Rise From the Humble

Chapter 943: you shake me

Chapter 943 You Shock Me

  Yan Mansion is second to none among the private residences in the capital. Walking in it, you can feel the luxury rushing towards you every step you take, and it is also the kind of luxury that is confident.

  Because when Yan Song took over as the chief assistant ten years ago, Emperor Jiajing read that Yan Song was already old, and issued a special decree to allow him to build a mansion. Therefore, the Yan Mansion can indulge in luxury without avoiding the eyes of outsiders.

  Zhu Pingan followed Yan Shifan for about ten minutes, passed through a garden, bypassed a lotus pond, passed through a bamboo forest, and walked a secluded path before arriving at Jishi Garden, the meeting place.

  At the gate of Jishi Garden, a white jade screen wall was erected, on which an article titled "Jishi Garden Story" was engraved.

  Seeing that Zhu Pingan had noticed the article, Yan Shifan deliberately slowed down and let Zhu Pingan read it.

  Seeing this, Zhu Ping\'an realized something in his heart. It is estimated that this article is the work of a famous master, or it may be the proud work of Yan Shifan or Yan Song.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an stopped to admire:

   "Ji Shi Yuan Ji"

   The land was acquired as a garden, with a tree and a pavilion in it, and the swallows rested with money. A few bamboos are planted, and bamboo plants are mixed for fun. The life said: "Send suitable". The husband joins the trees to prolong the Qing, avoids the hustle and bustle and gets rid of it, and the constant love does what he wants. However, entrusting the royal family, staying in public all day and night, worrying about everything, and paying attention to all responsibilities. If you hear the king\'s order, you will not wait for it, and if you write the notes, you will keep writing. Although I want to live in a peaceful environment and live in peace and ambition, how can I get it? The name of the garden is suitable, and I have never been able to find it for a day. Talk about Zhisi language, and explain the ridicule on behalf of the cloud.

  —Jiajing Yisi Zhongxia Ji.

  The entire "Ji Shi Yuan Ji" is less than 200 words, and Zhu Pingan finished it quickly. Although there is no signed author of this garden note, after reading it, Zhu Pingan can basically see who the author of this article is.

  Yan Song! !

  Commissioning the royal family, staying in the public all night... Hearing the king\'s order, he will not be able to do it, and the sketches will keep writing...

  The article was inscribed on Jiajing Otomi Midsummer. At that time, Yan Song was the only one who was qualified to be so emotional and engraved on the screen wall of Jishi Garden.

  In this way, we can understand why Yan Shifan deliberately slowed down, leaving enough time for himself to appreciate this "Ji Shi Yuan Ji".

   It\'s just that the treacherous minister Yan Song made such a sigh of worrying about the country and the people and wanting to retreat, so it might be a bit too funny.

What\'s more, since Yan Song took office, all his thoughts have been spent on pleasing Emperor Jiajing. His political achievements are not much, but Qing Ci has written a lot of baskets. It may be true to hear the king\'s order, but you can\'t wait for it", and "keep writing" may be true, but "responsibility" and "wu" refer to green words.

   "Zihou, how about this article?"

  Seeing that Zhu Ping\'an had finished reading, Yan Shifan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a smile, and asked with great interest.


  The author of this article is your Lao Tzu Yan Song, you asked me how, in front of you, of course, there is only praise left.

After listening to Yan Shifan\'s inquiry, Zhu Ping\'an was full of slander in his heart, but his face showed an expression of admiration: "This garden record is concise in writing, but the artistic conception is extremely lofty. After reading this garden record, I seem to see a An elder who is in the palace, diligent in public affairs, concerned about the country and the people, but yearns for poetry and the distance, seems to see him wandering among the lush bamboo forests, green, fat, red and thin flowers, and hears the words that he wants to go back to hermit but can\'t. sigh."

   "Poetry and the distance, hehe, wonderful, wonderful, if the old man listens to Zihou\'s comment, he will definitely make an exception and drink a few more glasses..."

  Yan Shifan was extremely satisfied with Zhu Ping\'an\'s comment, he couldn\'t help but patted his belly, and laughed.

"Ah? Could it be that this masterpiece was written by Mr. Yan Ge?" Zhu Pingan said with a look of sudden realization and regret, "If I had known, Ping An would not have dared to comment on the work of Mr. Ge. The sparrow commented The eagle is just a laughingstock."

"Cut, you can comment on Confucius\'s articles, but you can\'t comment on the old man\'s articles." Yan Shifan smiled indifferently, and then patted Zhu Ping\'an on the shoulder, "Zihou, let\'s go, let\'s enter the garden, don\'t let me They\'ve been waiting a long time."

   Once you enter Jishi Garden, you feel as if you have left the world and entered a fairyland.

  Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, emerald bamboos and falling rocks; ponds, pavilions and water pavilions, fish playing with green waves and thick flowers; rippling blue waves, the water and the sky are of the same color...

Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help twitching the corners of his mouth. Just now, Yan Song said that "the land was acquired as a garden, and a pavilion was built in it, so that the swallows can rest." That\'s all.

  Hehe, this garden is really small...

  It’s so small that I can’t see the edge at a glance...

  Zhu Pingan slandered while following Yan Shifan, and arrived at the place of the banquet—Zhiyu Pavilion.

   Zhiyu Pavilion is located in the center of the rippling lotus pond, protruding into the pond, surrounded by water on three sides in front, left and right, and is a loft-style building.

According to Yan Shifan\'s introduction, Zhiyu Pavilion was named by Yan Song himself. It was taken from the "Zhuangzi. Qiushui" in "Zhuangzi. Qiushui", "You are not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?" debate.

  Approaching Zhiyu Pavilion, Zhu Pingan smelled a soul-stirring aroma of wine and meat, and heard a melodious sound of silk and bamboo, ethereal singing of singers and guests talking and laughing, which was very lively.

   "Hehe, it\'s here."

  Yan Shifan smiled and walked in first. Zhu Pingan followed Yan Shifan and walked into it slowly.

   "Hehe, brother Donglou is finally back."

   "Master Yan is back."

   "Yo, I brought back a distinguished guest."

  As soon as they entered the Zhiyu Pavilion, everyone in the pavilion greeted Yan Shifan one after another, and Yan Shifan responded with a smile.

  Zhu Pingan squinted his eyes, on the one hand adapting to the indoor light, on the other hand observing the situation in the cabinet without any trace.

The interior of the pavilion is spacious and beautifully decorated. On both sides of the pavilion, there are rows of beautiful women playing the qin and flute. In the middle, there are two rows of dancers with scantily clad but veiled dancers. Slender and graceful, her dancing posture is extremely provocative.

  In front of the dancer, that is, in the middle of the pavilion, there is a huge round table. On the table are a variety of delicacies from mountains and seas. There are more than ten officials sitting around the round table, each with a small and exquisite white jade flagon.

  At this moment, seeing Yan Shifan coming in, all the officials sitting around the table stood up and said hello to Yan Shifan.

Among the more than ten officials sitting around the table, Zhu Pingan also found a few acquaintances, Zhao Wenhua, Ouyang Zishi, Luo Wenlong Hey, Zhang Juzheng was also there. When Zhu Pingan was about to look away, he found Zhang Juzheng in the crowd, and It seems that Zhang Juzheng is quite familiar with Ouyang Zishi and others.


  Zhu Ping\'an gave Zhang Juzheng a thumbs up in his heart, as expected of Zhang Juzheng! This political talent is at the top level.

   It\'s really compelling.

  Zhang Juzheng is a student of his teacher Xu Jie, he goes in and out of Xu\'s mansion as if he were at home, he enjoys himself in the strict party, and he lives like a fish in water in Yuwang\'s mansion.

  Currently at the peak of power (Yan Song), at the peak of future power (Xu Jie), and at the peak of future power (Yu Wang), Zhang Juzheng has made his plans. This political sense and talent is really amazing!

   In other words, when Zhang Juzheng saw Zhu Ping\'an, his shock was not much less than that of Zhu Ping\'an.

In his opinion, Zhu Ping\'an is also a student of teacher Xu Jie, and he helps the teacher revise Qingci, and also gives gifts (gifted by Li Shu) on New Year\'s and holidays, and the visits are quite diligent. The Jingwang Mansion did not become a Bachelor of Attendant, but he went to serve as a Attendant of Yuwang\'s Mansion. Now Yan Shifan personally led him to the banquet, and he seemed to be chatting and laughing happily

  Where he devoted himself to the layout, Zhu Pingan also failed

   Zhang Ju Zhengxin Lake set off a storm

  (end of this chapter)