Science and Technology Library

Chapter 564

"Now what? Anandan was recaptured by the tigers. "

Heather was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot.

At first, their attack on the military was very smooth.

With the excellent equipment they have just received and the unexpected attack, they have successfully taken down the anandan outpost, occupied the town of anandan, occupied several villages in the towns of azaz and Kasar, and infiltrated into the urban area of harab.

They had a very good start. As long as they had enough time, with the support of the west, they had a chance to occupy harab.

But now, it's a sudden turnaround.

The emergence of war robots makes everything difficult.

The military buys the most powerful War Robot in China. Under the advanced and terrible equipment, their soldiers have no resistance.

Infiltrating into harab's army, the whole army was destroyed. Now under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, the tiger troops led the war robots to counter attack the anandan outpost.

Now anandan's team is also dead and wounded. Anandan's post has been taken back.

The team guarding the anandan outpost is like a rooster and a dog under the attack of the silver skeleton battalion of the tiger army.

The town of anandan returned to military control, and several villages in the towns of azaz and Kasar were also recaptured.

During this period of fighting, more than 500 people died, more than 2000 were captured, and countless equipment were lost.

The original advantages are gone.

Tiger troops are equipped with the weapons and equipment of marching ant group, all of which are the most advanced equipment.

And there are only 10 war robots, no one can guarantee that there are no more war robots in Bashar's hands.

So far, they don't have any performance data about war robots. Even Americans can't get the performance data of war robots.

Now the Syrian army is advancing towards them at a terrifying speed. They have experienced many failures within their ranks, and they are already in panic.

If there is no way to stop the tiger troops, once the confidence of the soldiers collapses, their troops will be really scattered and vulnerable.

"What do you say up there?" Asked heathett.

"The above is studying the methods for war robots. They hope that we can take a robot back at all costs." Said SIM.

"Are you kidding? War robots are so easy to capture. Do I need to worry here? Who dares to approach that robot? "

It was impossible for heathett not to be angry.

War robots appear on the battlefield, no one can get closer.

There is no emotion in that thing at all. All the enemies with weapons are killed by hand, followed by the special forces of the tiger army, followed by the large forces of the military of Syria.

Under the cover of the Syrian armored forces, the war robots are almost invincible on the battlefield.

Now SIMM said that the Americans want a war robot, let them take the corpse to pile up, can capture the robot and they are all dead to take away. Hassan, the tiger army, is not a fool.

War robots are so expensive that they follow the army to cooperate in the attack.

Unless there is absolute strength to crush each other and seize the commander of the tiger army, it is unlikely to get the war robot.

"The most troublesome thing now is that we don't know anything about war robots. Even the latest information stays in the official information of worker ant defense and some photos taken by journalists."

Sam is not in a good mood either.

At first, when he was on a mission to help hissett, he didn't pay attention to war robots.

No matter how powerful a robot is in the battlefield, its role is limited.

Now he realized how wrong he had thought before.

Seriously underestimate the strength of war robots.

At present, we are opposed to the loss of a large number of equipment and personnel by the armed forces. The armed forces are originally screwed together by various armed forces, and their cohesion is not high.

Because they have lost several battles in succession and their hearts are unstable. If they continue like this, their internal will collapse.

"Can we put pressure on Syria to cease fire and think about the next step when we find a way to deal with robots?" Asked hessett.

"Now we have been talking with the Russians. The other side delayed deliberately and didn't mean to reach an agreement."

Sim shook his head.

When war robots were found to be tricky, they wanted to use the ceasefire agreement to delay time again. The previous cease-fire agreement, because of the war between them, has been invalidated.

They talked with the Russians about the new ceasefire agreement, but this time the other side didn't seem to have much will, but dragged them.

Now that the town of anandan has been recaptured, Hassan's tiger forces will be in great trouble if they enter Idlib with war robots.

"Can't you send ground troops to support us? Or send armored vehicles, tanks and planes that can deal with robots. " Asked hessett, hoping.

"No way. We can't get in there." Sim refused directly.In Syria, although they participated in bombing assisted by airplanes, they were all in the name of anti-terrorism. Even if the bombing reaches the Syrian army and civilians, they will also attack the terrorists.

Behind Syria is Russia. If they send troops into Syria, Russia will certainly send troops into Syria without hesitation.

The war is out of control and the consequences are unimaginable.

More likely to lead to a world war.

Both great powers are agent wars, and they maintain a certain balance. Both groups maintain the final bottom line.

Not to mention that they are not easy to participate, even if they can participate, they dare not come in rashly.

Now Syria has the war robots in its hands. They have not found a way to deal with them. Once they step in, they will lose. In case of mud, it will be more trouble.

There is no large-scale armored force, relying on simple soldiers, and war robots to fight is to send food.

Heather held his hair for a long time, speechless.

Bang ~ ~ ~

the two fell into a quiet confidant, the door of the room was opened, and a leader in charge of intelligence rushed in.

"General heathett, I just heard that the military attacked etimeen with war robots and asked for our support." The intelligence chief didn't go on, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Support? What kind of support? To die? " Heather was in a state of great agitation.

Another war robot.

With robot participation, it's almost certain that etimeen has been recaptured.

Etimeh is an important town in the northeast of Idlib. It connects the Turkish border and is one of the important channels for them to obtain assistance. Now it is recaptured by the military, and their situation is even more difficult.

In their territory, the only one connecting the Turkish border is the babhawa port.

"Goddamn war droid, goddamn worker ant defense."

Heathett can't help but scold the export. If it wasn't for the advanced weapons of War Robot and worker ant defense, they wouldn't be so passive and embarrassed at all.

"General, Bashar delivers a national radio and television address."

When heathett's face was dark, another intelligence officer rushed in and put his military computer in front of him.

"People of Syria, over the years, our country has been devastated by the war. Under the instigation of western groups, some people have been confused and deceived, which has created the current war. Now, we see the dawn of the end of the war.

The army of our country has won many successive victories in the past few days. But no matter victory or failure, war means bloodshed, which is not what I want to see, I believe, nor what all the people of Syria want to see... "

In the TV and radio of Syria, there are all the voices of Bashar.

Sound and picture are broadcast throughout Syria.

TV and radio have become luxuries in this dilapidated world, but people who see TV and listen to the radio have come together to listen to Bashar.

Too many people are seriously eager.

The desire for peace and quiet life.

"Our next goal is to liberate Idlib. Many of the armed men in Idlib are our former compatriots. Here, I would like to say to them, the liberation of Idlib is unstoppable, you choose to surrender, put down your weapons, I can forgive you or reduce your crimes.

If you choose to continue to resist, our army will not be merciful. You used to be our compatriots and families. I don't want you to bleed in the battlefield for the benefit of western countries. Think about your family, friends, and I'm sure you'll make the right choice on the battlefield.


In conclusion, I would like to warn all unauthorized troops, soldiers and armed personnel stationed in Syria's territory to leave our national territory immediately, otherwise we will be regarded as an invasion and bear the consequences. "

Watching Bashar's TV talk, Heather was as black as a pot of ashes, shaking and angry.

"General, the news ahead is that government forces are moving towards babhawa."

One of the leaders rushed in and heard that heathett seemed to lose his last strength, slumped in his chair, his eyes straight.

It's over.