Science and Technology Library

Chapter 433

It has to be said that Zhao Min is very strong in making money. He knows how to use the existing resources of marching ants to create more wealth for the company.

Chen Mo admits that without Zhao Min, I'm afraid the marching ant company could not have the current scale in such a short time. Zhao minminrui's vision and means allowed the March ants to expand so rapidly.

"It's a good idea. According to your idea, how much is the budget?" Chen Mo said.

"Budget 15 billion. In addition to holographic theme amusement park, there are other amusement facilities on the island. Build a bridge to the island. 15 billion, enough to do well. "

Zhao Min takes the plan from Lanxi and hands it to Chen mo.

Chen Mo went through the plan, planning and investigation of the amusement park project, and made a detailed evaluation. As long as he applied for the reclamation approval, the project could start immediately.

With the relationship between Chen Mo and Binhai city officials, it is not difficult to approve the reclamation.

It's obvious that Zhao Min has been ready for Chen Mo, which is in the final stage. After a careful look, Chen Mo took up his pen and signed his name on the document.

"As you think, let it go."

"Lanxi, you should arrange the next work first." Zhao Min hands the document to Lanxi.

After Lanxi left, Zhao Min spoke again.

"When is the news about the success of controlled nuclear fusion to be released?"

"At least two months, depending on the situation. The official asked me to give two months to prepare. Technology is a bit scary. It's already skipped the grade. It's too hasty to release it. It's not good to cause economic turbulence. " Chen Mo said.

"It's like a room temperature superconductor. No one would have thought that you would, within a year, be determined by the problems that will plague physicists around the world. If they knew it, they would spit out blood. " Zhao Min said.

Fusion technology is not the technology that should appear now. At least not in a decade, but now ahead of time, like holographic technology.

"It's not something we should worry about. We're in charge of making money." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"The controlled fusion project has been successful. What technology are you going to develop next?"

Zhao Min understands Chen Mo that the success of one technology means the beginning of the next technology, which has always been the case. She was curious about the structure of Chen Mo's brain.

"Take a rest, or I'll be caught slicing."

Zhao Min doesn't care.

"You should be sliced now."

Chen shrugged and succeeded in controlled nuclear fusion. He didn't enter the science and Technology Library to collect technology. First, I want to spend some time with Xiaoyu. After all, Xiaoyu is pregnant.

There are four fields in the apprenticeship stage: medicine, ecology, machinery and military industry. During the period of research on controlled fusion technology, he has laid the foundation of four laboratories and prepared all instruments in advance. It will not be too difficult to study any of them next.

Next, he will go abroad, and the Nobel Prize will be awarded soon.

"What are you going to do if you don't study next?"

"The Nobel Prize."

As soon as Chen Mo's words came out, Zhao Minli was clear. Now, it's not far from the day when the Nobel Prize was awarded. Chen Mo should also be ready to start.

"Be careful when you go out." Zhao Min tells.

Chen Mo is no better than her. She can run around the world, but Chen Mo can't. She has known more than three attacks on Chen Mo, the most dangerous last time, each one from forces outside China.

In China, they are all targeted and go abroad, but in other people's territory, if you are not careful, it's not for fun. The kidnapping and assassination of scientists is nothing new.

"No way. As the first Chinese native scientist in physics, I'm also a representative. It's a pity to make up for it." Chen Mo said.

When he was an angry youth, he was also haunted by the fact that there was no Nobel Prize in physics in China. Now I know a lot. I also know that the Nobel Prize is just a tool under the influence of politics, and the pursuit of science and technology library is not so strong.

But now that we have them, we can go out to get them, and fulfill our young wishes, as well as the wishes of the domestic physics community.

Zhao Min leaves, and Chen Mo also places his eyes on the holographic map of the holographic office. The hologram map of Binhai square. Yao Yi asked him for help in planning.

The holographic projectors of "holographic city" project are all supplied by marching ant company, and how much money they make can be imagined. Since Binhai officials wanted to hear from him, he didn't refuse.

"Mo Nu, what do you think about the planning of Binhai square?" Chen Mo opens his mouth.

"How high does holographic projection need?"

Mo Nu falls beside him, big eyes blink, very cute. After a long time of machine learning and Chen Mo's teaching, now her intelligence is no different from that of normal people, but her unique human feelings are missing.

"70 meters above the square." Chen Mo said with a little thought.

The height of the building is more than 20 stories, which is enough for the use of Binhai square."This height requires three large-scale holographic projection linkage projection to create enough images. The best way is to build two rows of big columns on both sides of the square, and install the projector on the columns, so as to achieve this effect. "

After Mo NV finished speaking, a column was floating on the hologram map of Binhai square, standing on both sides of Binhai central square, in a row, like a guard soldier, and then a hologram projector was arranged on the column.

The column of holographic projection is completed. Over the holographic map of Binhai square, the scene of fairy dancing appears, which is colorful. Mo Nu projection also appears in the hologram map. According to the scale of the square, it is nearly 70 meters.

"This effect is OK." Chen Mo nodded and pointed to the buildings and office buildings on both sides of the square: "on the top of the buildings on both sides, there are also two holographic projectors. In the flower bed side of Binhai square, install some medium-sized holographic projectors. "

According to Chen Mo's description, Mo Nu began to place a holographic projector in the best position of the Binhai square.

"A building similar to Yangcheng tower will be built near the sea in Binhai square. It doesn't need to be more than 400 meters or 300 meters. Holographic projectors will be arranged on the building walls to project the image of" Binhai fisherman "and cover the whole building."

Chen Mo points to the seaside.

A small building stands by the sea, and then the symbol of Binhai City, Binhai fisherman, covers the whole building. It seems that from a high-rise building to a daughter of the sea, she is gentle and moving. Her dress is flying with the sea wind, overlooking the whole coastal city.

In addition, the fairyland flying in the sky above the Binhai square, as well as the flowers of holographic projection on the ground, looks like a fairyland on earth.

Now it's just a simulation. If it's true, the projection of several hundred meters, the visual effect must be very shocking. At that time, such a scene will definitely cause a huge sensation over the Binhai square.

There is only one family in the world, no semicolon.

There will be countless tourists coming, and Binhai city will become the most famous tourist city in the world. And the landscape here can be made according to the holographic projection model, which can be different every day.