Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1023

"Newspaper, the front sent back an urgent report, the marching ant group sent Kunpeng War Department, Chen Bing border star territory." It's urgent for the Ministry.

This news, let the three emperors on the field eyebrow a pick.

Emperor Wu laughed and didn't care: "it seems that we are making trouble."

"It's a little fast. It seems that there's something about the marching ant group." The emperor's mouth was full of banter.

"Think about how to deal with it."

Yu Di gently picked up a drink and drank it. He is the most gentle one among the three emperors. He always does things without being flustered, but he has a plan in mind.

To fight, or not to fight.

"Fight, we will certainly suffer losses, but we can hold down some of the other's forces, which is beneficial to the battlefield of the underworld civilization. If not, the underworld civilization will doubt the sincerity of our alliance. " Emperor Wu pondered.

"If you want me to say, you can kill them." Wei emperor's character is relatively hot and quick tempered.

"Not right." Yudi shook his head: "it will become a war between us and the marching ant civilization, which is not worth the loss for us."

Emperor Wu also nodded and agreed with Yu Di's statement: "compromise, we also meet Chen and Bing, pose, and then fight with the marching ant group to create tension. Don't do anything else. We can meet the requirements of holding down some of the opposing forces."

"Aren't you afraid he'll do us the opposite?" Wei Di didn't understand.

"They will not." Yudi said: "now the marching ant group has an evil relationship with the major deity level civilizations, and it also fights with the underworld civilization, and then with us. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages. As long as the commander of the other side is not a fool, they will not choose to take the initiative to fight against us."


Ming a must be staring at the star map in front of him.

There are various kinds of complicated marks on the hologram.

Garrisons, forces, Hongqiao, supplies, lines of defense, battlefields, enemy layout, supplies, forces and garrisons, all kinds of dense marks, in the hologram, are not comprehensible by ordinary life.

It's a planetary war, not a space war.

The spherical war of the planet is useless in the age of the universe.

In the era of the universe, in the space dimension of the battlefield, your enemy may attack you from any position. Eight quadrants, countless changes, but also be careful of black holes, pulsars and space turbulence in the sky.

There may be hundreds of thousands, millions, or even more civilizations adjacent to the vast celestial realm, such as the underworld civilization.

This is not as simple as hundreds of civilizations on a certain planet. The complexity of space war is unimaginable.

Such a huge star territory and complex external environment, as a star requires a strong brain, as well as an excellent overall view.

After the Hongqiao upheaval, the relationship between the cultural star regions became more complicated.

The underworld civilization is the worst.

After the Hongqiao earthquake, they did not respond enough and were occupied by the other party. The key is that many of the civilizations occupying Hongqiao are top-level civilizations with strong strength.

There are even two Hongqiao bridges, connecting the star regions of the black pupil civilization and the Raytheon civilization, which almost make them despair. Fortunately, the two families have no intention of doing anything to them.

The Hongqiao earthquake completely disrupted all military defense arrangements of the underworld civilization.

The Hongqiao bridge to the great wall of Sloan, near their hinterland, was also lost because of the Ming Tea rebellion.

Today's underworld civilization is at war with many top civilizations, and the defense lines are fragmented.

Ming a stood in place for two hours, still. Once a detail is missed in this kind of layout, it may cause a chain reaction of the whole war and make them all lose.

If you are in, you can share half of the pressure. And the moon still has flowers, can also give him some reference tactics.

Both of them are related to a life.

Chen mo.

Ming a's eyes fall on the star field of the great wall of Sloan connected by the white fog Hongqiao.

He wanted to revenge for the moon, but as a commander-in-chief, he could not be guided by hatred, otherwise he would die.

Mima is staring at the star field of the great wall of Sloan.

Whether it's public or private, we have to take it here.

"Lord Baoming." The report from his subordinates interrupted his thinking.

"Say it."

Ming a's eyes did not leave the star map, the voice has no emotion.

"We will hear from the front that there is a quarrel between the War Department of wuxianzuo and that of the marching ant group, Chen Bing."

"Quarrel?" Ming tea a Leng, turn to ask.

"Yes, when they quarrel, both Narcissus and the marching ant group are accusing each other of provoking disputes, but they have not really started."

"Which unit of the marching ant group is at the border?"

"Kunpeng War Department."

"Kunpeng War Department? It should have been discovered that Wuxian was harassing the great wall of Sloan"Your honor, do you want to let Wuxian increase the harassment of the other side's Sloan Great Wall?" Said a general in the war room.

"No, don't put your hopes on other civilizations, or you will die miserably." HAMA looks up at the holographic projection. At the junction of Perseus and marching ant star fields, the battle mark of both sides has appeared.

The underworld civilization is now at war with many top civilizations, because the location of Hongqiao is very sensitive. Even Hongqiao appears in the small universe. It can be said that they have reached the most critical moment.

The most critical war is here at the Sloan wall.


"This Wuxian is very smart. If you don't insist on us, you will create a topic to hold us." Lan said to Chen Mo nearby.

The two sides seem to be quarrelling, but they have no loss.

However, we should guard against each other.

"Lord LAN, Sloan's great wall has returned the news, and the underworld has stepped up its offensive." Chijin tells LAN the information.

The members of the War Department suddenly came to their senses. The star chart sand table opened and the situation of the Sloan Great Wall appeared in front of them.

The situation of the marching ant group is much better than that of the underworld civilization, because their territory is relatively small, and the Hongqiao of internal star field variation is relatively small. Later, two Hongqiao bridges were added in the star region, one leading to a huge void in the universe, which had not yet been discovered by civilization, and the other leading to a remote Xiaowen star region. They soon controlled that small civilization without much effort.

Because of the remote location of the Lania Kea supergalaxy, where the marching ants are located, there are not many great civilizations bordering on them.

The underworld civilization is different. Now it is a multi line operation.

Mingda defected to them, and was known as the most likely to become the third top general star. Because they killed the light enemy, there was only one famous general in the nether civilization.

In terms of the layout of space war, the mental power consumed is very large, and the overall situation needs to be considered. The more battlefields, the more factors the generals have to consider.

They don't have to be so distracted from other battlefields that they have some advantages.

"Increase the troops and hold the Hongqiao." LAN only sent a simple command.


The explosion of antimatter is gorgeous, silent and beautiful in space, bursting out infinite death rays and energy.

Hongqiao battlefield, war firepower gathered.

In the first phase of the Star Wars offensive and defensive warfare, firepower consumption.

Unmanned warships shuttle, space-based laser fire, antimatter bombs, war robots like deep-sea fish swarm, depict the battlefield of the last world in the silent space.

A steady stream of weapons and antimatter energy is being brought in, put into battle, destroyed, transported, and recycled.

All the planets near the battlefield have been mined, digested and eaten away. They have become an endless stream of weapons and sent to the battlefield.

The collision of antimatter bombs, the shooting of space-based laser weapons, the debris of space-based weapons and unmanned warships, as well as the remains of war robots, are all over the space. Here is a sea of death, a space debris.

No life dares to get close to it.

Under the blockade state of space interference and space interference, this kind of battlefield can not project space weapons and light speed weapons, so it can only meet hard.

Both sides know the meaning of this battlefield.

"Your honor, the 13th wave of invisible soldiers all died."

"Launch the 14th wave."

Under the command, thousands of invisible soldiers entered the space battlefield, scattered to all quadrants, and went to the enemy's defense line.

Stealth soldiers will not be found by quantum radar. They are ghosts on the battlefield. They have only one task. They can destroy as many space-based weapons as possible, create firepower advantages for them and disrupt the enemy's defense lines.

Mingxi's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were still, staring at the battlefield projection.

The results of 13 wave stealth soldiers are limited.

The number of invisible soldiers is becoming less and less, but the quality of the war is getting lower and lower.

The cost of this offensive and defensive battle is too high.

He felt that he was not attacking an ordinary civilization, but a god level civilization of the same level. The other side's war technology was not inferior to them.

All of a sudden, a subordinate came to me in a hurry and said cautiously, "my Lord, it's urgent to report from the top."