Science and Technology Library

Chapter 432

For the next five days, Chen Mo rested at home, took a little holiday for himself, and occasionally asked about the plasma on Science Island by phone.

Five days later, Chen came back to science island.

At this time, Science Island is busy.

Seeing Chen Mo enter the experimental command center, Wan Yuanxi and others all welcome up, and each face is red.

Wang Nian and others have not left, and they are here to watch the fusion successful plasma.

The deuterium and tritium fuel left after the star ring experiment can only burn for three days, so Wang Nian and others applied for the emergency deuterium and tritium fuel, and the fuel was delivered the next day.

Five days later, the fuel delivered kept the plasma burning, but the plasma was still stable and did not mean to be extinguished.

This is great news, which means that the fusion of the star ring has really been successful. As long as there is fuel to maintain, the plasma can fuel for a long time.

"How is the operation of [star ring]?" Chen Mo enters the star ring experimental command center and asks.

"The power generated by the Institute can now reach 760000 kwh, which is equivalent to the power generated by medium and large I-type power plants." Wan Yuanxi can't wait to say.

This is just an experimental reactor, generating power is quite large and medium-sized hydropower stations. If a nuclear fusion power station is really built and a turbo generator is installed, the generating power can easily exceed 20 million kwh. Two fusion power stations, or even a large fusion power station, are enough to support the power supply of a province.

At that time, the thermal power will be eliminated completely, and there is no need to worry about the problem of power shortage nationwide.

The most important thing is that the product of nuclear fusion is helium, and there is no need to worry about the generation of radioactive nuclear waste like fission power plants, which is safe and pollution-free, and belongs to the real clean energy.

"Academician Chen, now let's assess the cost of building a nuclear fusion power station with a power generation capacity of 20 million hours a day." Wang Nian opens his mouth.

"I don't know the overall project cost of the power station. I'm not a professional appraiser and can't evaluate it. But I can be sure about the cost of the construction of [star ring], about 10 billion reactors. You have to evaluate other values by yourself. I can't help you. "

Chen Mo gives a rough figure.

Wang Nian and others nodded that the cost of the star ring is within the acceptable range, and they can get the construction cost of the star ring. Other project costs can be evaluated by professionals.

"Now that the plasma is completely stable, it's almost certain that the experiment is successful. Next, what you need to do is to prepare for the construction of a nuclear fusion power station." Chen Mo said.

"I know that." Wan Yuanxi nodded.

If the cost of nuclear fusion power station is within the acceptable range, then it may be the time for the country to build nuclear fusion power station on a large scale.

At that time, these experts will be busy again.

After checking the circle in the star ring experimental command center, Chen took the data of these days [star ring] and went to the headquarters of marching ant company.

Now the fusion project can't be released to the public. During this time, he can be quiet for a while.


When Chen Mo returns, Zhao Min and Lanxi enter his office.

During this period, she mainly contacted with Binhai city officials to discuss the "holographic city" project. Now the nuclear fusion experiment has been successful, and Chen Mo's research has come to an end, so she will also explain her work.

"Is there time now?"


Zhao Min takes a U-disk from Lanxi and hands it to Chen Mo: "it's the scope of this" holographic city "plan. I've asked people to make a holographic map of the map."

As early as ten days ago, she got these things, but that was the most critical moment of the fusion experiment. He couldn't disturb Chen Mo, he can only put them now.

Chen Mo nods and takes Zhao Min's U-disk and plugs it into the computer.

"Mo Nu, put out the hologram."


As soon as Mo NV's voice fell, the map of the holographic sand table was suspended on the holographic office platform in front of the three people. The buildings attached to the Binhai center are all scaled down and fully displayed on the office desk.

"The holographic city project has been finalized. The planned location includes the whole Binhai square, Binhai library, museum, Art Center, children's palace, etc. There is also the Grand Theater facing the sea, which is also planned to be included in the project, including this water area, where the official plans are to build a large water stage. "

Zhao Min drew a circle in the water between the Grand Theatre and the seaside center.

"In addition, at the beginning of the holographic city project, the government will persuade the financial center building, CITIC Building, as well as the surrounding office buildings and hotels, to respond to the official holographic city plan, install holographic projectors instead of traditional LCD screens, and put holographic advertisements."

Zhao Min points to the hologram and introduces Chen Mo to the official plan.This "holographic city" is the core part of Binhai city's official "science and technology city plan". In the future, as the external image of Binhai City, Yao Yi attaches the most importance to it.

"The underground shopping mall, as well as the shopping center building next to it, and all the billboards will be replaced by holographic projection, which is planned to be the world's top shopping center. This planned holographic city will focus on shopping, entertainment, arts and humanities, finance, business and leisure, as the business card of Binhai city's "city of science and technology"

Chen Mo agrees to nod.

Yao Yi is good at using the advantages of marching ant company.

Near the water.

Binhai city will build Binhai square into the world's only "holographic city", which is almost the largest holographic playground, so as to attract the attention of the world.

It also has great advantages of Dawan economic circle.

As long as the "holographic city" project is completed, it is almost certain that in the next few years, Binhai city will become one of the most famous cities in the world, the hot city of global tourism and the most advanced city of science and technology.

"One more thing."

"You said." Chen Mo nods.

"I have the land of this island."

Zhao Min points to an island not far from the sea in the center of Binhai, not far from the Grand Theatre, which is smaller than the island where the Grand Theatre is located.

"What's your plan?" Chen Mo is a little surprised.

"I'm going to set up the red fire ant company." Zhao Min said.

"Red fire ant company, what's it for?"

"Red fire ant company is responsible for our marching ant group's market in the area of culture and entertainment. Including investment in film, amusement park, game, animation and other cultural fields. "

Zhao Min says what he thinks.

"This island, I will build it into the world's first holographic Playground - including Jurassic world, underwater world, ice and snow Kingdom, fairy tale world, Halloween theme, etc. It can also be a holographic world with various popular big IP themes from time to time.

With a large-scale holographic projector, we can create a variety of different theme worlds anytime and anywhere in this island. But here is only a water away from the coastal center, just in line with the "holographic city" in the future, and the geographical location is excellent. As long as we get the reclamation approval and expand the area of the island, we can meet the construction needs of the amusement park. "

Chen Mo is responsible for developing technology products, and she is responsible for making money. Her task is to turn all the products developed by Chen Mo into the cash of white flowers and release the ability of marching ant group to make money.

Now the size of marching ant group is very large.

In the high-tech fields such as robots, materials and artificial intelligence, marching ants are so high and cold that they leave the whole world behind. The Internet and electronic products are also very strong, and the medical field is well regulated, but other fields are slightly inadequate.

March ant group has huge cash reserves and technology. She needs to transform the huge potential of the marching ant group into the influence in various fields, so as to expand the discourse power and resources of the marching ant group, and build the marching ant into a huge commercial empire.

This is Zhao Min's ambition.