Rise From the Humble

Chapter 970: The so-called beauty

Chapter 970 The so-called beauty

The sky is clear and the sky is clear, the breeze is blowing in front of the Buddha, and the blue waves are rippling on the Shicha Sea. In the distance, a luxuriously decorated and elegantly shaped painting boat sails from a distance. Two short legs on the deck are lying on the railing and pointing at the fish swimming in the water. Wow wow...

  Of course, the most enviable thing on the shore is the simple-looking young man on the deck. The young man holds a fishing rod and sits lazily on the side of the beauty, like a salted fish, surrounded by a group of yingyingyanyans.

Especially the girl sitting next to the boy. Although she was wearing a tulle veiled hat, she couldn\'t see the beauty of her face, but just now a breeze blew up and lifted her veil. At that moment, everyone was almost suffocated. , Overwhelming country... It turns out that there are really girls who can carry such words.

Therefore, when the girl in the veiled hat stretched out her tender and white slender hands and fed the salted fish to the honest boy with fruit inserted in a toothpick, everyone wished to exchange ten or a hundred years of life for being that boy for a second, just to eat a bite. The fruit fed by the veiled girl herself.

  At this moment, everyone\'s admiration for the simple and honest salted fish boy reached the point of hatred.

  Of course, everyone\'s envy, jealousy and hatred disappeared after a while.

   It’s not that the boy was unlucky, or that everyone on the shore got what they wanted, but because the boat disappeared from everyone’s sight after a while. If you don’t see it, you don’t hate it.

   "Hehehe, uncle, you didn\'t see it, those men on the shore just wanted to eat you."

   Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, covered her mouth and giggled.

   "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

  Zhu Pingan smiled nonchalantly, then flicked his wrist lightly, and brought up a palm-sized crucian carp melon seeds.

   "What do you mean? Ah, I caught a fish..."

  Hua\'er was confused when he heard the words, and looked confused, and then saw the fish take the bait, and couldn\'t help cheering.

   "What a silly girl."

  Li Shu rolled her eyes with a smile.

   "The fish is hooked..."

   "I caught a small fish..."

  Bear boy Rui Geer and little Lolita Niuniu saw Zhu Pingan catch a fish with two short legs, and ran over to see the fish, howling.

  Zhu Ping\'an took the fish off the hook and put it into the basin prepared earlier, the fish swam with its tail when it entered the water.

   "Brother-in-law is amazing."

  Little Lolita Niuniu poked the crucian carp in the pot with her little finger, and looked at Zhu Pingan with admiration.

   "Whatever it is, I will too."

  The bear puffed up his mouth unconvinced.


The bear kid also asked for a fishing rod, and deliberately sat beside Zhu Ping\'an, refusing to admit defeat, and began to catch a fish. In his heart, he was determined to catch one. No, it was a pot bigger than the one that the bumpkin brother-in-law just had. Yu, you must let sister Niuniu see that I am the best.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Zhu Ping\'an caught two more fish, one of which was so big that it weighed half a catty, but the bear boy still didn\'t catch a single fish. After Zhu Ping\'an caught the third fish, the bear boy had already given up. Healed, put the fishing rod aside, and ran to the side to find little loli niuniu to play.

  Shichahai said it wasn’t too big, and it only took about half an hour for Zhu Ping’an’s boat to circle the lake.

Next step

   Island in the middle of the lake.

  The boat speeded up and rowed towards the island in the middle of the lake. The speed of the boat was no longer suitable for fishing. Zhu Pingan put away the fishing rod, and there were already six fish in the basin at his feet.

  There are many painting boats and cruise ships near the island in the middle of the lake, almost all of which are surrounded by three fancy and powdery painting boats.

If you get closer, you can vaguely see the scenes of the three painting boats in the center. On one of the painting boats, there is a slim and beautiful woman dancing on it, dancing charmingly. The other two painting boats also have a stunning woman performing her talents. One is singing Guan Jujiu with an ethereal voice, and the other is playing the piano with a melodious sound.

  The surrounding painting boats and cruise ships are full of applause, some literati wrote a poem and delivered it to the painting boats, some Kuo Shao spent a lot of money on the painting boats, and some rich and noble masters commented on the chest...

  Zhu Ping\'an glanced at it, and probably guessed it in his heart. It probably coincided with the activity of the brothels in the capital to choose the oiran.

   "Why, want to go in and have a look?"

   Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan with a smile, and asked coquettishly, her big watery eyes blinked, and her small cherry mouth showed two sharp little canine teeth, which gleamed under the sunlight.

"Not interested in."

  Zhu Pingan shook his head without even thinking about it. He was really not interested. Whether it was singing or dancing in the boat show, it was incomparable with the modern and developed entertainment industry.

  Whether it is the modern new singing, good voice, dance forest conference and other programs, or the obvious entertainment singing and dancing performances, regardless of the connotation, in terms of form and effect, they are all hundreds of times more exciting than those on these painting boats.

   After being influenced by the modern entertainment industry, the performances on the three painting boats inside really couldn\'t attract Zhu Ping\'an at all.

"Go if you want, I\'m curious too." Li Shu\'s voice was a bit coquettish, and when she spoke, her big watery eyes stared at Zhu Pingan without blinking, not letting go of the slightest expression on Zhu Ping\'an\'s face Variety.

"In no mood."

  Zhu Ping\'an still shook his head without hesitation.

  Hmph, you\'re smart.

  Li Shu\'s big watery eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and her small cherry mouth curved up in satisfaction.

   "What\'s going on inside? Why is it so lively?"

   Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, leaned on the railing, stood on tiptoe, and stretched her neck to look in with curiosity on her face.

   "What\'s the excitement, some nasty things." Qin\'er glanced inside, and curled her mouth in disdain.

   "Huh?" Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er looked puzzled.

  Qin\'er leaned close to Hua\'er\'s ear with a speechless face, and whispered a few words.

   "Huh? Choose an oiran? Uh, bah, shameless..."

  Hua\'er opened her mouth in surprise when she heard the words, and then spat several times in the direction of those boats.

   "What kind of flower is an oiran?"

  The bear boy raised his chubby face and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Kids, let\'s go, and ask this question when you grow up." Zhu Pingan reached out and turned the bear\'s head in one direction, making him turn his back to the direction of the painting boats, and then pointed his head into the cabin below. The sailor shouted, "Please work hard, everyone, let\'s go around the boats in front and go to the island in the middle of the lake to have a good rest."

   "Mr. Good Le."

  The sailors in the cabin below responded loudly.

  The speed of the ship accelerated again.

"Tsk tsk, it\'s rare to see an oiran, you don\'t want to look at it. Didn\'t you hear it said that the oiran from the capital, the oiran from the Qinhuai River, and the oiran from the middle of Sichuan will compete together to select the first oiran in Ming Dynasty, The number one beauty." Li Shu stretched out her little finger, poked Zhu Ping\'an\'s chest, and said angrily with a half-smile.

   "So what, that is, where all the girls of Ming Dynasty are judged, and if they are selected, they will only be second at most."

  Zhu Ping\'an shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing the selection of oirans.

   "Why is it second?" Li Shu asked softly.

   "Because the number one beauty of Ming Dynasty is by my side." Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu with a burning gaze, and raised the corners of his lips.

   "Slick tongue, good at deceiving people."

  Li Shu pretended to be coquettish, but her pretty face was like a blooming peony flower, rippling with charm, obviously very useful.

   "Giggle... My lord, tell me how beautiful Miss is?" Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er coaxed with a giggly smile.

   "Everything is beautiful." Zhu Pingan chuckled.

   "My lord, what you said was a bit perfunctory." Hua\'er pouted her lips, dissatisfied with Zhu Ping\'an\'s answer.

"In my opinion, the so-called beautiful women should take flowers as their appearance, birds as their voice, moon as their god, jade as their bones, ice and snow as their skin, autumn water as their posture, and poetry as their heart. The entire Ming Dynasty is only you. Miss Jia is so perfect."

  When Zhu Pingan answered Baozi\'s little maid, he looked at Li Shu with burning eyes, and replied seriously without blinking. Zhu Ping\'anjue\'s theory of beauties originated from Zhang Chao\'s "You Mengying" in the Qing Dynasty, and it couldn\'t be more suitable for Li Shu.

   For Zhu Pingan, this remark is a reference.

   But for Daming, for this world, Zhu Pingan\'s speech is the first time, original.

  For girls, there is nothing more romantic than this moment, nothing more romantic than this.

   "Muddly talk."

  Li Shuqiao\'s face turned red all of a sudden, her ruddy mouth slightly turned up, she gave a coquettish sound, and turned around shyly, the two cute dimples on her pretty face couldn\'t help but ran out before she turned around.

  A head of blue hair also turned around with her, and fluttered happily and gracefully with the wind.

   A smile is alluring.

   Nothing more than the case.

   Baozi’s little maid Hua’er, Qin’er and the others were stuffed with a large amount of dog food

  (end of this chapter)