Rise From the Humble

Chapter 876: good

Chapter 876 Good

  In the dim night, Huang Jin returned from Zhishan Palace and walked into the palace where Emperor Jiajing cultivated immortals and made alchemy. When Emperor Jiajing was bigu, he spent most of his time in this alchemy palace, taking newly refined pills to make bigu.

   Once you enter the palace, it is like entering a furnace.

  Although the temperature outside the hall has gradually become cooler as the sun sets and the evening wind rises, the temperature inside the hall remains high.

   Burning incense, lighted candles, and seven-color flames in the alchemy furnace are all releasing heat.

  Huang Jin was already used to this temperature.

In the middle of the main hall, in front of the Erlong Xizhu alchemy furnace, which is as tall as a person, stands a purple trembling wooden desk. Behind the desk stands a middle-aged handsome man in a blue priest robe. The robe is very low-key, with black lines instead of black lines. The edges were sewn with gold thread, and the chest was unrestrainedly open. The hair was only tied with a dragon head hairpin, and most of it was loose.

  The whole person looks very uninhibited and handsome.

   This person is the master of Ming Dynasty—Emperor Jiajing.

  When Huang Jin came in, Emperor Jiajing was standing in front of the book case, splashing ink with ink, his pen was like a dragon and snake, and his calligraphy was as unruly as his own.

   "My lord."

  Huang Jin bent down respectfully, and greeted Emperor Jiajing softly.

  Emperor Jiajing kept his body still, waved his left hand slightly, signaling Huang Jin not to disturb him, continued to splash ink with his right hand, waited until the last stroke was finished, and after admiring the written words, he raised his head to look at Huang Jin.

   "My lord."

  Huang Jin bowed respectfully again to say hello.

   "Well, I\'m back. Come here, how about my writing?" Emperor Jiajing nodded and waved.

  Huang Jin came forward with a bow and looked at the desk.

  On the book case, there are eight words written by Emperor Jiajing: "Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king".

"According to this old slave, the Holy Master\'s words are becoming more and more immortal. With one stroke, it looks like a fairy flying through the clouds and fog, coming and going without trace, without restraint, seemingly invisible but also encompassing the universe. Coming from nothingness, returning to emptiness, every point, every point, every horizontal stroke, every stroke, all contain the aura of heaven, earth, and universe.”

  Huang Jin bowed his waist, looked at the words written by Emperor Jiajing seriously, and said very seriously.

  Great wisdom is like stupidity, great ingenuity is like clumsiness, great sound is rare, and elephant has no form. This is Lao Tzu\'s description of the highest state of "Tao".

Huang Jin’s comments on Emperor Jiajing’s words started from the point of “an elephant has no form”. From the words that reflected Tao, it seemed to be words, but in essence it said that Emperor Jiajing’s practice of Taoism became more and more unfathomable and closer to Become a fairy.

  Huang Jin has been with Emperor Jiajing for decades, and Huang Jin naturally knows what Emperor Jiajing likes to hear.

   "Huang Ban you, you have been spoiled by Weizhong, the older you are, the more dishonest you are." Emperor Jiajing shook his head and cursed with a smile.

  The "Weizhong" in Emperor Jiajing\'s mouth refers to Yan Song, and Yan Song\'s word is "Weizhong".

   "The slave is stupid, he can only tell the truth" Huang Jin was scolded, but it seemed like he was praised.

Emperor Jiajing shook his head with a slight smile, and said nothing more. He put the brush in his hand into the clear water and shook it gently. After washing the ink, he lifted the brush out of the water. on the pen stand.

   After doing this, Emperor Jiajing looked at Huang Jin and asked, "How is the situation before?"

"Return to the Holy One. The old slave obeyed his orders and asked the people in the imperial dining room to put down their chopsticks and not put them on the table when they served the three adults." When Huang Jin replied, he thought of the scene when the food was served earlier, Can\'t help but smile.

  When setting meals, Zhu Pingan and the others were not served with chopsticks. Emperor Jiajing instructed Huang Jin to do so.

If you are an ordinary person, if you invite someone to dinner, the dishes are very rich, and there are big fish and big meat, but if you don\'t give them chopsticks, isn\'t it unkind, as if you are looking for something, this friendship boat It\'s not just turning over.

  It’s not the third Indian brother, how can I eat if you don’t give me chopsticks.


  Emperor Jiajing was obviously not an ordinary person. The most powerful person in Ming Dynasty had a lot of work to do every day, so naturally he would not be idle and looking for trouble.

   It seems that a pair of chopsticks was forgotten at the banquet, but in fact this was a test of Emperor Jiajing on Yang Guoliang, Zhang Juzheng and Zhu Pingan.

   A test that concerns their future.

  In the past few days, Emperor Jiajing has asked Yang Guoliang, Zhu Pingan, and Zhang Juzheng to give lectures to King Yu and King Jing one after another. They really have the intention of observing and comparing them. He plans to invite another lecturer for the two princes to strengthen their study and education.

  However, the candidate has not been determined yet, not necessarily among Yang Guoliang, Zhu Pingan, and Zhang Juzheng. Choosing a teacher for the prince is a very serious and important matter. In Emperor Jiajing\'s plan, some officials and Confucian scholars will be ordered to give lectures to the two princes during these days.

   Observe and test for a period of time, and then choose the best teacher from them.

However, Concubine Lu Jing and Concubine Du Kang have been running towards Emperor Jiajing for the past two days, and the pillow wind after another has affected Emperor Jiajing\'s practice. Not a hard-hearted person.

  In addition, Yang Guoliang\'s study of Confucian classics is still very good. Zhang Ju was observed by Emperor Jiajing for several years, and Zhu Pingan also observed it for a period of time.

   Therefore, Emperor Jiajing planned to choose a prince lecturer from among the three of them today.

   It is today\'s imperial meal that determines the fate of the three of them.

  The exam question is this pair of forgotten chopsticks.

   "Well, and then." Emperor Jiajing flicked his sleeves, sat on the dragon chair, and asked with narrowed eyes.

"After all the imperial meals were served in the imperial dining room, Mr. Yang Guoliang found that there were no chopsticks. He hesitated for a while, but he didn\'t say anything. I poured myself a cup of tea, and when the old slave came, Master Yang had already drunk almost a pot of tea. Hehe." When Huang Jin described Yang Guoliang\'s reaction, he couldn\'t help laughing.

   "Hehe, more than successful, not aggressive, not enough to be the prince\'s teacher." Emperor Jiajing smiled slightly and shook his head.

   "Master Zhang Juzheng, when he found that there were no chopsticks, he stopped the waiter and asked him to add a pair of chopsticks." Huang Jin continued.

  After hearing that Zhang Juzheng took the initiative to ask for a pair of chopsticks from the waiter, the smile on Emperor Jiajing\'s face gradually disappeared, and his eyes fell on the words just written on the table.

  Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king.

   It seems that Zhang Juzheng still doesn\'t understand this sentence. It seems that it will take a few years to grind it down before it can be reused.

  What I give you is yours, and if I don’t give it to you, you can’t take it.

  I bestow royal meal

you still want.

   What if the young Ge\'er and Zhen\'er give food?

   "Gou\'er and Zhen\'er are young, and Zhang Qing is not a good teacher." Emperor Jiajing said lightly, and then asked, "What about Xiao Zhu?"

"Hehe, Master Xiao Zhu couldn\'t wait to reach out and grab a piece of lamb rib meat just after serving the dishes. It tasted so delicious. In the blink of an eye, Master Xiao Zhu ate two lamb rib meat. Old slave Watching it from behind the screen, the saliva is about to flow down," Huang Jin replied with a smile.

   "Hehe, good."

  When Emperor Jiajing heard the words, Long Yan was very happy, and smiled and said a word of kindness.

  (end of this chapter)