Rise From the Humble

Chapter 866: Zhu Ji walks up

Chapter 866 Zhu Ji walks up

"Hey, no. Idiot, Tie Zhu, what do you mean? Do you want to change the court? Is that boy Tie Ying pouring some ecstasy soup on you again?! You haven\'t got water in your head, what about me, Liu Er? I have treated you badly, and the "carrying pole money" charged is also notoriously low among the piers in this area, which is a full 10% less than other piers. If you want to go to Tieying West Wharf, you have to think carefully."

  The foreman surnamed Liu broke through the crowd and came to the two fools. He shook his head, sighed, and said in a constipated manner.

  Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

   The dock is the same.

Relying on the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the inner-city river shipping in the capital is also well-developed. Goods from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and the two lakes go north along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, passing through half of Daming, until they reach the Tonghui River in the capital, and then to the end of the inner city river in the capital. They stop every day There are countless large and small ships at the wharf of the inner city river, merchants go to eat, and scholars come and go.

  Ten miles away, there are thousands of fireworks; boats are like weaving, and department stores are piled up.

  With so many cargo ships, it is natural to need to work hard to load and unload them. It is no exaggeration to say that there are tens of thousands of people living on the pier in the capital.

  Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention the tens of thousands of people. They form a big river and lake-boat gang, and each dock is a small river and lake-sub-rudder. The docks in the capital are under their control. If you want to work hard and earn a living on the dock, you have to buy a "carrying pole" from the boat gang. Only those who have bought a "carrying pole" are eligible to earn a living on the dock. Of course, they can’t get in touch with the ship’s gang bosses. They can only contact the rudder owners of each wharf sub-rudder, that is, the foreman, and pay them to buy “carrying poles”.

The foreman surnamed Liu is the foreman of this pier, and the Tie Ying he is talking about is the foreman of the other wharf closest to them. The two piers are close to each other, and conflicts of interest are inevitable. Foreman Liu and Tie Ying often have conflicts over this. The two are notoriously at odds.

  After the foreman surnamed Liu finished speaking, the surrounding laborers gathered around again, and each one of them was half persuading and half teaching.

   "That\'s not true, Tie Ying and his wharf are transported by water. Not to mention tired, the monthly \'carrying pole\' money is dozens of cents more than Liu Tou."

   "Idiots, do you still have a conscience, how does Liu Tou treat you, don\'t you have any clues?!"

   "Don\'t ask for trouble, Tie Ying is not as easy-talking as our Liu Tou, and he will kill someone if he hits someone."

   "You young melons, your heads have been kicked by donkeys!"

   Speaking of the excitement, someone extended a slap and slapped the idiots on the head a few times.

   "No, there is no Liutou, we didn\'t want to change anything, we won\'t leave anyway." The second fool\'s face turned red when he heard this, his head shook as if he was about to take off.

   "That\'s right, I said, what are you all thinking, who wants to go to that **** Tie Ying, don\'t talk nonsense."

"Last year, my mother-in-law had a difficult labor. It was Liu Tou who gave half a year\'s wages in advance to save the lives of my mother-in-law and the child. I\'m not a beast, so why did I leave Liu Tou to go to Tie Ying\'s son? .”

   "Whoever wants to go to Tieying, the whole family will die!"

  Tie Zhu and the others also shook their heads one after another, categorically denying it, and finally swore an oath one by one.

   In ancient times, swearing and swearing was more convincing, but after the second idiot Tie Zhu and the others swear and swear, everyone\'s attitude towards them is obviously different.

   "Then what\'s the matter with you today? Liu Tou invited us to drink at Sihai Restaurant, why don\'t you go to such a good thing? Don\'t tell me that all of you have quit drinking?!"

  The crowd continued to ask.

"Why quit drinking! We don\'t go to Sihai Restaurant today, we want to go to Zhuji Fast Food for a delicious meal." Erlianzi and Tieniu replied, and when it came to Zhuji Fast Food, they couldn\'t help wiping their sleeves. I drooled.

   "What? Zhuji fast food? Zhuji fast food can be better than Sihai restaurants?! If you want to say that restaurants like Shilixiang and Cyclamen are more reliable."

  Everyone couldn\'t help shaking their heads and laughing when they heard the fool said that they wanted to have a good meal at Zhuji Fast Food.


  Er Lengzi and Tie Niu nodded vigorously.

   "What?! Don\'t be kidding, I haven\'t heard of Zhuji Fast Food before. It\'s either a small shop or a new one. What delicious food can it have?"

  Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and couldn\'t help laughing with the corners of their mouths pulled.

   "There are many delicious ones, such as pig heart, fatty intestines, pig liver, and pig head meat," the two fools pointed with their fingers.

   "Hahaha, returning the pig\'s heart and fat intestines. Isn\'t it just the pig\'s offal. Are you out of your mind, and the pig\'s offal can still be delicious?!" Everyone laughed when they heard this.

   "It\'s still delicious?!"

   The second stunned squinted his small eyes and glanced at everyone, snorted, grinned, and laughed at everyone, and the arc of his mouth was wider than everyone else.

   Whoops? !

I go!

  You idiot, what expression do you have? !

   Seeing this, everyone expressed that they would teach the fool.


   Er Lengzi raised his chin towards the crowd.

   "What do you hear?" Everyone looked puzzled.

   "Smell what?! Can you smell the fragrance floating in the air?!" The second fool took a deep breath of air, showing an intoxicated look.

   "You said this scent, I smelled it when I was resisting the goods, and I didn\'t know how many mouthfuls I swallowed."

   "I\'m afraid this scent is not someone\'s stewed dragon meat?!"

   "What\'s the matter, can this smell come from Zhuji fast food?!"

   "Impossible, even restaurants around the world can\'t produce this fragrance. This must be the fragrance from the back kitchen of some high-ranking official. It seems that Qianweihou\'s Mansion is not far from here."

  Everyone smelled the tantalizing fragrance in the air, and expressed their opinions in one go, and felt that they were foolish and they were playing tricks.

"This smell is from Zhuji Fast Food. We can still admit our mistake after eating it once. Three days ago, the owner of Zhuji Fast Food invited us to taste it for free. The taste, tsk tsk, almost swallowed the delicious tongue, Once you eat it, you will never forget it for the rest of your life. I’m not bragging, if you eat it once, you will feel the same way.”

   The two fools and the others recalled the last time they ate stewed stew, and their saliva couldn\'t help but flow down.

   "It\'s really so delicious?!"

  Everyone couldn\'t help being a little tempted.

   "Why, don\'t you believe me?! Haven\'t you smelled this fragrance? Let me tell you, it smells a hundred times better than this one when you eat it." The two fools and the others couldn\'t help but babbled.

   "Then, shall we also go to Zhuji to try?"

   "It\'s ok, where are you going to eat, don\'t tell me, this fragrance is really delicious, it makes my mouth water when I smell it."

   "Would you like to try it?"

   "Try it and try it."

  Everyone was tempted, not because of their eloquence, but because of the ubiquitous smell of meat in the air, which was too convincing.

"That\'s fine, let\'s go to Zhuji instead. It\'s still the old rule. Before the meal, everyone will share it equally, and the wine will be charged to my account. Hehe, if Zhuji is not delicious, I won\'t say it, and the big guys know what to do." how to do it?"

  Anyway, it’s a treat, and it’s the same wherever you eat. The foreman surnamed Liu changed the place of the treat to Zhuji Fast Food. Finally, he raised his arms and pointed at the two fools with a smile, winking at everyone.

   "Hahaha, if it doesn\'t taste good, I\'ll peel it alive and eat it as a stew."

  Everyone burst into laughter.

   A group of dozens of people, talking and laughing, strode towards Zhuji fast food under the guidance of the two fools.

  (end of this chapter)