Rise From the Humble

Chapter 929: things come true

Chapter 929 It\'s a success

   "I have met Master Yan."

   After Yan Shifan entered, Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin bowed their hands and saluted Yan Shifan at the same time.

   After seeing the ceremony, Zhu Ping\'an clasped his hands with a fan and replied, "Today we are here specially to meet Mr. Yan."

"Oh, it\'s a great honor for me to come to visit me specially." Yan Shifan let out an ooh, then laughed, and stretched out his hand to greet the two of them to sit down, "Sit, sit, don\'t be polite, just treat it as your own home. "

   "Thank you, Lord Yan." Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin thanked each other, and then sat down.

  After being seated, as usual, the three of them chatted nonchalantly for a while before getting down to business.

  "Master Yan, to be honest, the life of Prince Yu\'s Mansion is really difficult now, the finances are tight, and the income is beyond the means. This morning, the official kitchen of Prince Yu\'s Mansion can\'t cook." Chen Yiqin took the initiative to confess the financial dilemma of Prince Yu\'s Mansion.

   "Isn\'t it?" Yan Shifan looked surprised.

   "This matter is absolutely true." Chen Yiqin nodded vigorously, speaking convincingly.

  Zhu Pingan also nodded.

"As King Yu, how could this be so?" Yan Shifan shook his head, and then sighed, "If it wasn\'t for the fact that he neglected to supervise Taicang not long ago, he just paid a fine of 12,000 taels of silver by throwing pots and pieces of iron, and today we say I will spend a thousand eight taels of silver to turn around with Yu Wang for anything, alas, it\'s a pity that I have no power now."

  Taicang, Taicang, this is me.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan got up from his seat, bowed to Yan Shifan, and confessed with a guilty and ashamed look: "It\'s all incompetent officials who failed to clearly find out the moths in Taicang, and have implicated many innocent officials like Mr. Yan." , Ping An is both guilty and ashamed."

  Zhu Ping\'an made such a plea on the face, but in his heart he was slandering Yan Shifan, you are the fattest moth in Taicang.

"Zi Hou, what are you doing? You uncovered the serious case of theft in Taicang, and you contributed a lot to our Daming Jiangshan Sheji, so why should you be guilty? Besides, when I checked the warehouse, I was really busy with the Ministry of Industry. It was negligent in inspecting Taicang, this is the truth, since there was a negligence in inspection, it should have been punished. If it is true, Zihou was the one who was implicated, and he was fined money even though he had merit in inspecting Taicang."

  Yan Shifan was very enlightened and righteous. He reached out to support Zhu Ping\'an, and patted Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder to complain for Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Master Yan understands righteousness deeply, and Ping An is ashamed of himself." Zhu Pingan patted his **** in a timely manner.

"Haha. This is no sense of righteousness." Yan Shifan laughed and shook his head, the flesh on his face swayed from side to side with his movements, and then looked at Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin, "Oh, yes, I Where did you just say it?"

   "Master Yan just said." Zhu Pingan repeated Yan Shifan\'s previous words softly and briefly.

   "Well, yes, it\'s a pity that Mr. Yan is powerless now, otherwise he would tell my father to raise a thousand and eight hundred taels of silver for King Yu."

  Yan Shifan patted his thigh hard, his fat face was full of frustration, and his one eye was shining brightly.

   "It is enough for Master Yan to have such a heart. On behalf of King Yu, I would like to thank Master Yan." Chen Yiqin got up and cupped his hands.

   "Master Chen, you are welcome." Yan Shifan waved his hand.

   "To tell you the truth, Lord Yan, in fact His Royal Highness King Yu\'s life could not have been so difficult, because the Ministry of Households has not issued His Royal Highness King Yu\'s yearly gifts for three consecutive years." Chen Yiqin raised his head, faced Yan Shifan squarely, and said slowly.

"Oh, I thought it was only our regular rewards that had stopped. It turned out that the Ministry of Households did not issue the annual gift from His Royal Highness King Yu, too. In the past few years, our Daming has been full of disasters. In addition to Japanese pirates, there have been refugees in the south. , the north can\'t stop, plus natural disasters continue, and those moths who guard and steal themselves in Taicang, the treasury is really tight. All of them have received their salary."

  Yan Shifan let out an ooh, then nodded, and began to talk about worrying about the country and the people, and cited the example of his old father.

   Yan Shifan\'s remarks made him and Yan Song out of it, and also created an image of Gao Weiye.


  No matter what Yan Shifan said, Chen Yiqin and Zhu Pingan absolutely did not believe it.

  Especially Chen Yiqin, who treated Yan Shifan as a fart, obviously you, Yan Shifan, ordered the household department to withhold His Royal Highness Yu Wang\'s year-old gift, this will be picked up completely! It is all an excuse that the household department is tight. If it is tight, why His Royal Highness King Jing\'s annual gift can be ignored, but His Royal Highness King Yu\'s old gift is withheld.

   It\'s not the ghost of your envoy Yan Shifan!

  "Master Yan, I still look forward to it." Chen Yiqin was very excited when he saw that Yan Shifan had picked it clean, as if he had nothing to do with him.

  Hold your hand high? !

  Seeing Chen Yiqin, Zhu Ping\'an was about to say that Chu Gao was overbearing, so he couldn\'t help but preemptively interrupted Chen Yiqin\'s words.

   You can’t say that you are arrogant. To say this is not to say that all of this is Yan Shifan’s fault.

  Although, this is what he did, but it’s good to know it well, and you can’t say it out loud, otherwise Yan Shifan will become angry from embarrassment, and His Royal Highness Yu Yu’s Sui Ci really has nothing to do.

  Of course, Zhu Pingan understands Chen Yiqin, and if he cares about it, it will cause chaos. Chen Yiqin and Yu Wang are both teachers and fathers and ministers. It can be said that he has devoted all his efforts to Yu Wang. With such care, it is difficult to keep calm like himself.

"My lord, I still look forward to Qin Jing\'s high-hanging, special affairs. Now the financial crisis of Prince Yu\'s Mansion is imminent. The pot has not been uncovered, and it is difficult to sustain. Hundreds of people in the palace are waiting for money and food. Although the national treasury is tight now. The household department is also in a dilemma, but I hope that Lord Yan can say hello to the household department for me for the sake of the hundreds of people in Yuwang\'s mansion. Thanks. His Royal Highness King Yu, as well as my subordinate officials, and hundreds of people in the palace will be very grateful."

  Zhu Pingan interrupted Chen Yiqin\'s words in time, changed his high hand to high hanging Qin Jing, and took the opportunity to clarify his intention.

  After listening to Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, Chen Yiqin realized that he was about to say the wrong thing just now. Fortunately, Zi Hou was quick-witted, and Chen Yiqin gasped in fear, his clothes were already wet with sweat.

   "This..." Yan Shifan pondered for a moment.

"My lord Yan, the life of Prince Yu\'s mansion is really difficult now, and urgently needs the aid of the year, so I ask you to speak up for justice. His Royal Highness also heard that Master Yan is most anxious for justice, so he specially ordered me and Zihou to come here and ask Lord Yan for help. If it wasn\'t for the urgent business of His Highness, and he really couldn\'t get away, His Highness would come in person."

   After being reminded by Zhu Pingan, Chen Yiqin knew what to do at this moment, got up and left the table, and bowed to Yan Shifan with a moved face.

   "Please also speak up, Master Yan." Zhu Ping\'an stood up and bowed.

   Just like diplomatic envoys representing the country abroad, Zhu Pingan and Chen Yiqin represent Yuwang Mansion.

   Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin bowed and bowed in front of them, which is equivalent to King Yu bowing and bowing in front of them.

   Not only that, but the two of them were sincere in their words and attitudes. By the way, there was also the one thousand five hundred taels of silver.

Ha ha

  Seeing this, Yan Shifan felt a great sense of satisfaction in his heart, and a sense of refreshment that surpassed and conquered the imperial power emerged spontaneously.

"Well, alas, this is not embarrassing me. I am in the Ministry of Industry, not the Ministry of Households, so I can only try it out. I will send someone to say hello to the Ministry of Households later. No matter how tight the treasury is, I can\'t shorten His Royal Highness Yu Wang\'s year gift. It\'s just that the household department listens to the persuasion, then I really can\'t care about it." Yan Shifan said pretendingly.

   "I understand, thank you Lord Yan for your righteous words." Zhu Ping\'an and Chen Yiqin were overjoyed when they heard the words, and thanked them endlessly.

  (end of this chapter)