Science and Technology Library

Chapter 152

Shi tengchuan Ying is in a bad mood. In this sea, he asks the fleet to pull sonar to patrol back and forth. However, two weeks later, he still has no gains.

He knew the general route of the Chinese scientific research team at the beginning, but the Pacific Ocean was so huge that he wanted to find a seismograph that sank to the bottom of the sea, which was to look for a needle in a haystack.

The seismograph was found by them last time because of the signal.

It is only when the seismograph is in an earthquake that it will send out a signal, which is a headache.

The whole island country is in the seismic zone, and it has always suffered from many disasters. Every year, because of the huge loss of earthquakes, they are determined to acquire the seismograph technology.

With the early warning technology of seismograph and earthquake early warning, they can avoid a lot of losses.

Looking at the boundless sea with a telescope, Shi tengchuan's face turned black. The last time I fished out the instruments of Huaxia scientific research team, I thought it was earned, but it turned out that they were bad, the core technology had been lost, and the seismograph had already lost its function.

He didn't know if the seismograph that the Yankees fished was in good condition, but it had given him a death order, so he must fished a good seismograph back.

"Damn the order." Shitengchuan Ying puts down his telescope and swears.

Just as he was complaining, a soldier in a white sailor's suit came running over with excitement on his face: "Captain, 80 nautical miles to the northeast, long wave signals are found, and there are three signals in other directions."

"Three signals?" Stone tengchuan Ying ecstasy: "immediately record all the signal coordinates and go to the nearest signal area."

"Yes, captain."

March ant company, Chen Mo is interrupted by Mo Nu's voice to study: "brother Mo, Western Pacific Ocean, three seismographs send signals at the same time."

Three seismographs signal at the same time? Chen Mo's eyelids jumped fiercely.

He knew the location of the seismograph by telephone with Wu Zhen. In order to increase the monitoring range of seismograph, the seismograph is put in every 80 kilometers or more, and its general location is in the Western Pacific Ocean.

With such a long distance apart and an earthquake warning, he felt that this time things would not be too small.

"An island warship, and an American warship, are turning to the direction of the seismograph." Mo said again.

"These greedy ghosts, don't forget to take advantage at this time?"

Chen Mo looks all right.

"Let's let them take advantage of it. What's the level of the three seismographs' early warning

"Level 5.0, 5.1, 5.3. The focal depth and focal center cannot be monitored. It may be a super earthquake that will occur in other regions, which will affect these three places. "

He also had this premonition in his heart. Hearing Mo Nu say so, he was more sure of his thoughts.

"When is the time?"

"The news from the seismograph came in an hour." Said Mo nu.

Tell Zhao Min the news of the earthquake. After Zhao Min's affirmation, Chen Murai opens his mouth.

"Mo Nu, she sent a message on the official website. In the Western Pacific Ocean, an hour later, there was an earthquake in three places. With a map and one last point, there was a possibility of a high-level earthquake."

Some time ago, Zhao Min asked him to act in a low-key way, not to come out and provoke things. He did so and hid in the laboratory to do research.

Half a month has passed. Although there is still news about seismograph on the Internet, it is much less. In this environment where the actors are in charge, the enthusiasm for any major scientific achievements will not last long. The headlines of the actors are the real headlines.

Now he decided to raise his profile again.

When the news of seismograph warning came out, many people were convinced that it was shocking. As time goes on, there have been some noises on the network.

Many people think that the last time the marching ant company met a dead mouse was a blind cat. Coincidence, whether it can predict the second time is still a question.

As long as the prediction is successful this time, the performance of the seismograph can be truly determined.

This may be an earthquake of a higher level than the last one. He also wants to see how big it will be. He had a bad feeling that something important would happen this time.

The March ant company, which has been invisible for half a month, once again released other news about the earthquake.

As soon as the news came out, it became a hot topic.

An hour later, there will be an earthquake in the Western Pacific Ocean and the Northeast sea area of the island country. There may be a super earthquake. The shorter the message, the bigger the story.

Super earthquake, think about it.

Many people think of the earthquake that happened in the island country, the tsunami caused by the earthquake, which brought huge losses to the island country, but also took tens of thousands of lives, plus the leakage of the nuclear power plant, until now, many people are living in the shadow, homeless. Another super earthquake was the tsunami in Indonesia.

The news was sent to the island countries in the shortest time, but many island people didn't buy it, but many people chose to believe it. Take things with you and drive away from your seaside home. This kind of thing, even if it's a tenth chance, can't take risks.The debate over the March ant seismograph has resurfaced, and time has passed.

He Haoer yawned and looked at the sea from time to time. He could see nothing but the blue water.

All of a sudden, He Hao's second pupil shrank, his spirit was full and his eyes were wide.

The sea suddenly surged, a shoal of fish. Fish are jumping on the sea, and dolphins. This kind of scene is very rare. It feels like dolphins are hunting, and strange grey clouds appear in the sky.

All this seems to be very unusual. As an island people, this kind of thing is not uncommon. It is an earthquake cloud.

Because of the abnormal geomagnetic field, the electromagnetic wave affects the ionosphere at high altitude, which makes the water vapor and dust arranged in an orderly and non free way, thus forming the earthquake cloud.

Without much thought, he immediately picked up the phone, dialed the phone in the captain's room

Shi tengchuan Ying put down the phone, picked up the telescope and looked at the sea. As expected, it was found that the fish jumped out of the water, and there were also anomalies of earthquake clouds.

The seismograph at the bottom of the sea, which was set by marching ant company, signals that the earthquake will come soon. But it has nothing to do with him. His task is to get the seismograph.

He has a bad premonition that there are signals in three directions, which means that there are earthquakes in all three directions. I'm afraid things are not as simple as you think.

The fleet sped up in the direction of seismograph signals.

"Captain, information from headquarters. The marching ant company announced that in an hour's time, there may be an undersea earthquake in our sea area. The headquarters hopes you will be careful. " Reporting soldiers, give a piece of news to Shi tengchuan Ying.

"An hour?" "Stone tengchuan Ying murmured, finally nodded:" the team slowed down

Time goes by minute by second. This earthquake is not the same as before. March ant company has predicted once, and this time it is correct, which shows that seismograph is really useful.

In every corner of the world, teachers, students, drivers, scholars, all kinds of people are holding mobile phones, waiting for news updates.

One hour lost in cell phones.

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, strange sounds came out, shaking the earth and mountains, and huge cracks appeared. A great disaster began.