Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1015

Waiting for the opening of the space blockade, Chen Mo's manor ushered in an unexpected visitor.

Dragon fish princess.

This life was only exchanged once at a moose party.

Looking at this beautiful face, Chen Mo is surprised.

"If you come to visit me at this time, you are not afraid of the suspicion and revenge of other cosmic civilizations?" Chen Mo asked curiously. Now he is almost against the universe. It is not a good decision for Princess Longyu to visit at such a sensitive time.

Dragon fish Princess pursed her lips and smile: "I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again if I don't visit this time."

There is ambiguity in the words.

Chen Mo immediately feels a cold light coming from behind. This look comes from Zhao Min, and his face twitches.

Princess Longyu didn't know the ambiguity in her words. She continued to say, "remember at the Party of Mu's, did you still count the things you invited me to your hometown?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Min is not calm. These words are more ambiguous than each other. It seems that Chen Mo wants to take Princess Longyu back to earth.

Facing the cold light behind him, Chen Mo bravely said, "count naturally."

"I'll go and talk about it some other day. After all, life in the same form as us is very rare in the universe." Said Princess Longyu.

"Good." Chen Mo said, "I'll give you my communication number. When you arrive, you can contact me."

"Thank you, sir." Princess Longyu took out her own communication instrument and recorded Chen Mo's quantum communication number: "the dragon fish won't disturb you, sir. I'll see you another day."

Longyu looked up to see Zhao Min and Mo Nu, nodded slightly and left.

"Not bad, noble temperament, tall and graceful, decent behavior, very good Mermaid, but also a confidant." Zhao Min comes up with a sour voice.

"Don't think about it. It's just to see the legend that there are mermaids on the earth. People on earth have a special feeling for this kind of life. She's a big star in the universe. She just invited people to have a look. There's no other meaning. Are you jealous?" Chen Mo hears the taste and laughs.

"It's OK. It's not my turn to eat." Zhao Min showed a meaningful smile: "as long as you don't take the female toad back, you can't die."

Beside the quiet Mo girl, can't help laughing.

Chen Mo's expression is stiff on his face.


Chen Mo became the most popular character in the whole universe in the first battle of Tianxing stele forest, and the marching ant group also appeared on the stage of the whole universe. For a time, all kinds of information about marching ant groups appeared on the tables of major civilizations.

Soon, Chen Mo's information was exposed. In the territory of the marching ant group, it was not a secret.

The rise of Chen Mo is a legend.

A pioneer of civilization, in just a few decades, has built the marching ant group into a super power, leading the earth civilization to contact the universe. Most of the core science and technology of the marching ant group come from his laboratory.

Such amazing wisdom has never been seen before.

In addition, the battle of stars and steles exposed his force to the outside world. He fought with Tong Qing, which astonished the whole universe. He successfully ranked on the list of cosmic civilization battles, and was rated as one of the most wonderful 100 battles.

All rounders.

Amazing talent, the limelight for a time over Tong Qing, become the most potential life.

At the same time, the outside world is discussing whether Chen Mo wins or Tong Qing wins the battle in Tianxing Beilin? This mystery has become the subject of debate throughout the universe.

All kinds of opinions and speculations are circulating in the cosmic network.

But one thing was almost tacit by the outside world: Tong Qing did not win the battle.

On these arguments, the black pupil civilization has been silent and has not expressed its views on the battle with the outside world. Tong Qing himself has not said a word to the outside world.


"Go home. It's been hard years." Zijun's rich voice sighed with complex emotions.

Next to the purple eyes to see the lobby, pavilion and stand, the cold world of purple rhyme, waiting for her answer, secretly anxious.

In the lobby, other high-level holographic projection crape myrtle civilization all look at Ziyun, with different moods and flickering eyes. They all have their own plans hidden in their hearts. Whether they want her back or not is another matter, but they are not easy to show.

Ziyun is one of the leaders in the younger generation of Lagerstroemia indica civilization, but her personality is too pure and cold.

But her ability to stand alone has never been questioned. In addition to the search for the small universe, which was ruined by accident, there was also the matter of super power technology development. Everything in the past could be perfectly completed in her hands.

She is almost the perfect embodiment of Lagerstroemia indica civilization generation.

"Professor loino has announced the foundation of super energy technology, and I won't go back for the time being because I can't use my family affairs." Purple rhyme slightly shakes head, light says.

Purple eyes in the side of the dark anxious, but to no avail, this occasion he can not interrupt.Some of the purple in the hall, let's refuse. Zijun's silence, staring at Purple rhyme, but there is no other emotion on her body.

The atmosphere became dull.

"Where are you going next?"

"I'm not strong enough. I want to wander around the universe." Purple rhyme light said.

People can't help but recall the scene that Ziyun was defeated by Mo nu in the battle of Tianxing stele forest. Crape myrtle civilization of heaven's proud woman, unexpectedly lost to a nameless woman, it is incredible.

"Alas One of Zijun sighed and said, "you can come back when you want to. Now the takeout is very chaotic. Here is your root."

"Thank you Purple rhyme nods slightly.

The holographic projection in the lobby disappears completely, leaving both purple rhyme and purple eye.

"My Lord, why don't you go back?" Purple eye some pity asks a way.

Ziyun shook her head slightly and did not answer him.


"Ah, Ziyun didn't go back."

In an oxygen rich planet, in a military base of Lagerstroemia civilization, ziluo shakes her fat body, looks at the news and murmurs, and continues to pick up the game controller and focus on the game in front of her.

"Concentrate on playing games and see what information." Next to the drooping eyes, the young man in pajamas muttered and complained: "I nearly died."

Luo fat make complaints about Tucao: "that's your technology is too bad."

"Fart." The sleepy young man was not happy, sober a lot: "want solo, see who rotten?"

Fat Luo obviously won't challenge his solo. He grabs an unknown fruit and puts his mouth in his mouth: "to be honest, purple rhyme refuses star master again this time. It's surprising. I don't know where she will go again."

"It's better to go anywhere than to go back. Transpose your position and think about it. Do you want to go back Asked the sleepy youth.

"Isn't that nonsense? Of course not, I'm not stupid. "

Luo pangzi's righteous words.

It's not easy to come out and loosen his bones and let him go back. It's impossible.

"Well, don't you think purple rhyme is more stupid than you? The sisters can see better than anyone else Sleepy youth hem said: "say up, purple rhyme in Mu Shi Tianxing to see purple emperor, do not know if she will contact, I am a little envious of them."

"Don't let the star master hear you, or something will happen." The flesh on Luo's face trembled.

Thinking of the status quo of crape myrtle civilization, Luo pangzi sighed.

The corruption of the ancient dynasty is inevitable. In today's crape myrtle civilization, all kinds of families are fighting for power and profits. The younger generation is either arrogant or extravagant and decadent, which is hard to be used.

However, it is those families who hold all kinds of power of Lagerstroemia civilization. They are greedy and complacent. After years of corruption, the whole crape myrtle civilization has been brought to a rotten root.

The Lagerstroemia indica civilization, which has been strong for hundreds of millions of years, has suddenly declined. It is not overnight that the dike of a thousand li was destroyed in the ant nest, not to mention the greedy big mouth beasts.

Why did the purple emperor almost kill the elite children of the whole crape myrtle civilization family at that time, without any unreasonable hatred.

The sleepy youth did not speak any more. Both seemed to be thinking about the same thing. The atmosphere became quiet for a moment.