Rise From the Humble

Chapter 944: Don't you have a clue?

Chapter 944 Don\'t you have any tricks in mind?

   "This is this year\'s No. 1 scholar—Zhu Ping\'an. You must have heard of it. There are many people here who are well-informed, so I won\'t introduce too much."

  After Yan Shifan responded to everyone\'s greetings, he turned around and introduced Zhu Pingan behind him to everyone.

   "I have met you adults in peace."

  Zhu Pingan took a step forward with a slight smile, bowed his hands deeply to the crowd, and greeted them.

"you are welcome."

"Nice to meet you."

  Everyone just responded a few words sparsely, and their attitude was relatively cold, especially Luo Wenlong and Ouyang Zishi, not only did not respond to Zhu Pingan, but snorted softly and sneered at Zhu Pingan.

   It is also interesting to say.

   When everyone was seated, Zhu Pingan happened to sit between Luo Wenlong and Ouyang Zishi. In fact, Zhu Pingan didn\'t want to either. Personally, Zhu Pingan wanted to sit with Zhang Juzheng, but there was no other way. Just now, Yan Shifan asked someone to add a chair here, so Zhu Pingan had no choice but to sit here.

"Everyone, please drink this cup to the brim. It\'s rare for us to take a break today. You don\'t need to be polite. We are here today, regardless of official position or age. We are equal in the same generation. We only want to get drunk. "

  After everyone was seated, Yan Shifan got up and took the first glass of wine, smiling and respecting everyone present.

   "What Lord Yan said is very true, but I want to get drunk before resting, please, Lord Yan." Everyone stood up one after another, raised their glasses together, and drank it all in one gulp.

   Then, Yan Shifan raised two glasses of wine with a smile, said some welcome toasts, and the banquet began.

  The maid began to pour wine for everyone, and the hot dishes began to be served gradually.

  Everyone talked and laughed happily and played freely.

  Ouyang Zishi and Luo Wenlong deliberately chatted high across Zhu Ping\'an, occasionally toasting each other a glass of wine, deliberately ignoring Zhu Ping\'an.

  However, the two people\'s hard work obviously did not have any impact on Zhu Pingan, who was devouring his head to eat and eat well. It felt like the two had punched the cotton with all their strength, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

  The more he looked at Zhu Pingan who was feasting, the more unhappy Luo Wenlong felt.

  Suddenly, Luo Wenlong laughed out loud, got up and brought up a glass of wine, and said to everyone, "Just now I suddenly remembered an interesting incident when I was a child, and I couldn\'t help but want to share it with you."

   "Oh, what\'s interesting?"

   "Brother Wenlong, tell me."

   Everyone looked at Luo Wenlong and asked with interest.

  Yan Shifan also turned his head with great interest.

Seeing that everyone\'s eyes were focused on, Luo Wenlong\'s smile became brighter and his expression became more smug, "Hehe, since everyone wants to hear it, I\'ll just talk about it briefly. When I was young, there was a neighbor named Zhu in my family. Oh, what a coincidence, we are in the same family as our No. 1 Scholar, Mr. Zhu, hehe..."

  Speaking of this, Luo Wenlong took a special look at Zhu Pingan with a smile.

   Coincidentally, your sister, this guy must not be holding back his fart. Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but rolled his eyes when he heard this.

   Hehe, interesting.

  Everyone present here is a smart person. Seeing Luo Wenlong\'s actions, they naturally understood in their hearts, so they became more interested.

   "Oh, what a coincidence." Yan Shifan smiled.

"It\'s not such a coincidence. My neighbor\'s surname is Zhu. There is a child in his family who is about the same age as me. We used to fight together when we were young. My neighbor\'s child is a horse. His parents hope that he can gallop thousands of miles like a horse, so give him He named him Zhu Chi." Luo Wenlong couldn\'t help smiling and preaching to the crowd.

   "Zhu Chi, galloping thousands of miles, this name is not bad."

  Everyone nodded slightly after hearing the words.

   "Hehe, Zhu Chi is about the same age as me, but when he was young, he was much stronger than me, and he loves eating the most." Luo Wenlong continued with a smile, and then deliberately glanced at Zhu Pingan.

   Oh, I like to eat...

   The people who eat melons glanced at Zhu Pingan, and became more interested. In the whole banquet, Zhu Ping\'an was the most delicious. From the moment he sat down, his mouth never stopped, like a refugee fleeing famine. Hehe, Luo Wenlong is alluding to Zhu Ping\'an.

"My neighbor dotes on his family\'s Zhu Chi very much, and he responds to every request. He often goes to the market to buy all kinds of delicious food for his family\'s Zhu Chi. He often mentions a lot of food when he returns. People on the way see him buying so much food. , People often ask him curiously why he bought so much food. Whenever this time, my neighbor will say, this is for my pig (Zhu Chi), poof...this is for my pig (Zhu Chi) …Hahaha…"

   At the end of Luo Wenlong\'s speech, he deliberately pronounced Zhu Chi as "pig eating". In order to let everyone hear clearly, the tone of the "pig" was deliberately amplified.

   After finishing speaking, Luo Wenlong laughed so hard that he couldn\'t breathe, he took a special look at Zhu Ping\'an, couldn\'t help being proud of his wit, and then laughed even louder.

   Implicit meaning, self-evident.

   "Hahaha...give it to my pig!"

   "For pigs!"

   "What Lord Luo said is really interesting."

After everyone heard this, they repeated it softly, and looked at Zhu Ping\'an again, laughing brighter than each other, especially Ouyang Zishi, who even leaned forward and backward with a smile, and patted the table twice, so excited of

  After listening to the joke arranged by Luo Wenlong, Yan Shifan couldn\'t help laughing, and turned his head to look at Zhu Ping\'an.

  Zhang Juzheng didn\'t smile, but picked up his teacup, covered his face with tea, and quietly observed Zhu Ping\'an, wanting to see how Zhu Ping\'an would respond.

Zhu Pingan, who was in the center of everyone\'s laughter and eyesight, was calm and calm, and had a feeling that "no matter the wind and waves, it is better than strolling in the garden". Slowly picked up a chopstick of crab powder shark fin, put it in his mouth and chewed a mouthful, his eyes lit up, after chewing again and again, he swallowed it contentedly.

  After eating the crab meal and shark fin, Zhu Pingan took out a handkerchief embroidered with fat ducks playing in the water from his sleeve, wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, and then folded it in his sleeve.

After a series of actions, Zhu Pingan raised his head slowly, glanced at Luo Wenlong and the smiling crowd, twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a brilliant smile, and persuaded him attentively: "Hehe, my lords, don\'t just smile, Don’t you all want to eat such a table of delicious food? Oh, by the way, I tasted the crab meal and shark’s fin that Lord Luo just ate, and it tastes really delicious, I highly recommend it.”

  For pigs? !

Ha ha

  You Luo Wenlong, and you, you, you, all of you here, don’t you have any clues about whether you have eaten or not? !

  When you satirized me, didn’t you mock yourself and everyone else?

pig? !

so what.

  My nickname is Xiaozhu, and I have been called for many years. You are too childish.

  Zhu Pingan sneered at Luo Wenlong and the laughing crowd, and pulled the corner of his mouth in disdain.


   Fuck, yes!

  For pigs? ! We also ate it just now, so haven\'t we also become pigs in Luo Wenlong\'s mouth? !

  The smiles on everyone\'s faces gradually withered, and they turned their gazes to Luo Wenlong...

   cough cough

  Luo Wenlong seemed to have lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, his face flushed red, and he coughed several times...

  (end of this chapter)