Rise From the Humble

Chapter 897: Thanks to being born in Daming

Chapter 897 Thanks to being born in Daming

  Wu Wanfu led Zhu Pingan to the concierge of Prince Yu\'s Mansion, verified his identity, and after registering, he received a badge for entering and leaving Prince Yu\'s Mansion from the gatekeeper. In the future, as long as he shows his badge, he can freely enter and leave Prince Yu\'s Mansion.

   "My lord, please." The steward of the concierge led Zhu Ping\'an into Prince Yu\'s mansion.

   "Please forgive me for not sending you off as the general is in charge." Wu Wanfu stood at the door, clasping his fists to see him off.

   "General Wu stays behind."

  Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands and returned the salute to Wu Wanfu, then smiled and thanked the porter, "Thank you."

   "Your Majesty Zhu is polite, please come this way, Your Excellency." The porter bowed to lead the way.

Zhu Pingan followed the concierge into Prince Yu\'s Mansion. The regulations of Prince Yu\'s Mansion are high enough and the area is large enough, but the decoration of the mansion is far inferior to that of Yan Mansion. The decoration of Jingxiang Garden is not worse than that of Yanfu.

Yuwang Mansion is divided into middle, east and west roads. These three roads divide Yuwang Mansion into Middle Court, East Court and West Court. The gatekeeper leads Zhu Pingan to the middle road. This road is only for distinguished guests of Yuwang Mansion. way.

The white marble arched stone gate is the entrance of the middle road. Stepping into the stone gate, you will find the central courtyard of Prince Yu’s Mansion. Zhu Pingan followed the middle road to visit the garden, rockery, and lotus pond. There are two wooden boats tied to the edge of the lotus pond. A pavilion, and then to the largest building in the middle courtyard - Chang\'an Hall.

  Chang\'an Hall is the tallest building in Yuwang Mansion and the most important building in Yuwang Mansion. It can be said that it is the center of Yuwang Mansion. King Yu usually works in Chang\'an Hall, and his subordinates also work in this hall.

  The Chang\'an Hall is solemn and unadorned as a whole, with bright corridors leading to the ridge, imposing and majestic. The roof of the hall is made of green glazed tiles that only princes can use, showing a very majestic style. The height is half a meter lower than the Wuyi Hall in Xiyuan, and the area is about two-thirds of the size of Wuyi Hall. This is where the regulation lies, and it cannot exceed Xiyuan.

  The gatekeeper led Zhu Pingan into a room in Chang\'an Hall, ordered someone to pour a cup of hot tea, and then asked Zhu Pingan to wait a while before he went to report to King Yu.


Basically, the concierge only went out for about two or three minutes. Zhu Pingan only had time to take a sip of tea when he heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then he saw King Yu striding in with an excited expression. Holding a brush, as he strode forward, the ink on the brush was thrown onto the ground and the python robe.

  The doorman who followed behind took two quick steps before keeping up with King Yu\'s pace, so as not to be left too far behind.

   King Yu wears the Wusha Yishan crown on his head, and is dressed in a crimson python robe with a shoulder-length round neck and wide sleeves. The workmanship is very exquisite. The lower end of the boa robe is embroidered with "water foot" line obliquely with silver thread, which outlines the meaning of waves. If you look carefully, you can see that there are overlapping mountain stone treasures embroidered on the "water foot" wave, which is the so-called "water foot". Jiangya seawater".

  The python robe worn by King Yu is brand new and valuable. It is one of the four seasons costumes worn by Emperor Jiajing during the Chinese New Year this year.

   But it\'s a pity that drops of ink were thrown on it. The ink is still wet, and it looks like it has just been thrown off.

Zhu Pingan looked at King Yu who came hurriedly with a brush, and the ink was thrown off the python robe, and he couldn\'t help being touched in his heart. It seemed that when the porter just went to report to King Yu, King Yu was practicing calligraphy. After hearing the news that he came to report, Lian Mao put away the brush without hesitation, and came in a hurry.

  Duke Zhou ate and fed three meals a day, and got up to wait for scholars;

   Cao Cao greeted Xu You backwards;

  Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times;

  Yu Wang’s welcome with a brush, although compared with the classic allusions in history of courteous corporals and thirsty for talents, it is not much, but in any case, it is enough for Yu Wang to greet himself with this attitude.

   "I have met His Royal Highness King Yu."

  Zhu Ping\'an hastily put down his teacup, stepped forward to greet him, and saluted with a long bow.

"Zihou doesn\'t need to be polite, just sit down and cough. When I received the imperial father\'s order yesterday, I still didn\'t believe it. At first, the imperial father intended to move Zihou to serve as a lecturer in Zhendi\'s residence. I was very disappointed when I heard the news. Thinking that when the decree came down, the father actually moved Zihou to serve as a lecturer in my residence, it can be said to have fallen from heaven."

King Yu took a step forward and stretched out his hands to support Zhu Pingan. When he stretched his hand halfway, the brush almost touched Zhu Pingan\'s hand. Then King Yu noticed the brush in his hand, coughed awkwardly, and then put the brush away Hand it over to the porter who followed behind, wiped his hands with the python suit, then stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand, and moved Zhu Ping\'an to his seat politely.

   don\'t don\'t

   Don\'t hold hands, okay?

  When Zhu Pingan saw King Yu stretching out his hand, he had an ominous premonition.

  The way the ancients expressed their excitement and courteous corporals is poisonous.

   Sure enough

   next second

  Zhu Ping\'an watched helplessly as King Yu clasped his hands in both hands, and bowed himself to his seat.

   cough cough

   Speaking of being held by a boy, I really don\'t feel used to it.

Although Zhu Pingan also knew that King Yu was normal, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help trembling because of such a respectful and virtuous corporal like King Yu. After watching a corrupt movie, Zhu Pingan ran away after only watching the beginning, and couldn’t get out of the shadows for a full month. Finally, he used the 100G island country *** that his roommate collected to count. Detoxified.

   It was also from this time that Zhu Ping\'an deeply realized that girls should never be judged by their appearance.

   It\'s true.

  Because of a certain senior sister’s blame, when Zhu Ping’an, who was harmed, was expressed in the way of corporal Lixian, the ancient classic version of King Yu, goosebumps arose.

   "Please sit down, Your Highness."

   When Zhu Pingan invited King Yu to take his seat by courtesy, he withdrew his hand back without a trace.


  After pulling out his hand, Zhu Pingan exhaled. Fortunately, the dynasty he is currently in is the Ming Dynasty. If he was in the Three Kingdoms

Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but think of the representative figure of the Three Kingdoms—Liu Bei, Uncle Liu Huang. He thought that Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were sworn brothers in Taoyuan, and then the iconic way of the Three Kingdoms came out, and the three of them ate and slept together. After sleeping, Uncle Liu Huang visited the thatched cottage three times and begged Zhuge Liang, and fell asleep together again.

   This is not unique to Liu Bei.

   Zhou Yu.

The same is true of Zhou Yu, a handsome guy from the Three Kingdoms. Do you have any impression of the chapter where Jiang Gan stole the book? Zhou Yu met his old classmate Jiang Gan. In order to express his classmates, he also ate and slept with Jiang Gan. of.

  If Liu Bei, Zhou Yu and others expressed their feelings like this in the Three Kingdoms.

  Just thinking about it made Zhu Ping\'an tremble unavoidably.

   "Zihou, what\'s the matter with you? But you are not feeling well? Ziming, send the imperial physician to the family quickly." Seeing Zhu Ping\'an trembling, King Yu thought that Zhu Ping\'an was not feeling well.

   "No, no, I\'m fine, don\'t bother." Zhu Pingan quickly waved his hand.

  (end of this chapter)