Rise From the Humble

Chapter 950: so pass

Chapter 950 Passed like this

   Zhang Juzheng experienced jade cups for the first time, but the officials beside him were veterans. When the maid was toasting, he raised his hand and was very happy. After drinking, he reluctantly let the maid go.

  The guests enjoyed the jade cup one by one, and soon it was Luo Wenlong\'s turn.

  Luo Wenlong was even more unrestrained, and he was not shy about strangers. Amid the booing of the crowd, he almost executed the maid on the spot.

"Hahaha, you are free and unrestrained in the world, only brother Wenlong." Luo Ziyu beside Luo Wenlong smiled, half joking and half envious, and although he also played tricks just now, he obviously didn\'t take advantage of it like Luo Wenlong big.

   "where where."

  Luo Wenlong laughed, and waved his hands naively, looking proud instead of ashamed.

   The world is going downhill, morality is degrading!

   Zhu Pingan sighed endlessly about this, but Zhu Pingan didn\'t have time to sigh, because the jade cup was about to be his turn.

  When Luo Wenlong\'s maid was toasting, the maid behind Zhu Ping\'an was already ready to move.

   Now Luo Wenlong\'s maid has finished toasting.

   Then it\'s my turn.

  Zhu Pingan boycotted the jade cup ten thousand times. Firstly, it was because he disdained to join forces with them. Obviously, everyone present here is a well-dressed court official, but what he did was so obscene, how different from a beast? !

  Secondly, it is disgust, yes it is disgust. Zhu Pingan didn\'t think he was a clean freak, but he still had ten thousand respects and insensitivity to this so-called jade cup. Although there is a jade cup for each person at the banquet, who knows how many people have enjoyed these jade cups at the previous banquet? Although it is not like "a pair of jade arms can be used as a pillow for thousands of people, and a little bit of red lips can be tasted by thousands of people", but it is definitely not a one-off. jade cup. In addition, Zhu Pingan knew that Yan Shifan had invented the incense cup, but he also knew that he had also invented the incense spittoon. When he first came to the capital, he had seen the scene of Yan Song using the incense spittoon. Who knows if today\'s incense mug is yesterday\'s incense spittoon?! Although I know that Yan Shifan himself will definitely not mix it up, but who can guarantee that Yan Shifan will deliberately make fun of himself.

  Three times, when Zhu Pingan thought of Li Shu, he looked at the so-called jade cup and so on, but couldn\'t see it.

   "What are you thinking, you young and promising young adult? You are so fascinated, you can teach me to wait a while." The maid behind Zhu Pingan covered her lips with her hand and said in a coquettish way.

   After finishing speaking, the maid flicked up her skirt, and she was about to throw it into Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms.

   "Ahem, slow down."

  Seeing this, Zhu Pingan quickly stretched out his hand to block it.

   "My lord." The maid blinked her big watery eyes, and looked at Zhu Pingan innocently and aggrieved.

   "Hehe, Zihou, what\'s the matter? Do you also want to learn from Uncle Da to compose poems and warm wine?" Yan Shifan narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhu Pingan with interest.

   "No." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

   "No? What are you doing, the number one scholar? It\'s your turn to drink, hurry up, manly man, what are you doing?! Hurry up, hurry up, don\'t spoil everyone\'s interest."

  Luo Ziyu took the lead in asking the question.

   "Hehehe, why, you still say that Zhuangyuan Lang is a gentleman, clean and self-sufficient, and you look down on our behavior of drinking from jade cups, and feel that your eyes are dirty. You want to get out of the mud and not be stained, and you are ashamed to be with us?!"

  When belittling Zhu Ping\'an, how could Luo Wenlong be absent, and then Luo Ziyu\'s question put Zhu Ping\'an on the opposite side of everyone.

  As soon as Luo Wenlong said this, everyone turned their eyes to Zhu Pingan, especially the official who had just drank from a jade cup, his eyes were even sharper.


  Zhu Ping\'an shook his head vigorously, he must deny it at this time.

"Hahaha, that\'s why Zhuangyuanlang is shy and embarrassed. I\'m not an outsider. Zhuangyuanlang, you can let go of your hands and feet and show it to your heart\'s content. Young people are very angry and can\'t control it. It\'s normal. Besides, as Zhuangyuanlang If you are talented, writing a poem after drinking may be a romantic story." The official next to Ouyang Zishi stretched his neck to look at Zhu Pingan, and said loudly with a laugh.

   "Hahaha, Zhuangyuan Lang has a thin skin and can\'t save face, I\'m sorry, hahaha"

   "Oh, there is an old saying, how do you want to be that and want to set up a memorial archway, haha"

  Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words.

  Merry story? !

   I think the world is going downhill! When Zhu Pingan heard this, he was slandered endlessly.

   "Hahaha, as a man, you have to drink to your heart\'s content. Come and sit on your lap." Yan Shifan swept the crowd around, laughed loudly, pulled the maid beside him onto his lap, and raised his hands up and down.

  The rest of the people followed suit.

  The maid next to Zhu Ping\'an also giggled and sat on Zhu Ping\'an\'s lap, as if soft and boneless, and wanted to stick it into Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms.

  Zhu Ping\'an blocked it with his hands.

   "My lord, don\'t be timid."

  The maid on Zhu Ping\'an\'s lap said in a charming way, rubbing against Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms while talking.

   "Hehe, Zihou, you are the most timid and cautious today."

  Yan Shifan held the maid in his arms up and down, stared at Zhu Pingan with his eyes narrowed, and asked seriously, "Zihou, tell me the truth, just say do you want to play with women?!"

  Yan Shifan stared at Zhu Ping with his narrowed eyes. His eyes were sharp, as if he could see through Zhu Ping\'s heart.

  An undercurrent surged at the banquet.

   "Think." Facing Yan Shifan\'s question, Zhu Pingan raised his head and looked at Yan Shifan for a few seconds, then nodded slowly. In fact, there were three words "but not" after Zhu Ping\'an, but he didn\'t say it.

   "Hahaha, Zihou is quite honest. Let\'s see, there is no man in this world who doesn\'t want to play with women, hahaha, unless he is not a man." After hearing Zhu Pingan\'s answer, Yan Shifan laughed out of satisfaction.

   "Hahaha, Lord Yan is right, there is no man who doesn\'t want to play with women, unless he is not a man." Everyone laughed.

  The atmosphere at the banquet became lively again.

"In this world, there is nothing in this world that is not chaotic, and Liu Xiahui, even Confucius said, \'Food and sex, human desires exist\'. It is nonsense to preserve the laws of nature and destroy human desires. Zhu Xi and his concubines are all If you are not satisfied, you still want Nani to be a concubine, a daughter-in-law who picks up ashes. Those people who say they are self-restraint, reverence, and self-cleaning, who is not a beast in human skin?! Words and deeds are the same, play as you want, this is a real man .”

  Yan Shifan laughed and talked eloquently, with the feeling of giving advice.

  Everyone agreed and said yes, and laughed.

   "Master Zhu, this is Master Yan\'s true insight, a man, play as much as you want, don\'t shy away, act like a woman. Come on, drink the jade cup of wine." After laughing, Luo Ziyu and others urged Zhu Ping\'an repeatedly.

  The maid on Zhu Ping\'an\'s lap was very good at seizing the opportunity. After Luo Ziyu and others urged Zhu Pingan, she picked up the jug with her slender hands, took a sip from the cherry mouth, and turned around to toast Zhu Pingan.

   "Ahem, please let Ping An have a drink first to strengthen your courage."

  Zhu Ping\'an acted like a brother, eager to try, but also a little shy, with a well-balanced expression.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s expression reminded many people of their appearance when they visited the brothel for the first time. At that time, they also drank a glass of wine to strengthen their courage before walking in excitedly and apprehensively.

   understand, understand.

  So everyone acquiesced to Zhu Pingan\'s actions.

  Zhu Ping\'an took the wine glass from the maid\'s hand, poured a glass into his own, and drank it all in one gulp.

  Everyone looked at Zhu Ping\'an expectantly.

   "Ahem, well, I have to have another drink." Zhu Pingan burped.

   "Wine is strong and cowardly. How cowardly you are, drink it, drink it."

  Luo Wenlong and others laughed endlessly.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an poured another cup and took another sip.



   need another drink

  Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Zhu Pingan drank another cup.

  After the third cup of fortifying wine, Zhu Pingan fell headlong under the table, muttering and slurring words such as "No, no, no.", "Drink, be strong."

   Totally drunk.

  Everyone was dumbfounded for a while.

   It can still be like this, Zhang Juzheng opened his mouth wide, just now he was still thinking about how Zhu Ping\'an would get through this test, but he didn\'t expect it to be like this.

  (end of this chapter)