Rise From the Humble

Chapter 896: Jiujiu Wufu, Duke Gancheng

Chapter 896 Jiujiu Wufu, Duke Gancheng

  Wangfu Mansion is located on Wangfu Street not far from Xiyuan. Wangfu Street was originally called Chaoyang Street. Since King Yu and King Jing both opened houses on this street, Chaoyang Street was consciously renamed Wangfu Street.

  Yuwang Mansion is located on the west side of Wangfu Street, and on the opposite side more than a hundred meters to the east is Jingwang Mansion, which is located on the east side of Wangfu Street.

  The mansions of the two princes, one to the west and the other to the east, may have been clicked twice by Emperor Jiajing on the Kanyu map, which doesn’t mean anything, but many people don’t think so.

  Purple air coming from east

  Shang Zuo Zundong


  The east represents nobility. The emperor gave the east point of Wangfu Street to King Jing to open the mansion, and the west point to King Yu to open the mansion. Doesn’t this represent the heart of the sage?

  Therefore, when the servants of King Jing’s Mansion meet the servants of King Yu’s Mansion, they always want to lift their chins to fill it up, while the servants of King Yu’s Mansion meet the servants of King Jing’s Mansion as if they are inferior, unable to lift their heads.

  Xiaojing people are proud, Xiaojing people hold their heads high, Xiaojing people are high-spirited...

  Xiao Yuren trembled...

  In short, King Jing’s Mansion overwhelmed King Yu’s Mansion on this street, it’s not as simple as one end and two ends.

  Zhu Ping\'an came in from the east of Wangfu Street in the morning. He first passed King Jing\'s Mansion before arriving at King Yu\'s Mansion.

Along the way, Zhu Pingan clearly felt that King Jing’s Mansion was more imposing than Prince Yu’s Mansion. The stone lions at the gate alone were much more majestic than that of Prince Yu’s Mansion. I heard that the courtyard in King Jing’s Mansion was also more than half larger than that of Prince Yu’s Mansion. .

  After arriving at Prince Yu\'s Mansion, Zhu Ping\'an asked Liu Dadao to go back to Zhu Ji as a helper. Zhu Ji\'s business is booming, and he is very busy every meal time.

In fact, according to Zhu Ping\'an\'s point of view, there is no need to trouble Liu Dadao and the others to pick him up in the future. He is not a child. Jian disagreed.

"Because you inspected Taicang, how many people were fined money, I don\'t know how many people, but I heard that many officials scolded you for losing your family star behind your back, you are not afraid of being popular, but hire someone to beat you to calm down "

  Li Shu rolled her eyes, insisting that Liu Dadao and the others pick up Zhu Ping\'an before she can rest assured.

  Liu Mu and the others also insisted on picking them up.

  Good intentions are hard to come by.

Zhu Pingan didn\'t insist on it anymore, and what Li Shu said was not unreasonable. In the case of the Taicang bank, more than a thousand people were fined with silver. It\'s better to be careful.

  Watching Liu Dadao return, Zhu Pingan walked slowly towards the gate of Prince Yu\'s Mansion.

  Yuwang\'s Mansion is not as grand as Jingwang\'s Mansion, but it is only relative to Jingwang\'s Mansion. Compared to other mansions, Yuwang\'s Mansion is majestic enough.

  The identity of King Yu is there, and the palace is the highest regulation of residences except the imperial palace. There are two big stone lions sitting in front of the gate of King Yu\'s Mansion. The base of the stone lions is half a meter high.

   "Stop coming!"

  There was a guard of guards outside the gate, dressed in strong and sharp, saw Zhu Pingan approaching, and approached with a knife.

   "I am Zhu Ping\'an, the newly-appointed lecturer in Yu Wang\'s Mansion, please report to the general." Zhu Ping\'an stopped, took out a name card from his sleeve, and offered it with both hands.

   "It turned out to be Lord Zhu. The last general was rude. Your Excellency, please come in. Your Highness informed the last general yesterday."

  The leader of the forbidden army took Zhu Pingan\'s name card, read it quickly, and then returned the name card to Zhu Pingan, cupping his fists and pleading guilty.

   "I don\'t know what the general\'s name is?" Zhu Pingan asked as he walked away after putting away the name card.

   "The last general Wu Wanfu." Wu Wanfu replied.

   "General Wu, please take care of me in the future." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, and formally greeted Wu Wanfu with his hands folded.

   "Your Excellency, you are joking. The last general is only a mid-ranker, and he will rely on Master Zhu\'s care in the future." Wu Wanfu shook his head with a wry smile.

  Zhonghou is the name of an ancient military officer, together with Sijie, Sige, and Zhiji, they are called "four-color officials".

In the peaceful era of the Ming Dynasty, the status of military officers was low, far inferior to that of civil officials. Military officers of the same level could only listen to training in front of civil officials, and low-level military officers could only use an idiom to describe it in front of high-level civil officials. , Of course, this kind of "running dog" is not something that any military officer can do, the level should not be too low, otherwise there will be no chance to be a "running dog".

  I am just a military officer at the seventh rank, but Zhu Pingan is already a member of the fifth rank at a young age, and his future is even more limitless.

  That\'s why when Zhu Pingan asked Wu Wanfu to take care of him, Wu Wanfu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Jiujiu Wufu, Duke Qiancheng. Since ancient times, the way of civil and military affairs, one arm and one arm, are indispensable. The general guards Yu Wang\'s mansion, and the safe entry into Yu Wang\'s mansion naturally requires the general\'s care." Zhu Ping smiled. said.

   Jiu Jiu Wu Fu, Duke Gancheng.

   This is a poem from "The Book of Songs·National Style·Zhou Nan·Tu Fu", which is a poem chanting the king and soldiers. In fact, there are quite a few chapters about soldiers in the "Book of Songs". The major events of the country, only sacrifices and soldiers, the status of warriors in the pre-Qin era was still quite high, and this "Rabbit" is one of them.

   Jiujiu Wufu, Gonghou Gancheng, that is to say, the warriors are mighty and majestic enough to be the important task of protecting the lord and defending the country.

   "Jiu Jiu Wufu, Gonghou Gancheng, it would be great if everyone in the world could be like Master Zhu." Hearing this, Wu Wanfu couldn\'t help but sigh with emotion.

Zhu Ping\'an\'s phrase "Jiu Wufu, Gonghou Qiancheng" immediately scratched Wu Wanfu\'s itch. Wu Wanfu came from a family of generals, and his father\'s hopes can be seen from his name. He is brave and good at fighting, and he is often described by the phrase "one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not open". Wu Wanfu\'s father hoped that he could be a brave general who "one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not open" and inherit the family\'s prestige.

  Wu Wanfu also practiced martial arts hard since he was a child, and he was familiar with the art of war. In the last martial arts exam, he even won the second place in one fell swoop, and lost to the martial arts champion Qi Jiguang by only one move.

  However, it was only when Wu Wanfu stepped into the official career as the No. 2 military general that he realized that it was too difficult to be a general. After these two years, Wu Wanfu has already been polished by reality, and he lost his original ambition to open up the territory for the country.

  I am also an old man in King Yu’s Mansion. As soon as King Yu opened the mansion, I was a waiter in King Yu’s Mansion, but in the eyes of the officials of King Yu’s Mansion, I was always just a gatekeeper.

  So, in contrast, Zhu Ping\'an\'s sentence "Jiujiu Wufu, the prince will fight the city" is so rare, and Wu Wanfu is deeply moved.

  (end of this chapter)