Rise From the Humble

Chapter 930: hard work

Chapter 930 Good things are hard to come by

  Hearing that Yan Shifan promised to inform the household department later, Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin were both overjoyed, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

  Although Yan Shifan is cunning, he is recognized as a man who keeps his word. As long as he agrees to inform the Ministry of Accounts, he will definitely notify the Ministry of Accounts. As long as Yan Shifan informs the Ministry of Household Affairs, there will be no more resistance to the distribution of Yuwang Suifu, because the previous resistance came from Yan Shifan!

  The task was successfully completed, and the two of them relaxed for a rare moment. They picked up the teacups at the same time, took a sip of tea, and relieved the tense heartstrings for a long time.

   "Oh, by the way, I heard that His Royal Highness King Yu seems to have a lot of complaints about my father and me. I don\'t know what my father and I did wrong. I would like to ask Lord Chen and Zihou to express it clearly so that my father and I can correct our mistakes in time."

   Just when Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin were relaxing, Yan Shifan looked at them with a smile and asked.

  Yan Shifan\'s words were like a thunderbolt, which exploded in the ears of Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin! In an instant, Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin\'s complexions changed drastically, and the heartstrings that had just been relaxed were tensed again at this moment.

Looking at Yan Shifan\'s fat smiling face, Zhu Ping\'an\'s heart fluctuated like waves, his heart beat like a drum, and a stream of cold sweat trickled down his back, but even though his heart was like thunder, Zhu Ping\'an\'s face was Always calm and nonchalant, the teacup in his hand is subconsciously held steadily.

  Damn it, Yan Shifan is a standard smile hiding a knife!

  Also, Yan Shifan\'s questioning is really a terrible question!

  If one answer is not good, not only the things promised just now will not count, and the relationship between Prince Yu’s mansion and Yan Song’s father and son will be in jeopardy, and King Yu’s embarrassing position will be in jeopardy!

  In other words, King Yu did criticize Yan Song and his son a lot, but how did Yan Shifan know? !

Zhu Pingan has been in Yuwang Mansion for such a long time, and he has understood the secrecy work of Yuwang Mansion. The secrecy work of Yuwang Mansion was trained by Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin. It is characterized by being loose on the outside and tight on the inside. do not enter. For insignificant and ordinary matters, Prince Yu\'s Mansion is almost undefended, such as the last pavilion poetry meeting, etc., but for confidential matters that are important to King Yu and his officials, Prince Yu\'s Mansion\'s secrecy work is very good. First of all, every time a matter is discussed, King Yu will retreat to the left and right, and ask his confidantes to stay outside, and the loyal guards will be on duty within ten meters, not to mention the fact that King Yu criticized Yan Song and his son, and his secrecy work is even better right.

  At least, so far, Zhu Ping\'an has not heard of any leaks of King Yu\'s agenda, so the secrecy work of King Yu\'s Mansion is still trustworthy.

   That is to say, Yan Shifan has only heard rumors at most, and has no real hammer.

After figuring this out, Zhu Pingan quickly calmed down, his simple and honest face was completely nonchalant, he calmly raised his head and looked at Yan Shifan, then pulled the corners of his mouth and shook his head and laughed, "Hehehe Lord Yan can really make jokes and tease us with some non-existent rumors. Lord Yan and Lord Yan are the pillars of the country. His Royal Highness King Yu has always treated Master Yan and Lord Yan with courtesy. Master Xiang and Lord Yan are examples to inspire us and other officials, otherwise King Yu would not have asked us to come to seek help from Lord Yan. Therefore, those false rumors cannot be trusted."

  Yan Shifan was always smiling, and after hearing what Zhu Pingan said, he nodded noncommittally.


Chen Yiqin on the side put the teacup in his hand heavily on the table, sat upright, looked up at Yan Shifan and replied with a serious face: "His Royal Highness Prince Yu\'s status as a crown prince has been tacitly determined long ago, but it\'s just that he hasn\'t been formally canonized." His Royal Highness King Yu is older and should be established in order, and His Royal Highness King Yu was named Zaihou, Hou, from the earth, and first came out of the Nine Regions, that is, the king owns the land, which is the king\'s intention. Although His Royal Highness King Yu is a prince, The rules and etiquette of the palace are all higher than those of other princes. The first lecturers of other palaces only use review, but the first lecturers of Prince Yu’s palace use high-level editing. This is different from other palaces. This shows that the Holy Majesty We treat His Royal Highness Yu Wang as a prince. We serve His Royal Highness Yu Wang. His Royal Highness Yu Wang often said that the Yan Mansion has two pillars, and Yan Ge Lao and Yan Lord are the pillars of the country, good ministers of the country, and capable ministers of the country. ! I don’t know where Lord Yan heard the rumors from?!”

  Chen Yiqin was a veteran official of King Yu when he opened his mansion, and he is more aware of the precarious status of King Yu than Zhu Pingan!

   Facing Yan Shifan\'s questioning, Chen Yiqin paid more attention to it! The answers are more formal and the rhetoric is more intense!

  More than forty years of life experience told Chen Yiqin that at this time, he had to be stronger. Chen Yiqin\'s answer was both modest and dignified. He not only praised Yan Song and his son from the perspective of King Yu, but also showed that I, Prince Yu\'s mansion, are not easy to mess with. King Yu is King Yu after all! He is the future prince of Ming Dynasty!

"Hahaha" Yan Shifan laughed loudly after hearing this, the flesh on his fat face trembled like a Maitreya Buddha, "Yan\'s way is just hearsay, it doesn\'t matter, it doesn\'t matter, I will do it casually Just ask, don\'t be so serious."

  Yan Shifan had indeed heard the rumors, but he hadn’t verified them. He was just trying to test it out at the moment. After probing, if you find that the other party has not revealed any flaws, then that\'s the end of it. Of course, if the other party showed his flaws, Yan Shifan would definitely not be merciful.

  The atmosphere relaxed again.

  Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin breathed a sigh of relief again. Yan Shifan\'s questioning just came too suddenly. Fortunately, Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin got through this level smoothly, otherwise all previous efforts would be wasted and the situation would be worse.

"Young people are wise and wise, and young people are strong and strong. The "Youth Da Ming Zhi" you wrote not long ago is very appetizing to Yan Mou, and Yan Mou loves it very much. I, a man of Da Ming, should have such boldness. Yes."

  Yan Shifan sat on a chair, squinted at Zhu Pingan, and chatted with puns.

  Yan Shifan\'s words not only meant to praise Zhu Ping\'an\'s works, but also implicitly expressed his appreciation and solicitation for Zhu Ping\'an.

   "It\'s really an honor for Ping An to be appreciated by adults." Zhu Ping\'an performed a Tai Chi to respond to all changes with the same.

  Next, Yan Shifan chatted with Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin, and then someone came in and approached Yan Shifan\'s ear to tell Yan Shifan.

Yan Shifan nodded slightly after hearing this, and then got up and said to Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin, "Master Chen, Zihou, my father called me for something, so I won\'t accompany you first. I just stopped by the household department to say hello when I was done. The time is coming soon. It\'s noon, you two will have lunch with me before going back."

   "Thank you, Mr. Yan, for your kindness. Let\'s go back, so we can tell His Royal Highness Yu Wang the good news earlier." Chen Yiqin and Zhu Ping\'an got up and thanked each other, and declined Yan Shifan\'s invitation to stay for dinner.

   "Well, well, if it\'s not enough, you should stay for dinner next time, or you won\'t give me Yan\'s face." Yan Shifan nodded.

   "Thank you, Lord Yan, I will definitely stay next time." Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin expressed their thanks.

  (end of this chapter)