Rise From the Humble

Chapter 907: provocative

Chapter 907 Provocation

Zhang Juzheng has been helping in Yuwang\'s Mansion some time ago, and his ability has been recognized by Yuwang and everyone. He can be regarded as half of Yuwang\'s mansion. He has participated in many banquets in Yuwang\'s Mansion before, so everyone is very concerned about Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng attending the banquet together. , I was not surprised, everyone was a little accustomed to it.

  With the arrival of Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, the subordinate officials of Prince Yu\'s Mansion also announced that they had arrived, and there was a crowd in the pergola, with no empty seats.

   Soon, King Yu finally arrived, accompanied by his entourage.

   "Meet His Royal Highness King Yu."

  Zhu Ping\'an, Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin and others got up one after another and bowed their hands to King Yu.

   "My lords, please take the seat." King Yu bowed his hands to return the gift, and then waved to invite everyone to sit.

   "Please, Your Highness."

  Zhu Ping\'an and others held their hands together, and King Yu hadn\'t taken his seat yet, so how dare a courtier take his seat first? Wouldn\'t that be an overreach?

   "Hehe, good, please, my lords."

   King Yu sat down with a smile, then waved his hand again, inviting all the officials in the audience to sit down.

   "Thank you, Your Highness."

  Everyone cupped their hands in thanks, and then sat down.



   "Your Highness."

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an took his seat, he heard a burst of surprise from the crowd, as if he had seen something incredible.

What\'s wrong?

Zhu Pingan looked at the crowd curiously, but saw that they were staring in the direction of the main seat in astonishment. Zhu Pingan looked along the line of sight of the crowd, and then saw a relatively obvious scar on King Yu\'s face, just below the ear , at the position above the chin, there is a slender scar about four centimeters, as if scratched by a sharp object.

  The blood stains were barely dry, and it looked like a fresh injury.

  His Royal Highness King Yu got hurt on his face?

   Is this an encounter with an assassin?

  Has the protection of Prince Yu’s Mansion become so lax? What do the guards of the Prince’s Mansion do? How did you protect Your Highness? !

   Is there any sense of security anymore?

  Everyone was stunned, and there were many discussions.

   God **** assassin!

  Different from others, when Zhu Pingan saw the slender scar on King Yu\'s face, he immediately thought of Queen Yu\'s house.

  Then, Zhu Ping\'an took a closer look at the long and thin scars on King Yu\'s face.

   It is estimated that the petite Mrs. Zhang was hidden in King Yu’s kitchen, but was discovered by Princess Yu. The backyard of the palace caught fire. When King Yu went to put out the fire, he was scratched by Princess Yu who was angry. This should be untrue, not some assassin\'s assassination. Prince Yu\'s mansion is heavily guarded, how could an assassin break in.

  Zhu Ping\'an had a good impression of Wu Wanfu, the marquis of Prince Yu\'s Mansion. With Wu Wanfu around, the guards of Prince Yu\'s Mansion are worthy of trust.

"Ahem, hehe, I made you laugh. This is because I was thinking about things when I was walking. As a result, I accidentally slipped and scratched a little skin. I have already let the imperial doctor in the house see it. It\'s okay, my lords. do not worry."

   King Yu explained with a slight smile, but his face was a little red when explaining, and his tone was a little lacking in confidence.

   Just kidding, of course you will feel guilty if you tell lies.

  After King Yu finished speaking, he pretended to be calm and smiled at everyone.

   "Oh, so that\'s the case. However, Your Highness is a body of gold, so you should be careful in everything in the future."

   It’s fine if it’s not an assassin. After listening to King Yu’s explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then persuaded King Yu one after another.

   "Thank you, adults, for reminding me, I will remember it alone."

  Everyone\'s reaction made King Yu heaved a sigh of relief, the blush on his face gradually faded, and he became more confident in his speech.


  Following King Yu\'s gesture, the servants at the side sang loudly.

  After the waiters sang and drank, there were maids coming and going, and then the tables in front of everyone were filled with delicious food and wine.

King Yu picked up the first glass of wine, stood up and respected everyone, saying, "All of you are sages of my great Ming Dynasty. It is really a blessing in my life to be able to consult with you all day and night. This first glass of wine, alone I would like to thank you gentlemen.”

  After speaking, King Yu drank the wine in one gulp and showed the empty wine glass to everyone.

   "His Majesty Meng did not give up, I am ashamed." Everyone held their wine glasses, stood up and bowed, and drank up the wine in their glasses.

"Gu\'s qualifications are stupid and his ability is limited. Since the establishment of the mansion, there have been many obstacles and obstacles. Fortunately, I have been helped by the gentlemen, who have taught me, cared for me in many ways, offered advice and suggestions, and I have been able to do so until today. This second cup of wine, Gu once again Thank you gentlemen."

  The maid filled up the wine again for King Yu, and King Yu raised the wine glass, held it in both hands and respected everyone again, saying in a deep voice.

   "The ministers dare not to serve His Highness, and the ministers are bound by their responsibilities." Everyone bowed and returned the salute one after another.

  After the second glass of wine was dry, the maid filled the wine again for King Yu. King Yu raised his glass and turned his gaze to Zhu Pingan.

   "Welcome, Zihou."

King Yu smiled and looked at Zhu Ping\'an, with a sincere tone, raised his wine glass, and said to everyone, "Today is Zihou\'s reception banquet, and I will take this opportunity to get together with you gentlemen. This third cup of wine , let us welcome Zihou together."

   "Welcome Master Zhu."

  Everyone gave King Yu a lot of face, and raised their glasses to Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Thank you, Your Highness."

  Zhu Ping\'an hurriedly got up and left the table, very formally, bowed to King Yu, who was headed straight, and saluted with long bows.

   "Thank you, my lords."

   After Zhu Pingan saluted and thanked King Yu, he once again saluted with the same grand etiquette, bowing forward, left and backward in three directions.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s etiquette is very respectful, and the bow and bow are very large.

   Zhu Ping\'an understands the etiquette of advancing and retreating in the officialdom, and deliberately behaves more respectfully. I am young, when I first entered Prince Yu\'s Mansion, I was in a high position in Prince Yu\'s Mansion. I already aroused the jealousy of the old people in the mansion. It is better to lower my posture, so as not to irritate them and add some unnecessary troubles.

  After King Yu raised three glasses of wine, accompanied by fine wine and delicacies, the banquet gradually became better, and all the officials drank and chatted happily.

  After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere became even more lively.

  Drink too much, talk too much.

  Zhu Ping\'an is the protagonist of this reception banquet, so the topic cannot be separated from Zhu Ping\'an.

   "I heard that Master Zhu was moved by the Holy Majesty to serve as a lecturer in the Yu Palace because of a pair of bamboo chopsticks?"

   "Hehe, I heard that Master Zhu won the favor of the Holy Majesty by stretching out his hands to grab meat and eating it without being too restrictive."

   "Hehe, it\'s a pity, Mr. Zhang. If Mr. Zhang doesn\'t want chopsticks, then he will really become our colleague."

  Although they didn\'t drink much, some people\'s inner envy, jealousy and contempt came out through the strength of the alcohol.

   "Where, chopsticks are just superficial, Mr. Zhu deserves his name." Zhang Juzheng shook his head with a slight smile.

   "Hehe, well deserved?"

   "Well, well deserved, hehe"

  The person who was talking about it before laughed.

   "Hehe, Lord Zhu really deserves his name, so it\'s easy to write poems and prose, right?"

   An official sitting under Zhu Pingan looked at Zhu Pingan and asked with a smile.

"Master Wang, you can look down on Master Zhu, let alone Master Zhu, who is a well-deserved talent. Although we are small talents, reciting poems and composing Fu is no problem." Another official seemed The dismantling is actually very cooperative.

   "Exactly, it was Wang who made a slip of the tongue, and punished himself with a drink." The official surnamed Wang said and poured himself a drink.

   "When it comes to writing poems, it\'s boring for me to drink like this, and I can\'t do the martial arts. How about serving wine with poems?" Another official suggested.


   "Great kindness."

  This proposal caused everyone to nod their heads one after another, recite poems and paint pictures, how could there be fewer literati banquets? Maybe, just like Wang Xizhi\'s Lanting Preface by accident, it will last forever.

   "What is the subject?" someone asked.

   "How about this as a title?"

  The official surnamed Wang under Zhu Ping\'an raised his chopsticks with a slight smile.


  Everyone was stunned, and then thought of Zhu Pingan who was joking just now because of chopsticks and moved to serve as a lecturer in Prince Yu\'s Mansion. They couldn\'t help but smiled and nodded, "Good."

  (end of this chapter)