Rise From the Humble

Chapter 908: God's turning point (1)

Chapter 908 God\'s turning point (1)

  Li Baidou\'s Hundred Poems on Wine, Sleeping in a restaurant on Chang\'an Street, the emperor called him and couldn\'t get on the boat, claiming to be a minister of wine.

  —Tang Du Fu "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking"

  The wine of the ancients is inseparable from poetry in this way. When drinking alone, you can compose poems, and when you have a group feast, you can\'t do without poetry and wine. When modern people used two little bees to visit the three gardens and drink orders, the ancients mostly served wine with poems and couplets to carry out wine orders.

  In ancient literati receptions, they often became poetry meetings after drinking. It was too common, and many wine poetry meetings have become eternal lies.

  One person, I get drunk after drinking, and many people drink to form a poetry meeting. This is often the case with the ancients.

  Therefore, it is only normal that everyone at today\'s reception banquet unanimously agreed to serve wine with poems.

Wang’s suggestion of raising chopsticks as a theme was also “positively” endorsed by many people. They all wanted to take this opportunity to show themselves in front of Yu Wang, to prove themselves, and to push Zhu Ping’an with all their strength. .

  If you can beat Zhu Pingan.

  I believe that with Zhu Pingan as a big and important stepping stone, they can stand taller, and at least they can save seven or eight years of struggle. This is a rare good opportunity in a century.

   Excited just thinking about it.

  So, after the proposal of the official surnamed Wang, many people responded positively. With their efforts, the proposal of the official surnamed Wang became an official topic.

   chopsticks, chopsticks, bamboo sticks

Chopsticks are such common tableware that people cannot do without them every day, but there are very few poems about them in history, just like the darkness under the lamp, but less means difficulty and interesting Well, everyone at the banquet, even officials who had no intention of "showing off" and "suppressing peace", all looked very interested.

  Happy to see Liexin.

   This is roughly the feeling. Everyone is a master of literature who has passed the imperial examinations. Naturally, poetry and poetry are not a problem. When encountering such an uncommon topic, I feel happy when I see it.

  Everyone was full of interest, and Zhu Ping\'an would not spoil everyone\'s interest. Some people\'s ridicule and provocation could not stir up any waves in Zhu Ping\'s heart, and even found it interesting.

   Hehe, interesting.

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly, and glanced at the official surnamed Wang with interest.

   "It\'s been a long time since I\'ve heard that Mr. Zhu speaks eloquently and is full of knowledge. Today I finally have the opportunity to see a thing or two. I\'m really lucky." The official surnamed Wang bowed to Zhu Ping\'an without flinching, and slightly raised the corners of his lips.

   "Ping\'an\'s lack of talent and learning, shame on me." Zhu Ping\'an shook his head with a smile and said modestly.

   "Shici Xiaodaoer, Mr. Zhu, don\'t be humble." The official surnamed Wang pressed his words step by step, and did not give Zhu Pingan a chance to shirk.

   Poetry Trail?

   What about you, in order to block my way out, you demoted all the adults at the banquet who were eager to try.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help laughing.

Sure enough, the few people around who heard the words of the official surnamed Wang couldn\'t help but blacken their faces. If you heard it, you didn\'t hear it.

  The official surnamed Wang later realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he explained a few words to the people around him in a low voice, and then gave Zhu Pingan a heavy account in his heart, blaming Zhu Pingan for the mistake.


  Deliberately led me to say the wrong thing, I must give Zhu Pingan an edge in today\'s poems, and I can\'t take it easy.

  The official surnamed Wang silently glanced at Zhu Pingan, like a cobra.


   Blame me? !

  Zhu Pingan noticed the resentful eyes of the official surnamed Wang, and he was speechless for a while and merged into one sentence: I don’t know if I should say something or not.

  The poem will be confirmed, and preparations begin.

In line with the principle of rewarding all wonderful articles, the servants of Prince Yu\'s Mansion carried a three-meter-long and two-meter-wide screen into the pergola and placed it in the center of the banquet. Two tables were set up, and the Four Treasures of the Study were placed on each table.

  People can splash their own masterpieces on the rice paper on the screen and show them to the public, so that everyone can appreciate them.

   It can not only display calligraphy, but also display masterpieces, killing two birds with one stone.

  After finishing the arrangement, King Yu asked someone to go to his study to fetch the two inkstones bestowed on him by Emperor Jiajing, and put them on the table in front of him.

   "As the saying goes, a sword is given to a hero, and I was lucky enough to get two inkstones from my father, as a gift for today\'s masterpiece."

   King Yu said in a loud voice, taking the two pieces of She inkstone bestowed by the emperor as a lottery, and bestowing the two best masterpieces in this poetry meeting.

  Seeing the two inkstones in front of King Yu\'s desk, everyone\'s eyes became hot, just like a general seeing a peerless sword.

  A good inkstone is to literati as much as a peerless sword is to generals.

The She stone used in She inkstone is produced from the stream at the foot of Longwei Mountain at the junction of Wuyuan and She County, also known as Longwei inkstone. The She stone in Longwei River was formed after 500-1000 million years of geological changes, and the pattern structure of She stone is simple and simple. Prominent, fine mineral particle size, uniform distribution of particle quartz, the Xi inkstone made of this kind of stone, the ink is smooth, the brush is not rejected, the brush is not astringent, and the brush is dipped in ink. praise.

Li Yu, the posthumous master of the Southern Tang Dynasty, praised "She inkstone is the best in the world"; Su Dongpo said, "Astringent does not leave a pen, slippery does not reject ink, the skin of the melon is smooth, and the sound of gold is jade." Mi Fu said: "Golden Star Song inkstone, its quality Strong and beautiful, exhale to generate clouds, and store water never to dry up."

Xi inkstone is a treasure among inkstones, and it has been said that inkstones are worth a thousand pieces of gold. The two pieces of Xi inkstone in front of King Yu\'s desk are even more precious among treasures. You must know that She County donates only ten pieces of Xi inkstone to the imperial palace every year. This shows how valuable it is. In addition, if you look carefully, you can find that the two inkstones are also engraved with Emperor Jiajing\'s personal seal "Lingxiao Shangqing Tong Lei Yuanyang Miao Yi Fei Yuan Zhenjun", which is even more valuable.

   All the officials were excited and interested in seeing the hunt, and now that King Yu has added such a big prize, everyone is even more angry and eager to try.

   "Hehe, since it is the topic proposed by Mr. Wang, why not let Mr. Wang come first?" A close friend of an official surnamed Wang laughed.

  The official surnamed Wang heard the words, secretly happy in his heart, and sent a grateful look to his friend, it is worthwhile that I often treat you to dinner.

This is the first one to compose a poem, which is the most expressive. First of all, the first one to compose a poem, no matter what, it takes the shortest time, right? It’s quick thinking; in addition, it takes the shortest time to write excellent poems, which is my own strength. It is understandable that the poems I made are not good, and my time is short.

   Besides, I really have a good poem about bamboo chopsticks. This was done by a chance meeting before, and I did it in a flash of inspiration. I never had the chance to take it out, but I didn\'t expect the opportunity to come now. The ancients said: Two sentences can be obtained in three years, one chanted and two tears flowed. Inspiration is so rare and precious. This is God\'s blessing for me, Wang Yaozu.


   It is still necessary to decline politely, and it cannot be too obvious.

So, Wang Yaozu declined immediately, but after his friend said something more, Wang Yaozu made a look like you are too good to say, and stood up with a helpless expression and responded: "Hehe, since that\'s the case, then Wang will be the first to make a fool of himself."

  (end of this chapter)