Rise From the Humble

Chapter 877: deep thought

Chapter 877 Deep Thought and Fear

  The head of the willow on the moon, after dusk.

  When Zhu Ping\'an ate greasy mouthfuls and his stomach was full, when he walked out of the room under the guidance of the servant, he happened to meet Yang Guoliang who was full of water as soon as he went out. Yang Guoliang also walked out under the guidance of the servant.

   "Dr. Yang, hiccup"

   Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands and greeted Yang Guoliang, and couldn\'t hold back his full belch in the middle of the fight.

  Yang Guoliang had just drank two pots of tea, and his stomach was full. He already had a strong urge to urinate. The thing he wanted to do the most right now was to leave the palace as soon as possible, and find a place where no one was there to solve it.

  But just as I stepped out, I was stopped by someone!

  Who? !

  With such short-sightedness, I can hardly hold back now, and you still say hello to me? ! Hit, hit, hello hello.

  Yang Guoliang raised his head with a face full of urgency, and then saw Zhu Ping\'an, oh, who am I? You don\'t have long eyes, so it\'s you, the little **** surnamed Zhu!

   Did I offend you! ? As long as it touches you, everything goes wrong!

  The last time I went to the teacher appreciation banquet of King Jing and King Yu with you, but you broke the couplet, which caused me to not even drink a sip of water, and my mouth was dry! In other words, which of your broken couplets was thought up after several years of thinking, and I haven\'t figured it out until now!

  Don’t talk about the couplets in advance, let’s talk about the banquet.

  Today, I went to the dinner given by the Holy God with you, and I was no longer in the same room with you, but you rushed me away. Can you believe that there are no chopsticks on a table full of dishes? ! I drank so much tea that my bladder almost exploded.

  Of course, even if Yang Guoliang wanted to scold Zhu Pingan to death, Yang Guoliang still had to live with it.

   Just play around.

  Yang Guoliang still has this awareness.

   "Master Zhu!"

  Yang Guoliang endured the strong urge to urinate, suppressed the impatience on his face, raised his head and squeezed a stiff smile, and saluted Zhu Pingan.

As a result, the word "Master Zhu" only said the word "Da Zhu". Yang Guoliang saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s oily and shiny lips under the candlelight, and he couldn\'t help being stunned for a moment, and then his heart became very unbalanced. , When he uttered the last word "person", he also had a strong sense of dissatisfaction.

  You have chopsticks? !

  Why? !

  Why do you, Zhu Pingan, eat a mouth full of oil, but I can only drink a full belly of water?


  Yang Guoliang\'s eyes are as red as a rabbit\'s, and the red eyes are extremely red.

   next second

  Zhang Juzheng also came out, and exchanged greetings with Zhu Ping\'an and Yang Guoliang.

  Yang Guoliang directly set his eyes on Zhang Juzheng\'s lips, uh, it seems to be oily, although not as oily as Zhu Ping\'an\'s, he must have eaten imperial food.


  Yang Guoliang\'s red eyes became even redder.

and many more

   Could it be that I am the only one without chopsticks this time? !

   Did I offend you? !

  Why do they all have chopsticks,

  Yang Guoliang slowly turned his gaze to the servant at the side inquiringly, as if the baby was wronged but the baby dared not speak out.

   "Master Yang, my lords, this way please." The servant looked calm, and stretched out his hand to respectfully invite Yang Guoliang and others to move forward.

   "Thank you."

  Zhu Ping\'an bowed his hands to thank the servant, and then walked out along the path led by the servant.

  Zhang Juzheng followed closely, and Yang Guoliang was last.

  The servant sent the three of Zhu Pingan to the gate of the palace all the way, and then stopped, and gave each of them a Peace and Peace card, and then watched the three of them walk out of the palace gate.

  The Peaceful Peace Plaque is a wooden waist plate specially designed to pass the curfew. People who hold this plate can ignore the curfew and freely pass through the streets of the Forbidden City. No matter if it is the servants of Shuntian Mansion, Jinyiwei, or Dongchang Changwei, they will let them all see this card.

  Of course, when the servant delivered the card just now, he also explained that this card is only for them to return home tonight, and it will be handed back to the guards at the palace gate tomorrow.

   "Young master."

Zhu Ping hung the Peaceful Peace card around his waist, walked out of the palace gate, and bid farewell to Zhang Juzheng and Yang Guoliang. He turned around and took a step when he heard Liu Dadao\'s excited shout. Liu Dadao came.

   "Hehehe, I heard that the young master is eating imperial food tonight. How is it? Is the imperial food delicious?" Liu Dadao asked curiously after he brought his horse over.

   "Of course the imperial meal is delicious." Zhu Pingan took over the black horse from Shamat and smiled.

   "It\'s delicious, how much do you have? Is there any marinated pig in our store that tastes good?" Liu Dadao was curious.

Ever since he ate the marinated pork offal, Liu Dadao has never forgotten the taste, it is so delicious, because of the booming business today and the compliments of the diners on the pig offal in the store, Liu Dadao is now very fond of the restaurant. The pigs in the water are full of confidence.


  Yang Guoliang, who was about to get into the sedan chair and leave, almost coughed up urine without laughing after hearing what Liu Dadao said. Comparing the imperial meal with the pig\'s water? ! This servant in Zhu Ping\'an\'s house with well-developed limbs and a simple mind doesn\'t have a brain in his head, he pretends to be a pig!

Zhang Juzheng on the side couldn\'t help but curled his lips into a smile when he heard the words. This was the first time he heard that pigs were compared with imperial food. It was like hearing a beggar say that he ate eggs three times a day after becoming an emperor. It\'s as funny as eating only yellow.

   "It\'s much tastier than the stewed pig in our store." Zhu Ping\'an smiled.

   Isn\'t this nonsense!

  Yang Guoliang rolled his eyes, snorted, got into the sedan chair, and was about to lower the curtain with a wave of his hand, intending to urge the bearer to leave quickly, but he was holding back.

   As a result, the curtain in Yang Guoliang\'s hand hadn\'t been lowered yet, but he heard Zhu Ping\'an talking again.

"How delicious is it? Let me tell you this. It\'s so delicious that my father-in-law even forgot to put his chopsticks, and I didn\'t notice it." Zhu Pingan turned on his horse and described to Liu Dadao, "Next time, there will be When I have the opportunity to eat the royal meal, I will ask if I can pack it and bring some back for you to taste."

   "Really, thank you son, if you can eat the imperial meal, then your life will not be in vain." Liu Dadao grinned excitedly.

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, Yang Guoliang stopped putting down the curtain.

  Zhu Pingan, what did he just say? !

  It\'s so delicious that the father-in-law even forgot to put his chopsticks, and he didn\'t notice? !

so? !

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t set chopsticks at the beginning? !

  I thought I was the only one who was unlucky, because my father-in-law forgot to put chopsticks for me? !

   It turned out that Zhu Pingan didn\'t set chopsticks!

  What about Zhang Juzheng?

  Yang Guoliang hurriedly turned his gaze to Zhang Juzheng, and saw that Zhang Juzheng was also looking at him suspiciously.

   That\'s OK!

   It turns out that the father-in-law forgot to set the chopsticks for the meal this time? !

  How could it be such a coincidence? !

   It is possible to forget one pair of chopsticks, but it is impossible to forget three pairs, not to mention that this is inside the palace.

   That is to say, is this intentional? !

  Thinking of this, Yang Guoliang\'s heart trembled suddenly. The three of them didn\'t have chopsticks at first, so why did they give chopsticks to Zhu Ping\'an and Zhang Juzheng instead of me? !

  Yang Guoliang thought deeply and was terrified, and he didn\'t feel like urinating for a moment.

  The moment Zhang Juzheng saw Yang Guoliang turn his head to look at him, he already thought that the chopsticks were not placed on purpose.

  When thinking of this, Zhang Juzheng thought of his act of asking for chopsticks at the banquet

  His face turned gray in an instant.

  The smile is long gone.

  Only Zhu Pingan and Liu Dadao rode away carelessly, talking and laughing all the way.

  (end of this chapter)