Rise From the Humble

Chapter 867: endless good news

Chapter 867 Surprises continue

The closer you get to Zhuji Fast Food, the stronger the smell of meat in the air. The tempting smell of meat seems to be familiar with the road, and it penetrates into the internal organs of the person with a whiff, and then it can be teased vigorously, making people salivate Straight down three thousand feet.

  By the time Erlianzi and his party arrived at Zhuji Fast Food, the Zhuji Fast Food restaurant was already full of seats. It was really full of seats. There were more than 20 tables in the store, all of which were full, and there were a few extra chairs for some tables.

  In order to satisfy the diners to the maximum extent, six sets of tables and chairs were temporarily placed outside Zhuji Fast Food Restaurant, and just after they were put out, in the blink of an eye, only two sets of tables and chairs were left empty.

  In the distance, many people came straight to Zhu Ji.

"It\'s just opening, the business is so hot?!" The foreman surnamed Liu opened his mouth wide. In his impression, let alone opening, even when the business was the hottest, he had never seen a restaurant with such a business. Fire.

   "Hurry up, it\'s going to be too late."

  Looking at a few waves of people coming from the opposite side, they went straight to the empty tables and chairs outside the Zhuji fast food restaurant. Erlianzi and Tie Zhu yelled, and rushed towards the empty tables and chairs.

  The muscles of the body trained to resist cargo at the pier played a role. At the critical moment, Er Lengzi and Tie Zhu jumped up and sat firmly on the chairs, each occupying a table.

   "Hehe, I\'m sorry brother, we have reserved this table." The second fool smiled at the visitor.

   It’s just that the two groups of people on the opposite side are half a step faster.

  Although two sets of tables and chairs are occupied, the table is not big. Even with the addition of chairs, a table can only seat eight people. There are twenty-eight people in the group, and there are more than ten people who don\'t have a seat.

"Wait a minute, we came late, someone will finish eating later, and the table will be vacant. The tricks are all highlighted." The foreman surnamed Liu scanned around and saw that some tables were half eaten, so he asked With a wink, he reminded the standing Lifus.

   "There are so many people, how long do we have to wait." A Lifu said worriedly looking at the crowds in the store.

   "Yeah, there are too many people here, and we came late. By the time we arrive, it won\'t be afternoon."

   "I have to wait for a long time if I can\'t guarantee it."

  Many Lifu felt the same way. They felt that there were too many diners in Zhu Ji today, and some of them probably waited.

"Hehe, no, just order at ease. Did you see the words written on the hanging sign?!" Tie Zhu was not worried at all, and pointed to the two wooden signs hanging outside Zhu Ji. .

   "Tie Zhu, you bastard, you deliberately try to scare us, don\'t you know that I can\'t read?!"

   "Why, Tie Zhu, can you still read?! You speak like a scholar."

  Everyone couldn\'t help pointing at the iron pillar and scolding with a smile.

   "Hey, when we ate here last time, a teacher read it to us." Tie Zhu scratched his head and laughed.

   "You are still laughing with a hammer, tell us what is written on it?" the crowd urged.

"I don\'t remember exactly what it is, but it basically means that if you eat at Zhuji\'s, you can eat for six renminbi, and you can eat well for ten renminbi. They serve food very quickly. Hurry up, the food will be served within a cup of tea after ordering, and if the food is not served after a cup of tea, they won\'t charge you."

   Tie Zhu scratched his head, he couldn\'t repeat the original words, but he still remembered the general meaning, so he told everyone in plain language.

"real or fake?"

   "Six renminbi can be enough to eat, and ten renminbi can be enough to eat well?"

   "If a cup of tea is not served, they really don\'t charge for it?! Do they have more than ten chefs in the back kitchen?! It\'s a lie"

  Everyone was amazed and suspicious.

"It\'s written in black and white that the shopkeeper won\'t renege on his debts. If he dares to renege on his debts, we\'ll go to the Yamen to reason with him. Besides, I think his little shopkeeper is an honest person, not one who reneges on his debts." The second fool pointed at the shop. The sign hanging on the outside said that he was not worried about Zhu Ji\'s repudiation at all.

"With the ability to talk, we\'ve finished ordering all the dishes. Let\'s try to find out whether it\'s deceiving or not." The foreman surnamed Liu rubbed his hands, and lightly patted the head of the fool next to him. Grinning.

   "Liu Tou said, order, order" everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.

  The menu of Zhuji Fast Food is similar to the practice of restaurants in this era. There are three wooden signs hung on three eye-catching places inside and outside the store, and each wooden sign has a dish. But there are also differences, but divided into two areas.

One area is the fast food area, on which is written a line of big characters "Two Vegetables and One Meat (Six Wen); Two Meats and One Vegetarian (Ten Wen, the fast food area is divided into two parts, one is the meat dishes area, which is full of meat dishes, One part is the vegetarian dish area, which is full of vegetarian dishes, and there is no separate price tag behind the dishes.

The other area is the noodle soup area and wine area, where there are stewed fire, pork offal soup, etc. Each dish has its own standard price, ranging from Liuwen to Shiwen. Zhuji currently offers three kinds of drinks, the price is The altar is also standard at the back.

   "Isn\'t it? Two meat dishes, one vegetarian dish and three dishes only cost ten cents? If it\'s in a restaurant like Sihai Restaurant, it\'s not worth tens of cents." A Lifu opened his mouth in surprise after hearing the menu read.

   "But what about steamed buns and rice, how much is it?" Another Lifu couldn\'t help asking when he saw that the price of steamed buns and rice was not listed on the menu.

   "After ordering, the steamed buns and rice are free. You can eat whatever you want, and you can eat as much as you want, but there is one thing that you can\'t take away." Liu Dadao came out to greet the guests, and when he heard Lifu\'s doubts, he said to them with a hearty smile.

  At this moment, Liu Dadao was wearing a long-breasted work uniform custom-made by Zhu Ji, with a white towel and a white apron around his waist, looking very decent.

   "Really or not, what if you meet a big belly man?" Na Lifu asked with joy on hearing this.

   "Haha, Shitou, you still have the face to ask a big-bellied man, aren\'t you a famous big-bellied man yourself?!" Li Fu looked at the questioning Shitou and laughed.

   Under the booing of everyone, Shitou\'s dark and fat face turned red with embarrassment.

"Hahaha, my son said, it doesn\'t matter whether you are big-bellied or small-bellied, you are all distinguished guests of our Zhuji when you enter the door. Since we open a restaurant for business, there is no reason for the distinguished guests not to eat. So, you Open your belly and eat, our Zhuji rice and steamed buns are unlimited supply." Liu Dadao replied with a hearty smile.

   "Haha, that\'s what you said, don\'t think we eat too much then."

  Lifus listened to Liu Dadao\'s words, and all of them were very happy. No one who did hard work like them was not a big belly man. The difference is how big the problem is.

  (end of this chapter)