenistan, they let the air force carry six thermobaric bombs and put them into the garrison of Turkmenistan in Syria. Then they started with the demon team equipped with intelligent robots and the silver skeleton battalion equipped with sophisticated equipment and pushed them across.

In just one day, the Turkish army stationed in the territory of Syria killed 1300 soldiers, and 82 tanks and armored vehicles were lost by tanks and armored vehicles, which cost a lot. Finally, they fled in confusion and returned to the Turkish border.

Then Hassan led the Silver Skull battalion and the war robot team to parachute to the southwest of Syria, with the intention of recovering the Golan Heights.

According to the news, Israel immediately stopped bombing and harassing Syria and entered a comprehensive state of war readiness, like facing the enemy.

The news of the changing war situation in Syria shocked the world.

Now, although the Syrian state-owned war robots and intelligent equipment are the base cards, the combat effectiveness of the ground forces has reached a stage of terror, although they lack air control capability.

The Turkish government retaliated against Syria and appealed to the United Nations for a resolution and sanctions.

The stage of the world's great powers' game has also shifted from the battlefield of Syria to the stage of the United Nations General Assembly.

In addition to seeking help from the United Nations and demanding sanctions against Syria, there are also western groups led by the United States, together with countries such as Turkey, Israel, island countries and South Korea, to draft an agreement on banning war robots from entering the battlefield, which is also submitted to the Security Council. It is well known as: in order to avoid human beings suffering from the crisis of intelligent robots and destroy human beings.

In the end, neither agreement passed.

The request for sanctions put forward by Turkey was rejected by the United Nations without mercy.

Because Syria has publicly warned the army illegally entering Syria's territory, but Turkey has not paid attention to it. It is an indisputable fact that Turkey invaded Syria's territory, and Syria has the right of self-defense.

As a result of this resolution, the Turkish state swallowed up a dumb loss, and could only be cruel to Syria.

The western group's agreement on banning war robots from entering the battlefield was vetoed by the eastern powers of the Security Council and died.


CIA headquarters.

Linna is having a secret meeting.

The changes in Syria's battlefield and the emergence of war robots have threatened Syria's global strategy by helping the army win the war and stabilize the situation in Syria.

As for the war robots and the Syrian army, don't worry about them. There will be someone in charge of the Pentagon. She doesn't know if she can make it.The purpose of the CIA meeting was to determine plans to deal with chenmo and the March ant group.

The victory of the civil war in Syria, to a large extent, is the victory of the technology of the March ant group. Intelligent weapons and war robots have won the greatest credit for the victory of the civil war.

The current marching ant group, with its terrible technology, has made China's cutting-edge technology far ahead. The war robot is a good example.

Some media and reviews in the world have begun to recognize China's leading position.

They are now a declining Empire, dilapidated buildings and systems that could collapse at any time.

With Chen Mo and the advanced technology of marching ant group, they will have the chance to return to the leading position in world science and technology.

But it's impossible to steal the technology of marching ant group at present.

Over the years, the CIA has sent more than 40 top secret service personnel to enter Binhai city. However, all of them never return together, and no one has heard from them. Some of them even lost contact just after stepping on the land of China.

They have never stopped infiltrating the marching ant group. They have succeeded through the internal employees of the rebel marching ant group. However, those employees who have been rebelled will soon be dismissed and all their efforts will be in vain.

March ant group is the most difficult bone in their work.

"At present, the March ant group is an unprecedented commercial empire. Its influence is intertwined, leading the development of China's cutting-edge technology, and its position cannot be threatened by external forces. If you want to break up this commercial empire, you have to start from the inside, just like the Soviet Union in those days. "

Speaking of Millon, an old man of nearly 60 years old, he is not outstanding and common, but he has a special position in the CIA. He is the group leader of the "Washington hand"

"Washington hand" started in the cold war period, and was specially established for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

As soon as he entered the CIA, millon joined the hands of Washington to participate in the plan of disintegrating the Soviet Union, and participated in guiding public opinion many times, so that some countries fell into chaos and civil war, in order to achieve their goals.

It is the most convenient and cheap way to achieve the goal.

Now he is the head of the Washington hand.

This time, his plan is not for a country, but for a high-tech company.

For the first time in his career, he was interested in breaking up a company. If the March ant group is brought out alone, it can definitely compare to a lot of countries.


"Let's talk about the advantages within the March ant group. If we want to completely collapse an organization, we must start from their most powerful aspects."

Millon can't wait to turn on the PPT in the computer.

"The biggest advantage of the March ant group is Chen Mo, and the purpose of our plan is to destroy Chen Mo or let Chen Mo rebel out of China for our use.

Then there is the second advantage of the March ant group, a stable and united management. This management team is in charge of everything of the size of the marching ant group. It is this united management team that makes Chen murmur out his words and prepare materials and affairs to be studied at the fastest speed. The work efficiency of marching ants is due to the leadership of the management team.

These are the two most powerful advantages of the March ant group, and the cornerstone of the March ant group. One of them will be disintegrated. The commercial empire of the March ant group will enter into recession or even fall apart. "

Millon's words, let the people in the field nod.

"Based on this direction, we have made two plans. The first is to use the "sprayer" in China. To stink Chen Mo's reputation and make him hate the current situation of his country's environment. He even left China and immigrated to other countries. "

"What is a blowtorch? Our spies? "

"No, no, no, no, it's a group of interesting people, all over the world, but China has a large population, so it's especially large."

"Interesting people?"

"Yes, it's a group of people who have a lot of free time. This kind of people like to vent their hatred and dissatisfaction to the reality on the Internet. They are easy to be controlled by emotions, so they are easy to be used."

Millon smiled and said instead.

"As for the other plan, it is to disintegrate the management of marching ant group, and the most direct way is to start with Zhao Min, who is the core of the management of marching ant."

Milong knocked on the photo and basic information of Zhao Min shown on the PPT.

"She's single. Is the plan to get her?"

One of the CIA's top officials saw the information and joked, while others laughed.

"Your idea is good. She is now the richest woman in the world and one of the top ten most influential women in the world. Her decision-making is that of the marching ant group.

If you can soak her up, you can go to Dubai by private plane tomorrow to eat gold ice cream and take the gold toilet every day. Of course, Chen Mo may catch you, chop you up and throw you into the sea to feed the fish. "

Mellon smiled, too, and said earnestly."Chen Mo is surrounded by three women. These three women help Chen mo the most and manage his three most important places. His wife, he Xiaoyu, is in charge of the family and his daily life; Zhao Min is in charge of the affairs of the whole marching ant group; as for Mo Nu, the mysterious assistant beside Chen Mo, she is said to be in charge of the brain of the marching ant group: No.1 area. "

They can get a lot of information from the external comments and frivolous news of the employees of the March ant group.

Mo Nu's words represent Chen Mo's words. It is said that Mo Nu has the highest authority of marching ant group and can access technical data of any level of marching ant group, which is not even Zhao Min's authority.

"Why don't we start with this Mo girl?" Asked a senior executive.

"Because she is the shadow of silence."

They checked all the information about Chen Mo and all the things they could find before they got the detailed information after all.

"The data shows that since this woman suddenly appeared beside Chen Mo, she has never left Chen Mo for half a step. When Chen Mo goes out, she even lives with her. We don't have any background information about her. "

"Chen Mo's wife doesn't object to being so beautiful and living together?"

"No objection. It's said that the relationship between the two is very good. They are in love with each other."

"It's nice to have money."

A high-level man had a "I know" look.

"I think so, too."

Mellon smiled, too.

They have investigated all the information about this Mo Nu's family, identity and background, which is blank and can't find any trace. There is only one name, not excluding that it was sent by Chinese officials to Chen Mo's side, so they didn't choose Mo nu.

"We know that Zhao Min is close to Chen Mo and is one of Chen Mo's most trusted people. I don't know how far the relationship between the two is, but I know that women like to be jealous, which is the weakness of every woman, especially for the people they like.

We can create a scandal between Zhao Min and Chen Mo, make Xiaoyu suspect their relationship, and separate Zhao Min and he Xiaoyu. A fire broke out in Chen Mo's backyard, causing problems at home and at work.

Once Zhao Min leaves under pressure, the management of the marching ant group must have different hearts, and the feelings of Chen Mo and he Xiaoyu will also have cracks, so we have a lot of space to operate, so as to break up the senior management of the marching ant group and let them split the marching ant group.

If Chen Mo and he Xiaoyu get divorced, he Xiaoyu will be able to separate Chen Mo's wealth and the equity of marching ant group. There is also room for manipulation. "