Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1014

The broken sound is very subtle, but it seems that the beloved thing is broken, which makes the listener's heart pumping.

Follow the sound and look at the source of the broken sound. All life is in a daze and has a long mouth. It is like endless language stuck in the throat, but it can't make any sound. It is silent for a long time.

The source of the sound is the purple emperor.

Zidi in the hands of the Celestial Star will be a group of fragments.

He crushed the letter of the star!

This fact makes the life who is waiting for the release of Tianxing's will letter go crazy by holding his hair.

In the history of cosmic civilization, the biggest secret left by the most intelligent people was destroyed in the hands of purple emperor. It is the most important treasure of the universe civilization, and also the most priceless cultural heritage.

Not willing to accept the reality of life, scream, instant collapse.


It's like stepping on their wounds again.

The purple emperor crushed all the remnant pages. His every action was like pinching on the heart of every life.

How could he destroy the letter?

The hearts of numerous scholars and technical researchers are shivering. They want to grab the pieces in the hands of the purple emperor and save them, and then tear the purple emperor into pieces.

The purple emperor opened his hands.

All the fragments of Tianxing's letter floated above his hand, and then, under the eyes of the whole universe, it condensed into a white sphere, which was smooth and shiny like stone and jade.

This is the material of a book.

On the surface of a white ball the size of an ostrich's egg, there are hundreds of words attached to it, but they can't form a sentence. Let alone rely on hundreds of words to know the content of Tianxing's letter.

The book becomes a jade ball.

Chen Mo looks at the jade ball in purple emperor's hand and slowly flies back to the team. Tong Qing also deeply looked at the purple emperor, flew back to his team, silent.

With a smile, the purple emperor did not seem to take the priceless treasure that destroyed the civilization of the universe in his heart, and threw the ball to Mu Shizhong: "after all, it has commemorative value. If it is put in the museum, it will be the treasure of the town hall, or there will be a card face."

The researchers and scholars who heard this, their faces turned black, and they wanted to strangle the purple emperor.

Mu's heavy face also took a puff, heartache to death, almost did not cry out.

This is a treasure of civilization left by our ancestors for hundreds of millions of years. It also contains the secret of life in the universe. It is a crime against the culture of the universe to be destroyed so casually.

But he did not dare to say that he was afraid of provoking the murderous God, but carefully held the stone ball in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Even if you give them to any one of them or the purple emperor takes them away by himself, the legacy of Tianxing can still be kept intact. Now that books are destroyed, what is recorded in them has become a permanent mystery.

"This competition is over. Who has any opinion?" The purple emperor looked around for a week and looked down upon the others.

Many lives looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on the ranks of divine civilization, leaving them to make decisions. There are so many big men here that ordinary life is not qualified to speak.

The representative of God level civilization is not speaking at this moment.

What if it doesn't end?

All the lives are suppressed by the battle between Chen Mo and Tong Qing. They realize that they have special super powers, which are also terrible in the close combat of non thermal weapons.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let's say something from the chief Chong of the Mu family." The purple emperor opened his mouth and flew to one side.

"This battle has brought great damage to the Tianxing stele forest, as well as to Mu's Tianxing, which is the loss of cosmic civilization. I hope to end here. This is the land of peace. I would like to thank you first. "

Mu Shi bowed to all life and opened his mouth.

"The legacy of Tianxing has been destroyed, so the battle is over. The forest of Steles will be closed for a period of time to repair the damage and open on a selected day. This will be condensed into a stone ball, which I will put in the star Museum for all life in the universe.

As for the matter of space blockade, I saw that the situation was serious and started the space blockade system of Mu's Celestial Star to avoid damage and expansion. Sorry for the inconvenience. The space blockade will be lifted in three hours, and those who want to leave can be prepared.

The planetary security agency will protect the safety of Mr. Chen Mo and his party before the space blockade is lifted. I hope you will not cause any trouble. After that, Mr. Chen Mo will be escorted to leave Tianxing stele. In the future, gratitude and resentment will have nothing to do with Tianxing stele. Thank you very much. "

This is the best way to deal with Mu's heavy treatment, which makes many life nod secretly.

Chen Mo and his party left in the escort of the planetary security agency, and then all the other divine civilizations left, leaving only the onlookers on the field looking at each other.


Some people are happy and others are worried about this battle.

At least at the headquarters of the marching ants in the solar system, there is a group of people who are glum.

"It's a bit big." LAN murmurs, tone some helpless, is helpless to this boss.

The trouble caused by this incident has forced the marching ant group to be fully exposed to the life of the whole universe. The great civilization of the universe will spare no effort to investigate their information and strengthen their defense.I'm afraid they will never be able to keep a low profile. Only they know the content of the Tianxing relic, and all the civilizations of the universe will covet them.

The marching ants on the field are looking at the high-level LAN, to see how he arranged.

LAN knocks on the table, closes the live screen of Mu's Tianxing and looks at the conference hall.

"At the Star Festival, Professor loino announced the foundation of super energy technology, plus the damage and impact of the battle between the boss and Tong Qing. Next, the super energy technology must be the most important technology for the development of many civilizations in the universe, so we need not be afraid of exposure any more.

For the reserve soldiers of all war departments, they should develop their super ability in an all-round way, adapt and train in advance. There is no need to cover up the selection of talents and the popularization of super technology in various colleges and universities in our star territory. "


All the people on the field should be surprised. They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

In addition to the special super power, the super energy technology can also make the physical quality of life stronger, and the thinking speed will become faster, and the brain will become flexible and intelligent, which is definitely a good thing. If the quality of their personnel is raised to the highest level, the marching ant group will develop rapidly.


"You're acting on your own, aren't you? If you haven't really figured out what's going on with your body, do you dare to fool around? What can I do if something goes wrong? "

Back at the manor, Chen Mo is obediently trained.

In the hologram frequency, it is Xiaoyu's angry face who scolds Chen Mo with the lingering palpitations on his face.

Chen Mo was under the ground just now. They were almost anxious when they waited for a few minutes. At last, when they saw that Chen Mo was safe, they felt a little relieved. Now seeing Chen Mo still smiling at her, she is not angry.

Zhao Min didn't speak at one side, but she was standing on Xiaoyu's side, and the worry on her face had not completely dissipated. However, Chen Mo, who had dared to be the enemy of life in the universe just now, is being scolded by his wife in a twinkling of an eye. The contrast is a little big.

Mo Nu stood still.

"Do you hear that? Don't be so adventurous next time


Chen Mo nods with a smile.

"You still have the face to smile, I guess you are also indifferent. When I come back, I will see how I deal with you." Xiaoyu said angrily: "after the space blockade is opened, you must immediately come back with Mo Nu, and can't stay."

"Mo Nu takes min back. I want to go back together with Shenwei's fleet and the battle Department of Ming Tea. After all, she is the leader, so I can't leave the next one to run." Chen Mo explains.

"Yes, but you can't stay too long in other places." Xiaoyu said solemnly.

Now that the universe is in chaos, the marching ant group has a big business. He must come back to settle down. Otherwise, if he stays outside for a long time, the morale of the base camp will be unstable, which will be troublesome.

"Good." Chen Mo blinked and nodded.