Rise From the Humble

Chapter 949: strength to resolve embarrassment

Chapter 949 Strength resolves embarrassment

  The wine is hot and the ears are hot, and it is getting better.

Yan Shifan glanced around the crowd with one eye, picked up a toothpick, picked his teeth, breathed out alcohol, and said to the crowd with a smile, "Haha. It\'s better to be alone than to be happy. There is still a pot of golden flowers in Yan\'s house. The aged wine has been stored for exactly a hundred years, and it will be tasted with you."

  When everyone heard the words, they complimented Yan Shifan endlessly.

  Jinhua wine was recognized as the first of the seven famous wines in the dynasty. Its color is like gold, and its taste is sweet and mellow. Even when I\'m drunk, I don\'t get headaches, dry mouth, or diarrhea.

  The best Jinhua wine is known as the saying that there is a jar of wine and a jar of gold.

   Not to mention the century-old Jinhua wine! The value is immeasurable.

  In such an ordinary gathering, with such a table of water, land and eight treasures, and such a jar of century-old Jinhua wine, Zhu Pingan gained a better understanding of Yan Shifan\'s luxurious and extravagant life.


  After Yan Shifan laughed, he stretched out his hand and clapped his hands, and then saw more than ten stunning beauties coming in from outside the door, fanning out, walking meanderingly, each of them was holding a small white jade jug in their hands.

  Compared with the dozen or so beauties who just served the dishes, these ten beauties are three points more beautiful, and their clothes are more simple and transparent, which is not much different from not wearing them.

  A breeze blew from the door, blowing over the girl who was walking, bringing an intoxicating aroma of wine.

   "Hahaha, this hundred-year-old Jinhua wine must be served in a jade cup, otherwise the wine will be ruined."

   Yan Shifan said with a smile.

  Jade Cup? !

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. Could the jade cup be the kind of jade cup recorded in history? !


  Zhu Ping\'an scanned around, saw Luo Wenlong\'s piggy-like expression on the people who came over, and he was sure in his heart.

  The so-called jade cup, also known as the fragrant mouth cup, is to use the small cherry mouth of a beauty as a wine cup. This is a way of toasting invented by Yan Shifan. When beauties toast, they don\'t use wine glasses, but take a sip of wine from the small mouth of the cherry, and then feed the wine to the guests mouth to mouth. These beauties were all carefully selected by Yan Shifan. The beauties would bathe with fine wine once a day, so they all had the fragrance of wine on their bodies.

  The beauties meandered to the banquet, and a beauty stood behind a guest, no one more, no one less.

   "The jade cup has arrived, hehe, please use it slowly."

  Yan Shifan chuckled, then reached out and nodded Zhang Juzheng, "Let\'s start with Shuda this time."

As soon as Yan Shifan finished speaking, the beauty standing beside Zhang Juzheng let out a coquettish giggle, and threw herself into Zhang Juzheng\'s arms with lightning speed, a slender hand tightly wrapped around Zhang Juzheng\'s neck, Xian Xianyu held the jug in her hand, took a sip of the wine with her cherry mouth, and then brought her cherry lips to Zhang Juzheng\'s.

   "Wait a minute."

  Zhang Juzheng stretched out his hand to block the beauty Tan\'s mouth, and said with a chuckle, "In the past, the relevant officials warmed up wine and killed Hua Xiong, but today they are not talented, and they want to imitate the predecessors."

   "Oh, how to imitate?" Yan Shifan asked with a smile, narrowing his eyes.

   "Juzheng is not talented, try to write a poem. If Juzheng\'s poem is completed and there is still warm wine in the mouth of the beauty Eryu, then Juzheng will eat it." Zhang Juzheng smiled slightly.


  Yan Shifan laughed and said yes, he has seen through Zhang Juzheng\'s cleverness, Zhang Juzheng wanted to write an unusual poem, and wanted to make the beauty laugh and drink, but Yan Shifan didn\'t care.

   Yan Shifan has confidence in the trained maid.

  Don\'t talk about doggerel, it\'s just a hilarious joke, and these toasting maids will never laugh out loud during the toast.

   "Li Baidou\'s 100 Poems on Wine, No one can sleep at home with a glass of wine. If you don\'t drink at home, you don\'t drink, just because the female tiger roars at home."

  Zhang Juzheng thought for a few breaths, then laughed at himself and smiled wryly, and read out a doggerel.

  Li Bai can write hundreds of poems with a bucket of wine, and I, Zhang Juzheng, will be homeless after drinking a glass of wine. It’s not because I don’t drink, but because I have a tigress in my house.

  Zhang Juzheng’s writing is good, but he doesn’t hesitate to laugh at himself. This doggerel still has some laughs, but

   Ran and eggs.

After Zhang Juzheng\'s doggerel, everyone present was amused, Yan Shifan also smiled slightly, but the beauty sitting in Zhang Juzheng\'s arms was unmoved, blinked at Zhang Juzheng, and leaned closer little cherry mouth.

  Caught off guard, Zhang Juzheng was so toasted, at a loss, his face flushed, and he coughed awkwardly after drinking.

   "Master Giggle is so handsome, and also writes good poems, Jiaojiao still wants to offer a toast to Sir. As for the tigress in Sir\'s house, Giggle, let her eat Jiaojiao."

  The beauty in Zhang Juzheng\'s arms couldn\'t stop smiling coquettishly, and raised the jug again with her slender hands, as if about to toast.

   Zhang Juzheng, who hadn\'t recovered from the first glass of wine, heard the beauty in his arms say that he would have another toast, he couldn\'t help shaking, and coughed again.

"I\'m lying to you. Look at the excitement of the adults. You can only toast one round. After the other adults have used it, Jiaojiao can respect you again." The beauty in Zhang Juzheng\'s arms was so playful, she giggled and covered her mouth laughed.

  Zhang Juzheng is suave and suave, and is also very good for women, but he has not achieved fame. When he is outside, Zhang Juzheng pays special attention to his personal image and tries to draw a clear line from sensuality. Of course, back home, it\'s two things to say, after all, so far, Zhang Juzheng has already taken three concubines.

  Yan Mansion is a concentration camp for sensual dogs and horses.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng didn\'t refuse Yan Shifan\'s invitation to a banquet, on the one hand, was because of Yan Shifan\'s power, it was difficult to refuse, and getting close to Yan Shifan was part of his layout; .

  However, the beauty in her arms is so playful and cute, and her looks are so good, plus the beauty\'s little tricks of teasing secretly.

   All of a sudden, Zhang Juzheng\'s eating nature was stirred up.

  The seductive Zhang Juzheng was a little distracted, and stretched out his hand out of nowhere.


   At this moment, Yan Shifan coughed.

  The beauty in Zhang Juzheng\'s arms stopped abruptly, giggling coquettishly, and jumped out of Zhang Juzheng\'s arms in an instant.

  Due to the sudden departure, the hem of the beauty\'s skirt was still held in Zhang Juzheng\'s hands, and it was pulled up quite a bit.

   "My lord, please return Jiaojiao\'s skirt."

  The beauty shyly covered her thin skirt with both hands, and innocently blinked at Zhang Juzheng with a pair of eyes, looked frequently at Zhang Juzheng, and said softly with her small mouth.


   Seeing this, there was a burst of laughter at the banquet.

Facing the laughter of the crowd, Zhang Juzheng remained calm, the embarrassment disappeared in a flash, he let go of his hand very calmly, half to justify and half to laugh at himself: "This woman is quite similar to the concubine that Juzheng Xin took, Juzheng was in a trance for a while. "

   One sentence can resolve embarrassment.

  (end of this chapter)