Rise From the Humble

Chapter 971: untitled

Chapter 971 Untitled

The island in the center of the lake arrived soon, and the boat was moored at the pier. Zhu Pingan took Li Shu\'s hand and walked down the deck, then stood under the side of the boat and waved to little Lolita Niuniu. Lolita Niuniu gestures to get off the boat.


   There was a burst of laughter, and little Lolita Niuniu jumped off the boat, was picked up by Zhu Ping\'an, and then gently placed on the shore.

   Seeing this, the brats on the boat had bright eyes and followed suit. They jumped off the boat and felt that Zhu Ping’an would catch him like Niuniu’s sister

  However, after Zhu Pingan put the little Lolita Niu on the shore, he turned around and had no intention of picking up the brat from the boat.

   Fortunately, when the bear jumped down, he yelled, and Zhu Pingan grabbed the bear\'s leg with his backhand at the very moment, and lifted the bear upside down when the bear\'s head was about to touch the ground. Otherwise, the brat\'s head would be in close contact with the ground. Although the ground of the Huxin Island wharf is sandy, it would be enough for the brat to put onions upside down.

   "Brother-in-law, I think you did it on purpose."

  After landing on the ground, the bear child raised a small fat face and looked at Zhu Pingan pitifully, and said quietly.


  Zhu Ping\'an stretched out his hand and squeezed the little bear\'s fat face, then took little Lolita Niuniu\'s hand and walked towards the grass.

"Wait for me."

  The brat, with his short legs, chased after him.

  The island in the middle of the lake is small in size, but the scenery is pleasant. Close to the pier is a carpet-like meadow, dotted with one or two clusters of wild flowers from time to time, and across the meadow is a forest with green trees and singing birds.

  A breeze blows, and the scent of flowers and plants is tangy, very refreshing and refreshing.

   There are already tourists on the island in the middle of the lake, and everyone occupies a piece of land, without affecting each other.

Seeing this, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao also took the nursing home of the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion to occupy a piece of land, roughly drawing a semicircle from the lakeside, including the lakeside, grassland and part of the woods, and then spread out to Man-made circle.

  Li Shu asked the old lady to give Liu Mu and the others a few drinks and dishes they brought with them as a reward, and the nurses were overjoyed.

  The bear boy and the little loli girl have been having fun on the grass, chasing butterflies for a while, catching grasshoppers for a while, having a great time.

Zhu Pingan took Li Shu, Hua\'er and the others to put a paper kite on the grass. This paper kite was made by Zhu Pingan and Li Shu. A phoenix bird with a long colorful tail.

   "Okay, you can let go." Zhu Ping ran against the wind and said to Li Shu who was clinging to the paper kite.

  The moment the kite was pulled online, Li Shu let go of her hand, and the kite successfully flew into the sky against the wind.

   "Fly up, fly up"

  After the paper kite flew into the sky, Hua\'er jumped up and down happily, like a stupid rabbit.

  After the successful release, Zhu Pingan continued to defend the line. After the kite stabilized, he handed over the kite reel to Li Shu.

  Li Shu took the reel with a happy face, and put the kite down, but maybe the clues were not well controlled, and the kite in the mid-air seemed to be drunk, stumbling up and down, struggling in mid-air.

   "This way"

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan walked up behind Li Shu, wrapped his arms around Li Shu, helped Li Shu hold on to the reel with one hand, and covered Li Shu\'s little hand holding on to the rope with the other hand, held Li Shu\'s hand, and taught Li Shu to release it. paper kite.

   "It\'s so difficult." Li Shu\'s pretty face was flushed, and she pouted her cherry mouth in Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms.

   "Hey, didn\'t Miss know how to release paper kites before?"

   Hua\'er not far away looked at this scene, scratched his head in doubt, and asked Qin\'er beside him in a low voice.

   "You remember wrongly, the lady doesn\'t know how to release paper kites." Qin\'er rolled her eyes at Hua\'er, and shook her head vigorously.


   Hua\'er was taken aback.

   "You are stupid."

  Qin\'er gave Hua\'er a speechless glance.

   "How stupid am I?" Hua\'er rubbed the back of her head with a dazed expression.

"Let go of paper kites, let go of paper kites, Niu Niu wants to let go too" the little loli Niu Niu, who was having fun on the grass, saw Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu after they released the paper kites, and ran over like a follower .

   "Me too, me too"

  The bear boy also came running along with Lululu, jumping up and down and howling.

   "Teach them to fly paper kites."

  After the two brats came running, Li Shu broke free from Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms, took her little hand out of Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand, and put the reel in Zhu Ping\'an\'s palm.

   These two light bulbs

  Zhu Ping\'an looked down at the reel in his hand, then at the brat who was jumping up and screaming, and the little girl who was blinking her big eyes, speechless. It took more than ten minutes to teach the two little ones how to release the paper kites, and Zhu Pingan asked a maid to watch and let the two little ones play with the paper kites by themselves.

When Zhu Pingan taught Niuniu and Xiongzi to release paper kites, Li Shu took paintings and qin\'er and arranged for maids and old ladies to spread mats on the grass, then mats on the mats, and mattresses and summer mats on the mats. , made a comfortable floor. Then I used four bamboo poles to support it around the ground floor, and surrounded the bamboo poles with a piece of silk and satin to form a private space for taking a nap.

  When Zhu Ping\'an came over, the floor coverings had already been prepared.

   "Let\'s go fishing, we can cook grilled fish later." Zhu Pingan came to Li Shu and invited Li Shu to go fishing at the pier by the lake. I heard that traveling is the best way to cultivate relationships, and Zhu Pingan doesn\'t want to waste this opportunity.

   "Well, it\'s time to catch some more fish." Li Shu nodded.

   "I\'ll go too." Hua\'er, Baozi\'s little maid, also raised her little hand.

   "Where are you going? The floor has not been tidied yet, and you still have to tidy it up with me." Qin\'er stretched out her hand and grabbed Hua\'er, a stupid girl with no winks.

   "Huh? Isn\'t it already paved?" Hua\'er was stunned.

   "Have you used the aromatherapy? Have you lit the insect repellent incense, and there are mosquito nets." Qin\'er said, wringing her fingers.

   "That\'s right, Miss, Uncle, I won\'t go fishing."

  Hua\'er nodded, and felt that what Qin\'er said made sense, the floor had not been laid yet, so she stopped fishing with her.

  Seeing this, Qin\'er breathed a sigh of relief.

  Hua\'er didn\'t go fishing with him. Zhu Pingan and Li Shu enjoyed a time together by the lake for a while. Zhu Pingan told a few modern cold humor jokes, which made Li Shu giggle non-stop.

  The atmosphere is getting better and better.

  Unconsciously, Zhu Pingan\'s fishing position moved closer and closer to Li Shu. In the end, the two of them were already close to each other. Zhu Pingan could smell the orchid fragrance from Li Shu\'s body.

  However, just when Zhu Pingan wanted to go further, the two light bulbs, Xiongzi and Little Lolita Niuniu, came running again. The two put the kites away for a while, feeling bored, saw Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu fishing by the lake, so they rushed over.

  (end of this chapter)