Science and Technology Library

Chapter 153

Sendai, the island country.

Gaomu Qiuzi is sitting on the sofa eating snacks and watching Doraemon on TV. He can't turn his eyes.

The high-intensity work makes her lose the motivation to go out and play. Now she happens to have a holiday at home, so she just hides in the room and watches TV and eats TV. This is the supreme enjoyment, without thinking about other troubles.


The strange sound sounded, and the TV picture began to flash, which made her feel something wrong. Next, the phone receives the message.


The warning message on her mobile phone made her heart contract. Before she put down her mobile phone, things in the room began to beat.

Want also don't want, Gao muqiuzi immediately throw away the snacks in his hand, don't even wear shoes, and rush out of the room.

As if the end of the world shaking, let her a heart up.

The last minute, still immersed in the ease of animation, this moment, her body has been dominated by fear.

She has experienced many earthquakes, and every time she feels panic from her heart, like being strangled by death, and suffocating in the next second. There was only one voice in her heart, leaving the house to a safe place.

The moment he rushed out of the room, Takaki felt the whole world bright.

Running to the nearest open space, Takako fell to the ground, pale and panting desperately. It's like fighting death again, and she's out of power.

More and more people gathered in the open space where she was, with panic and fear on every face.

The world was shaking, and the sound of the house collapsing filled her mind. In less than half a minute, she experienced a moment of life and death.

She did not know that her shoes had been cut by the broken stone. Not long ago, it was a prosperous area, which had been devastated.

Her eyes were dulled at the sight.

The ruins, the wailing of pain, the face of fear and the people crying in the ruins. Sadness, fear and despair fill everyone's heart.

"The monitoring shows that there is a magnitude 8.9 earthquake in the Northeast sea area, with the epicenter about 150 kilometers away from Sendai."

The staff of the island Meteorological Agency were a little sad.

After the March ant company issued the earthquake warning, their meteorological office paid close attention to each earthquake platform. Strive to send the earthquake warning to ordinary people as soon as possible, and of course hope that the warning is false.

Unexpectedly, the super earthquake happened.

This location is in the same sea area as the big earthquake of that year. It is not far from the location of the last M7.8 earthquake.

"Release earthquake news and tsunami warning." Kato's face was so ugly that he had to give the order.

The worst is not yet the case. He only hopes that the tsunami will not happen. Otherwise, at this level, I'm afraid that the coastal areas will suffer again.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, the island meteorological agency, and the U.S. Geological Survey issued tsunami warnings almost at the same time.

The news of the Island earthquake attracted the attention of the whole world.

Tsunami warning has been issued, people living on the coast of the island countries, panic. The great tsunami of that year, many people remember it, and now the natural disaster comes again.

Not caring too much, some people started to drive towards the nearest highland.

Ben looked at the fish in the box and smiled. There is no doubt that this voyage is a huge harvest. As long as we dock, we can earn twice as much money as usual this time.

It was a big harvest for him.

"Captain, we have a tsunami warning." When ashamoto was happy, a crew member ran over: "in the event of a major undersea earthquake, 150 kilometers east of Sendai, the meteorological agency issued a major tsunami warning."

When I heard this, my hair stood up. He's been able to see the port. Now tell him about tsunami warning?

"Turn your head, turn your head at once, go to sea at full speed, don't dock." Shore had not hesitated, thinking of the original tsunami disaster, he felt cold: "everyone back to the cabin, immediately, immediately."

The shore didn't want to, ran directly to the rudder, turned the bow, and rushed out at full speed towards the sea.

He also had a foreboding feeling in his heart. The big earthquake almost killed him. Now when he mentions the earthquake and tsunami, he has a shadow in his heart.

Like him, the ship that was about to dock turned its bow as soon as it received the alarm.

Ships on the coast have also set sail. The scene of a hundred ships sailing together appears in the port, including some large ships.

What they need to do now is to drive the ship to the open sea level to avoid the tsunami.

Miyagi county.

An Jing looks at the road which has been blocked with despair on his face. Just now I escaped from the earthquake, and now I have a tsunami warning.

The source of the earthquake is similar to that of the big earthquake.

If there is a big tsunami, they will be the first target here.

Last time, they were in a serious disaster area. The scene of that year reappears, and the road has been blocked by the fleeing cars.Looking at the mountains in the distance, how close they are, but without cars, it is impossible to catch up.

All kinds of swearing people on the road have fled by car. The road jams have become more severe and almost impossible to move.

He regretted that when the March ant company issued the super earthquake warning, why didn't he leave here. But at that time, his friends advised him to go together, which was to go on a tour.

Now it's impossible to leave quickly.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he knew that he could not waste time. Thinking of this, an Jing also came down from the car and ran towards the mountain in the distance. Now someone is willing to change his bike for his car, he will not hesitate to agree to come down.

The road has been completely blocked. All kinds of people who run for their lives on the road have written panic on their faces. They hate their parents for not giving them two more legs.

The tsunami is approaching. At sea level, you can see the outline of the tsunami bulge. At the moment of entering the harbor, the funnel-shaped harbor makes the height of the waves bigger and bigger.

On the seawall, we can already see the high waves at sea level.

Mingshi stood on the mountain, watching the waves coming from the sea, with a calm face.

Just look at this wave, I'm afraid the disaster will not be small. This scene reminds him of the tsunami. He once experienced life and death. Now he can still remember that feeling.

In the face of natural disasters, human beings are as weak as ants and have no resistance.


When the sea water is poured in, a larger wave is formed, and it rushes into the land, which is unstoppable. The sea water has spread towards him, and he can't escape if he wants to.

The ship was lifted, rushed into the land, and hit a house severely. Then the house and the ship were submerged in the huge waves.

The vehicles parked on the road have been lifted up by the waves. As the waves drift, there are more and more gathering places, just like the garbage of nature.

Looking at the nearer and nearer waves, the stone face is expressionless, which is a kind of indifference to death.

The great tsunami had arrived, and he could see clearly that the vehicles that had no time to escape were being swallowed up by the sea water and disappeared.

With him, there are many people, screams and cries, connected in the mountains.

Their home, once again, was flooded by the sea. Panic, loss, and loss, can not stop, just hope heaven, no disaster.